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Everything posted by chewy
  1. Would the logic (of this rule) be to save the observer from having to stick the flag in over and over again? not only tiresome but time consuming. I have to say it would be a dab or whatever not a five in my book the serious competitor always gets to know his observers ...for good reason with all these rules to interpret /deal with.
  2. Long time since I rode Jersey it looks like they have started to make sensible sections..I know video is decieving. Ps how long to upload this ? do you just set it off ouploading and leave it overnight? is there a way of getting upload speeds better?
  3. Nice; we rode at one of those places this summer (St.Pantalion les vines) the artificial section was built by Jerome Betune for practicing on, the rocks are as grippy as you'll ever find..shred tyres though..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm PS the bike at 3.37 was interesting too
  4. This is the only forum worth following at the moment ..excellent..it is very hard to "rise" above it and understand what is being said and retain a passionate interest in it. however it does seem to be developing into a sort of concencus; i.e there are two forms to our sport, One is increasingly becoming more specialized /esotoric and is within the realms of ability of fewer competitors. This form of trials has been encouraged and promoted internationally at the highest level, for youngsters it remains as something to aspire to, for those of us who have concluded it's not within our abilities it remains entertaining. The other is more traditional and inclusive of just about anybody who can make the effort to get involved, it provides good sport for the majority of us. The trick circus form of trials has grown on the back of traditional trials, it has been possible to accomadate both forms of riding as trick has evolved with multi route sections (which place complicated demands on COC's, the available land etc) and not least the observers. From all I read and hear regarding this discussion it is the observers who will be drawing the line in the sand.....they have already put up with taking on 4 times (or however many laps of a field the trial is) instead of one section with all riders passing within a couple of hours,, now we ask them to watch stop & hop, placing of kickers,distraction techniques and above all disputes regarding thier judgement. I cant help but wish for the good old days when we had single lap trials over plenty of distance where the pleasure was derived from just being there enjoying the scenery, your mates,the craic, you the bike & the section ..whatever. I cant help but think also that if the sales promotional budgets dispered on WTC..glamour, aspiration etc were put into keeping the tracks,lanes rights of way areas of land generally available for sensible trials we would have many more bums on seats, more pleasure, less arguments and a bigger voice or presence in the general picture of motor sport /leisure. Arguing amongst ourselves is OK but we are a divided minority within a minority. In a real world though it is the youngsters who will inherit what's left of trials...they are not stupid but they may not be aware of how good the traditional way of doing it was.
  5. I think anarchy is a better way keeping conventional motors it's an engineering solution with (for me) a reduction in pleasure quotient to a social problem (I'm too old to have issues).
  6. Insurance brokers are at he forefront of modern culture (but not in front of civil servants, solicitors, managment consultants,better stop at that else I'll upset everybody!); they expect to live the good life and make damm sure of it by asking for "money for old rope".. we can only blame ourselves for letting them get away with it.
  7. Hey munch If you expect me to buy you a pint in May I need to keep other outgoings down..us retired folk have a fixed income ..once its spent you can't replace it. I am not intending to import or anything like that those days of 1.5 euros for a quid are long gone. It was interesting to hear of yet another grey area (exemption from SVA test and COC) if it was a Stevie Ray Vaugn test I could understand that) Thanks all for your help..it (homog whatsited) would seem an irrelevance..thats all I needed to know.
  8. I was going to make a similar observation, but decided it would only be pi**ing in the wind as are so many of these grey /unexplained areas of trying to do the right thing regarding trials bike. Last time around I had a right pop at the broker guy about exactly your situation above..its to do with the make and model being "on the register" hence my query regarding homologation and a previous Question/rant about this. As you and I know there are specialist insurers available , however I would have thought it in the interest of our sport in general not least the manufacturers /inporters (not to dare mention govorning /representative bodies) to do all they can to facilitate trials both on and off road.
  9. So far as I know it means fit to be used on public roads to a roadworthy standard (that being an internationally recognized standard) I.e full size no plate ,lights sidestand which flips up when you take the weight off it? bits and bobs which arn't neccesary for trials generally. Hence the gravity of my question ; it's no point in me buying a trials bike which I want to use on public roads (taxed /registered) if the tax people won't allow it on the road. It probably rules out several choices of bike for me.
  10. been doing a lot of head scratching regards what bike to get next year (always wait until January ) Amongst all the considerations I need to understand the implications of buying a non homolugated bike here in the UK (We are unique in Europe in being able to do this and there are price advantages to be had in doing so). I can see on GG UK which of thier models are or arn't;; what about other makers? What exactly are the implications eg.; Is it possible to road reg a non homologated bike? If so how does this affect insurance grouping/cost? (you need insurance to apply for tax!!) I've also been looking at buying a new small car and that is relatively straightforward (and similar price to new trials bike) On The Road price vendor registers and taxes it all in the price...I won't even go into warranties at this time...pointless until road reg/tax/insurance understood.
  11. did you "prime" the slave cylinder somehow get fluid behind the pistons. best done on assembly of pistons into thier pots. once thats full..fluid coming out of the nipple you can back bleed using a syringe ensuring that master cylinder piston is fully back.
  12. I'm not an expert either but why not fit it and run it? one assumes the cover is before the filter...freeing up air flow or getting more air would logically only affect high demand/revs assuming the filter doesn't slow it down. I would have thought that a bigger capacity airbox would produce better resposes through the throttle openings but a bigger hole in the filter cover with the same filter ??????????
  13. Thats exactly my problem (Baldilocks... £5500 oh i'll order 2 then.....although Janet loves her little Evo it's due for renewal soon ) At this sort of money for a new model first year it seems I may have to "put my blinkers on" Is this price official? or rumour. The Ossa does indeed look like a good proposition not least for the reasons below..(Birks has a good track record alng with John Lampkin) Regards Eddie Lejeunes query ; I put that one up last week re new bike prices. After dealing with Mark at BVM for 30 odd years some well meaning fellow advised me to go to BVM for a "deal" the point I was making is that there are several factors to consider when buying a new bike and to know if you are getting a deal you at least need to know list price, warranty ,insurance cost etc.
  14. Is it a strong spark... have you ried closing the gap down... have you dried/heated the plug with a blowtorch..can you risk a bump start..it might just be flooded now. just keep telling it resistance is futile!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. If you get no takers (don't mean that in a nasty way) why not contact Western CTR ACU (google website) make contact with clubs locally folk are screaming out for somewhere to practice/ride. I'm just a bit too old and far away for you but there are loads riders near to you.
  16. It seems this topic has degenerated into chaos as usual. You would have thought it in the interests of new bike buyers to know exatly what they are getting for thier money and (at least have an idea of)how that money is shared out between manufacturers ,importers, retailers taxes etc. We all have opinions (possibly based on first hand experience of these things that matter to us) however to answer the original question requires accurate information. My opinion based on long experience (not particular to trials bikes)is that the cost of any product bears little or no relation to the final sale price. The seller asks for what he thinks the buyer will pay. How he asseses this will be from first hand experience, product promotion/response and watching competitors in the same market place. As we are talking specifically here about a leisure product where testorerone ,brand affinity /loyalty and divided opinion are important factors for the seller to fix his price it seems safe to assume from this forum that the seller in this case has us well organised. Reading this back it sounds like textbook marketing theory which is effectivly tell them what they want show them what they want tell them what it's worth..repeat ad infinitum.
  17. good choice thats the one I got last year........ I couldn't bring myself to rely on sticky to fasten to helmet but its good to experiment and get it set up for good field of vision..I then bolted it in place with a couple of m4 csk mch screws cutting the strofaom to allow acces .then glued stro back in place, hope you learn faster tha me when it comes to editing (using corel video studio 4) Beware of memory consumption I started out at 1080...HD but now gone down to 780 ish? where 10 minutes or so is about a gigabyte. I've just started wading through 32 gig ( had to stop there as laptop was full!) of clips from summer trials hols in europe. Bigfoot is the man re video stuff.
  18. I wouldn't expect to see a machine examiner (if at all) with a weighbridge at any trial soon.
  19. but they have such a cool sexy sticker
  20. chewy

