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Everything posted by gasgasssser
  1. Ususally aluminium bolts have copper grease on them to stop them siezing.Its good practise to grease bolts up after removal.If they are greased,you shouldnt have any problems.As for the kick start,my friend had a 250 `04 gasser,his kick start wore away right at the bottom where the lever swings out over the bit thats bolted to the shaft(couldnt explain any better),but his bike often kicked back.Maybe this was the cause?
  2. What they should do is do away with the whole dogbone thing like the betas have.Makes you wonder why no other manufacturer has done the same.Meanwhile,if i clean/grease monthly,i`l be bloody good at it eventually Maybe i should post the time it takes me to do it and start some sort of "dogbone greasin`challenge!!!!
  3. I`ve just replaced the dog bone bearings on my 290.I was wondering what you lot do (if anything) to protect them.They get all the muck and water thrown at them whilst riding and i also blast that particular area with my power washer.(probably not a good idea).I thought about plastering them with waterproof grease to keep the water out.What do you lot think?? Cheers
  4. Thanks....BUT,i got as far as pasting the url in the text box,but i cant find an OKAY button.Did you mean the return/enter button on the keyboard? this doesnt do anything anyway...hmmmmm
  5. Should be an NGK BP5ES,Coffe coulor is normal.
  6. Thanks Gaz,i was thinking on those lines myself.Just needed to hear it from someone else,Cheers
  7. How do you post a link then change the name of it to something else?? Cheers
  8. I`ve decided to renew the dog bone bearings on my 04 290.I`ve noticed that the bolts which go through the (new)bearings and bolt one end of the dog bone to the frame, are quite loose,just a normal kind of fit,not what you would call a presision fit.Similar at the opposite end. The bolts are new so i`m assuming this is normal. What do you guys think?,also should there be any play at all when its all bolted back together? Cheers
  9. gasgasssser

    07 250 Beta

    Where did you get the bike stand,the one on the right that is??
  10. Hi,it should be 2%,think that is 50:1
  11. Its not good to pick the bike up using the exaust,although its very tempting `cos they are like a big grab rail on the sherco! Get the bike up on a stand if you can,then check for play in dog bone bearings.(just grab the rear wheel and see if there is any up/down play,if its exessive,you may have to replace the bearings) Also check the wheels for dents on the rims,and that they are not buckled.Make sure the engine sounds sweet with no rattles.Its also a good idea to try and run the engine for about 20mins,to make sure that there is no problems with the stator,though this is not always convenient. When you grab the front brake lever and rock the bike back and forth,you will feel a bit of play,this is normal because of the floating front disk.You can also check headstock bearings for play using this method. I give you these tips purely based on my experiance of buying a second hand sherco myself,when i didnt check anything on the bike
  12. As far as i`m aware,if you are riding on land without the owners permission,the cops can take your bike,without even asking questions.Not sure what happens next,i think its a fine to get the bike back,but if its not paid up,the bike gets crushed. I would say that you are better off keeping away from places that are full of idiots flying round,you just get tarred with the same brush.At leas if your on your own somewhere quiet,i think most cops will tell you to get lost first,before taking your bike.
  13. stick some ipone oil in your fuel.Smells like strawberries,that way you still get headache,but the smell is worth it
  14. Anybody know where i get some ipone 2stroke oil near burnley(lancs).I can order it by post but its about
  15. So,if i`m having problems starting the bike,assuming every thing else is as it should be,should i always use the correct grade of fuel,or use the normal unleaded???. I know i should use the recomended 98ron,but is it going to start easier with the 95ron.I`m a tad confused now
  16. I`ve just been reading about the difference between unleade(95RON),and super unleaded(98RON).My sherco is supozed to run on 98RON.On the few occasions i1ve had problems,i post a message on this site and usually i get asked if i`m using the correct fuel.I always thought that the super unleaded ignited easier,but apparently not,in fact,quite the opposite.The RON factor is a measure of the fuels resistance to explode due to high compression(and cause pinking or pinging)rather than be ignited at the exact time by the spark. I never knew this,but now i feel enlightened,and i thought i would post this message because i`m sure ther are riders out there who thought as i did...........or maybe not!!
  17. Does anybody know if this club has a website?? Cheers
  18. "This has nothing really to do with ebay....It was the dealer...and eBay was just the advert that brought you in" neo Its everything to do with ebay.I bought it off ebay,because it was advertised on ebay!!!.This guy could have been anybody.he just happened to be a (DODGY)dealer,that doesnt mean its nothing to do with ebay! Like somebody said earlier,ebay is a good way of getting shut of dodgy bikes,but if you know your stuff,you can get good quality bikes!! Just be carefull steve PS, couldnt do the quote thingy!
  19. My advice is dont do it unless you know what to look out for.I bought a 04 290 sherco about a year ago.It never run right since the day i bought it.I took it for a test ride,but i didnt notice much wrong with it.Soon as i got it home i realised something was wrong.It had a slight splutter on low revs when the throttle was opened,just like the carb was blocked or something. I bought it from a dealer,so i took it back and said its not running right,but i just got fobbed off.The guy said two guys who he knew took it for a spin and said it was fine.I got so p****d of i asked for my money back,he nearly caved in then said no.It turned out the stator was knackered and get this..piston in wrong way round!!!! (hence the splutter) I knew it wasnt running right.He must have been lying about his two mates or they didnt have a clue. So if you do buy off ebay be carefull,and if you dont like the look of it,dont buy it.Better to have negative feedback than buy a duff bike Steve
  20. round 2 thursday at 7PM Also on thurs 9am,sunday 3.30
  21. All you can do is keep an eye on the eurosport website.Times tend to vary though,so dont book a day off work
  22. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...885468051222934
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