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Everything posted by motoradler
  1. Hi, That is good to hear- I haven't found much against this bike, is looking promising. The extra weight I would doubt make a difference in the lowest class... how heavy are they spec? My Mont is alleged to be 85KG wet weight, the Honda is 112KG supposedly, I would guess somewhere in the middle... will take it for a test ride tomorrow and see how it rides, looks a bit rough on the edges now I examine the photo's closely, a bit of grunge on the footpeg bolts but not bad overall. Is this likely to be a 1975 then? Advertised as a 74, I was too ignorant to know it wasn't... it has a blue frame and a white tank and guards, assuming this isn't stock. Thanks, Regards, EM EDIT: Attached is a photo of the supposed bike, I've just noticed the guards and the forks seem slightly different to the photographs I've seen of other KT250's, can someone clarify this?
  2. Greetings All, I've recently found a 1974 Kawasaki KT250 in reasonable condition for it's age, running well. I've been considering buying it as a second bike to my Cota 311, to ride the aircooled series. What's the typical value of these bikes these days? He is asking around half what I payed for the Cota, which was slightly better condition, but given it's newer that is understandable. Is this a reasonable amount? Does anyone have much information on these? Would they be suitable for riding sportsman and eventually clubmans rounds? From research the biggest problems seem to be poor ability on tight turns and easily stalled, but would this even be a consideration at that level? And mainly, any typical problems on these bikes, e.g, when I go to view it, what should I look for. Thanks for your time. Regards, EM
  3. Hiya, Had someone have a look at it, it appears to be an odd system, and mismatching from the manual also- it has a yellow wire coming from the alternator, by the looks of it, then it goes into the regulator, brings it down to 10-13 volts, then its got the little red box which was supposed to be the regulator, but we established is actually the rectifier- putting a TT125 reg/rect combo unit on it brought out 6 volt DC, but the Yamaha has two AC in wires, whereas the Montesa only seems to have one... As far as I understand, this is why we are only getting half the voltage, so would it be possible to splice the AC in into two channels for one of these units to get a 12V DC out? Cheers, EM
  4. Its a separate rectifier/regulator, if I understand correctly. The regulator's power comes from a yellow wire from what I assume is the rectifier, which is next to the CDI and the coil, and two wires come from the regulator, one goes to the thermo switch, the other straight to the fan. Cheers, EM
  5. Alright, will put a multimeter on it as soon as I can. Just don't want to blow up another one... if the rectifiers buggered though, what would the voltage be, a lot higher and AC? Cheers. EM
  6. Greetings all, So a couple of months ago I bought my first trials bike (exciting! ), a Montesa 311, spent much of the first two months just getting a feel for it- much different to the 4T's I'm used to! Anyway, about a month ago I noticed the fan wasn't spinning- yup typical story, fan burnt out, you know the drill. Checked off all of these- Fan- burnt out, new one on the way Thermostat- all good Wiring- Fine, current comes through However- on advice from a friend, I tested the regulator first to make sure I wasn't going to bugger up a new fan as well- and discovered its overvolting. I tested a 12 volt computer fan (definitely worked before, on a 12v car battery), first just hooked it up to the wires and turned the engine over slowly- did spin, but when I started the bike it spun for perhaps half a second then died. Now won't spin off a car battery, so pretty sure the bike burnt it out. Now I've been told to test the output from the rectifier to ensure its delivering the correct voltage to the regulator, but what should the correct voltage be on these, 20-30AC? Output for the Regulator I understand should be 12DC, but the yellow wire coming from the rectifier I have not test yet as I don't know what setting I should test them on the multimeter. Anyhow, apologies for the mass of text, if you can enlighten a total beginner it would be much appreciated. Cheers, EM
  7. Nice photos; wish I was that good at that age! Still liked the bike when I saw it, but as I never rode it, still curious how it would ride... I almost grabbed a late 80's Honda trial bike, but thought better of it.