    Jetting 2012 290

    it may be the fuel inlet (float needle) jet size; there was a spate of problems a while back when flat out down the road it "runs out of fuel" let it tick over for a moment and hey presto.????????????? only a casual thought.
  21. Wellcome to the forums. Fortunatly a few of us are still able to find and ride trials with interzone or tracks/rough country to cross between sections e.g. SSDT average of 100 miles a day. with this in mind yes higher gears are needed. Whilst all weight is relevant a few gears down in the heart of the motor /gearbox /C.O.G. are far less relevant than e.g. a full tank of fuel on most bikes.
  22. chewy

    Rear shock set-up

    I considered it; seems to me that mine is overdamped with no further adjustment and it has been like it since new, I'll be damned if I want to send them my shock and pay again for same old crap (and have my bike unavailable for how long?). Yes it's slightly undersprung (for my weight) and grossly overdamped... I was going to mod the linkage (ctrs.) but this would only effectively make it more undersprung. I understand the 2012 will have a decent shock fitted as std. with some mods to the linkage. Not before time have they "bit on this bullet" if you search just these forums Sherco shock & rear suspension woes have been ongoing for years. I geuss the bike manufacturers generally get tied into purchasing contracts for outsourced components and adopt the mentality that its good enough for the punters even though we know that its crap and our supported riders (paid for out of sales) must have better. Even though my (2011ST250) is generally way better than my ability nowadays it really has been a bad experience from start to finish..The next bike I buy will be subject to far more rigorous specifying/trying /looking/testing and not least a warranty period and service contract comensurate with the rest of Europe. I seem to be in a minority of one regarding trying to get quality and value for money out of a leisure product.
  23. Just had a go the missuses evo front brake ..snatchy .I.ve reduced the friction area of the pad and on the drive it feels better ..full test tommorrow.
  24. For those of us who would rather give it a wide berth how does one know if pump fuel is ethanol free? or is it all thesame in this respect.
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