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Everything posted by carfield
  1. Totally agree, it all to do with the ambiance and enthusiasam and best of all the welcome and the many friends from Germany, Netherlands,Belgium and France that i have made over the years at this event Scotts are very much an aquired tast love em or hate them ! I must love them i have 5 . i have a 1914 cut away engine in my front room it gets more attention than the square electrical picture thing as the engineering was right from day one you mention aerco it all continued with george silk and yamaha claimed a reverlution with the rd350lc it all been done before . it time to get fettling the next mount Sunbeam S8 trials
  2. Just curious would be a change to the never ending supply of Cubs and ex gpo bantams . The only concern I have are the sutability for large long and heavy trials bikes , to the point would anyone get an entry on a early lambretta ?
  3. Both very intresting machines and obvousley ridden to there best I have seen one of these Scotts at a trial and wonder if ether of them would be welcomed in the pre 65 Scottish 2 day
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