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Posts posted by gasgasssser
  1. Can any body help,i am trying to replace the radiator on my 04 290 sherco.I ordered one from MRS,but the sent the wrong one(with KTM stamped down the side!),It was nearly a fit,but when i tried to get the plug cap on,there wasnt enough room to get the cap completely on.When i sent it back(with my old one),some bloke at MRS rekons

    my original one is off a scorpa,which is B*****ks.If any one out there could take a pick of their rad,or describe the shape of it,(the one they sent had angular corners at the top,but mine has square corners)That would be most helpfull.

    Steve :banana2:

    PS,2003,2004 and 2005 models all have the same rad.

  2. I have an 04 290,soon as i got it i noticed the gearing was totaly different to my old gasser and most other bikes i`ve ridden for that matter.There is to0 big a difference from 3rd to 4th in my opinion,but i suppoze it depends what kind of riding you do.I only really n otice when blasting out of steep ravine for instance,i can screw the ar** off it in 3rd,change up and the bike only just makes it out wheras me old gasser would just keep going.

    It can get a bit annoying,but its just a case of adjusting your riding style.I would say if you are thinking of getting one,i would borrow your mates sherco for a day because its definatlly something you need to consider.


  3. In my experiance,an 80kg bike is no problem at all once you get used to it.You only feel the weight if you get into situations that are to difficult for you,then you havt to start lugging the bike around if you get stuck somewhere,thats when it feels heavy.If you stick to a level that you can handle,you can keep moving and enjoy it.

  4. Hi`

    you`v obviously got one or two problems there,but at the end of the day,you shouldnt have to keep messing with the air screw and mixture etc.Every body always goes for the carb,but carbs are relativley problem free and usually the problems lie elswhwhere,i know this from my own experiances.You say you are new,my advice is make sure you have the correct pilot and main jets,and the correct fuel.There is no way you should be drilling jets out bigger.Clean carb thoroughly,use compressed air if available.Make sure needle valve clip is in correct poition.Also,get an exploded drawing of your carb to make sure nothing is missing

    Check carb for any obviouse faults such as fuel leaks,cracks in carb body etc.

    If it doesnt run now,chances are someting else is causing the problem.


  5. hey scraggy,

    When your bike is running "ok,"is it exactly how you would expect it to be???,smooth tickover/pickup etc?


    PS when you say its running lean,how do you know this?,what are the symptoms

  6. I give you my opinion based on a similar experiance.

    If you stator is knackered,either the bike wont run at all,or it will start after being stopped for several hours,then it will run for a short period then give up the ghost again.

    Have you assembled your carb correctly?,floats in right way?you havnt blown away the o`ring off the idle screw,or is it the mixture screw?...Sounds like your accelerator cable maybe sticking or binding.Make sure the slide returns to its closed position with a metalic "knock".If you cant hear it,sometings not right.

    When you say "runing lean at tickover",do you mean the motor is reving up on its own??,I would say this is a sign that the slide/needle valve is not seating properly,or you have an air leak.

    I had an 04 290 with a very similar problem.It would start from cold,although not easily,then it would run for about 10 mins,then cut out dead,no missing or anything to warn me.There was no way it woud start again till several hours later.A new stator sorted it.

    Hope you get it sorted.Does your `ead in dunnit???


  7. hi,

    I have an `04 2.9. The bike should run at 2% no problem.(This is tha manufacturer recomendation)I would say get a new plug in first.You havnt mixed your oil wrong??,you shoul have 100 mls of oil howeverI run mine with 75 mls and i know of quite a few people who do.Then check your mixture screw.It sshoul be 3.5 turns out from fully screwed in.


    PS,try running the bike without an air filter just to make sure its not blocked

  8. Is it normal for the chain to wear out before the sprockets??.I`ve recently taken a link out of my chain `cos i couldnt take the slack out with the snail cams.While i was messing with it,i noticed that the rollers on the chain are sitting on the foward flank.Looks worn.What do you think.

    PS the sprokets are fine.



  9. Hi,i had to replace my stator on my `04 recently,but fortunatlly for me it was a leonelli system.

    What exactly has happened to your flywheel?normally if the key shears the damage isnt to bad.Is it all knackered inside the bore??

    Get the flywheel and have a look at it.Its not that i am doubting your mechanic,but it must be in a fair old state to be needing total replacement.


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