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  1. Believe it or not the 290 will run with the piston in the wrong way round,i once bought a bike in this condition,i didnt notice it when i did a test ride,it was weeks later when i began to notice things were not just right.During my attemps to sus things out,i too noticed that the spark was weak,but i have since discovered through my postings on this site that its not un common. On the subject of your piston,if your dealer is certain its the correct one, i would put it in.Afterall, he is the MAIN dealer an he is CERTAIN its the right one. I had a similaar problem to yours regarding the starting,when i turned up at a trial,sometimes i realy struggled to get the bike started,things came to a head at one particular trial when it just wouldnt go.I ended up stripping carb off etc.eventually got it going.I came to the conclusion that the engine was getting flooded while being bounced around on the tailer.Now i turn fuel off and let engine run out of fuel befor loading onto trailer,and now the starting problems have dissapeared. i have also changed the plug to a BP5EVX.
  2. Crap buid quality B*****cks!!.I`ve seen afew gassers snap in two,but never a sherco sorry not talking aboot the frames mate im talking about the bag of old spanners they call an engine!!!ive heard quieter JACK HAMMERS! After all that today i bought my lad a gasser,its an 03 125,been stuck in a shed almost all its life,mint If only i could post some pics.Watch this space
  3. I just think that sometimes,toes are going to touch,wether to gain advantage or accidental,its a hard one for an observer to call. I can see your point.Its a tad difficult to explain my point,but in some situations like say the rider is on a sloped rock for instance at lets say 45degrees,he almost makes it,he tries to get the bike up by rocking it or whatever,because of the steepness of the slope,he`s toes are going to touch,unless he curls them up or stands on the peg with the balls of his feet,which is not really a good idea. Its a tough one
  4. I personally dont think it should be counted as a dab.If you get in a situation where your foot is so close to touching the floor or a rock,the action of you manouvering the bike makes it impossible not to touch the floor.It would be hard for an observer to tell the difference between a dab,or touching ground accidently whilst manouvering etc,so for this reason i think it shouldnt count as a dab. Today i have been to the british trial at skyrakes,Its surprising how many rider`s toes touch the rocks or whatever in this situation.Its immpossible to tell wether its done accidently or used to gain an advantage.You could argue till you are blue in the face. The only thing i can compare all this to is the offside rule in footy,where there is a "dogy offside decision"almost every weekend."was he on or was he off",Didn he touch or did he gain an unfair advantage" blah blah blah... If anybody knows about footy,then you will know what i mean
  5. Crap buid quality B*****cks!!.I`ve seen afew gassers snap in two,but never a sherco
  6. Theres no chance of it being any good.Everything made in china regarding motorbikes is CRAP.I bought a chinese PY for my lad,it was total rubbish,never seen such poor quality manufacturing. I`m in my 2nd year of sherco ownership now,and after some initial problems caused by a previous owner,i just cant fault it. Sherco forever
  7. i`ve just started getting my bits from penine trials sport.I recently ordered some suspension bearings and they arrived less than 24 hrs later.
  8. Hi,i dont know much about side car riding,but i have retared the ignition on my 04 290.The bike is now a lot softer than it was when i bought it,i also put a slow throttle on to help matters. The reason i did it is because when i bought the bike i was a bit green(after not riding for a couple of years) and it was "getting away "from me if you know what i mean.Now its much softer.There`s still plenty of power when you need it,but i`m not sure how you would go on witha side car.The job is dead easy to do.If i were you i`d try retarding. Dont know much about boysens and kehein carbs so cant help there.Hope this helps
  9. gasgasssser

    Ngk Plug

    I use theBP5evx,definately better than the standard plug(for me anyway) and it costs more but well worth it.
  10. Regarding the fork seals i`d say do them yourself,I`ve done mine recently on my sherco and i found the job easy.It helps alot if you have the tool though(i made my own)
  11. gasgasssser

    Which 290 Plug

    I used to have a gasser.Thats why i now `ve a sherco
  12. It could be he dogbone bearings,shock bushes or the bearings under the swingarm which conect the d-link thingy,or a combination of all three. I have a sherco,i`m assuming the gassers have a similar rear suspension setup. I have just changed the whole lot on mine.I slight bit of play is ok but sounds like something could be worn on yours.
  13. gasgasssser

    Which 290 Plug

    Hi,i think the standard plug is a BP5ES,but i find the BP5EVX platinum is far better for starting especially when hot,and it seems to last forever. It costs a bit more but in my opinion its well worth it .
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