  8. Did they still make older models for a short while after a new model came out? I'm not sure how to find out the year, but it was advertised as a 1996. Saying that though, the later models would have had a HRC engine yeah? This ones got Montesa on the side. Alright, I purchased it! Whooo! First trials bike. XD I brought it home last night and spent about an hour just trying to get a feel for it, and its certainly a very different bike to my 4 stroke Honda. I was concerned it was being sold because there was something wrong with it, but I highly doubt that now; when I went to get it, it hadn't been started at all that day, and went with the first kick (a lot of compression in a 250cc to kick it over, not like my 125). The seller said the only reason he was selling it was because it doesn't get enough use since he bought a KTM. Anyhow, spent some time last night with it going over just wooden pellets and posts, seems to be able to handle anything I point it at effortlessly, even with my beginner-skillset on top. Hoping to have a lot of fun in the weeks to come. Anyway, thank you all for your advice and help. EM
  9. Its the 1996 Montesa Cota 311, is there anything bad about it being two models behind the 315? I understand parts aren't as widely available for the older Montesa-only designed ones, is that true? Its in mint condition my the looks of it, and the seller says it has had very little use; and just had new fork seals, so I'm hoping thats a sign it has been looked after. The seller for the TL was after around a $1000, but I didn't personally think it was worth that, more around the $700-$800mark - with that in mind, would the Montesa be worth the $1500 I've put as my limit on it? Sorry should have specified, its not the original spring, though I doubt that matters if it works. Thanks all, EM EDIT: I have never owned a liquid-cooled bike before either, is there anything in specific I should check on it in that regard? Here's a photo of the bike;
  10. Alright, just thought I'd let you know, I had a look at the bike on the weekend; the bloody thing didn't start! XD It has an electrical problem the seller didn't mention on the ad, the HT lead and maybe the coil. Not a huge problem to fix, so long as the coil is widely available, but it did put me off a little. The other issue I have found is, it seems a little highly priced for what it is in todays market. If the auction passes in I may make him an offer to see if he takes it, else I have my eye on a 96 Monty that looks in great condition; any opinions on them? Thanks for the advice; I certainly liked the look and feel of the bike but as I wasn't able to test ride it I can't say what it's like, and I'm certainly not buying a bike I haven't ridden before. Alright fair enough, I thank you. If I do end up getting it I'll certainly try to do all that, improve it as much as I can. And yeah I think it did have the 4 bolts near the valve caps.. the other issue (which is probably inconsequential), the seller modded the frame to fit a TL200 engine in, and then put the 125 engine back in, so the frame isn't stock for the 125. The footpeg has a spring the guy put on to keep it out of the way of the kickstart lever. Thanks all for the good advice. EM
  11. Okay fair enough. I'll talk to the owner tomorrow and see what has been done with it, I know he has modded the seat and shocks somewhat, hoping not a bad thing. I was taught to ride motorcycles in the first place on a GasGas 125 by a trials instructor, but I understand that bike would have been a much easier and less skill-requiring ride than the heavier Honda, correct? Once again thank you for the advice. EM
  12. I see. In that light, I think this bike is probably worth what the guy is asking. And also, I probably wouldn't worry about switching engines, at least until I can get a lot more experience under my belt. Thanks for the advice. Thanks; thats good to know it'll be decent enough with rider skill, as I would like to compete at some stage. How much help would mods such as that be? If it would make a definate positive difference to the bike then it'd be worth seeing if I can get access to the campus workshop... The TL is a 1976, but I'm not sure if it is the S model; the other thing will be, the person I'm buying it from has used it for the aircooled classes in the local trials club so it may already have had those things done. I would check in any case. I assume those numbers are just the number of teeth on each sprocket? Would finding a slow turn throttle that can fit this bike be an issue, or is it more or less universal? Thanks all for your advice. EM
  13. Of course, I am going to see how it rides this weekend. I'm not a novice when it comes to motorbikes, but with trials I've only ever ridden modern Gas Gas 4 strokes, which I understand are vastly different to classic trials bikes, so I wanted as much information from people who've ridden them as I could. Thanks. EM EDIT: I just about forgot; does anybody have any idea what the value on these is? It's in tidy condition, not fantasic but acceptable considering its a 76, and the seller is asking just under a grand for it.
  14. How grunty is the stock engine? I'm fairly competent when it comes to motorcycle engines but I wouldn't be that keen to get it rebored, at least straight away. Are you saying other engines of similar dimensions are able to be fitted into this frame? Having never owned a trials bike, how much extra maintenance is typically involved? I have a 78 XL125 right now (part of the reason I fancy the TL is it is supposed to have similar engine parts), could I use the same oil and petrol (10-40W and 91) in the TL? I don't want to ruin the bike by being too cheap, but I'm a student with a tight budget so I can't get too carried away. Thank you for your advice. EM
  15. Greetings all, I am currently in the market for a smaller displacement trials bike for a beginner rider, and I've recently come across a Honda TL125 that's within the budget. I've done considerable research on this bike and the biggest drawback I've seen is the lack of power to make it competitive; Is there anyone here with this bike who can give me some advice on this machine? Ideally I'd like to know if I could practice on it (beginner here. ) adequately and it would have littletrouble carrying me over smaller logs and ditches, and then eventually do beginner classes in the air cooled trials events. Thanks for your trouble, EM
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