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Everything posted by chewy
  1. not a great help but I bought some (when on holiday) from Dherbey moto Near Geneva France.. a couple of euros each there must be somebody in uk who stocks them.
  2. Is there a uk site or means of finding out and comparing the LIST or RRetail price of new bikes and what this price covers eg. on the road? warranty /period... etc. etc. eg. Make Model base price(in a box no vat?) on the road inc.
  3. primary compression?..seals?
  4. excellent it was my "time" rode a few classic trials on modern bikes this summer with Charles similar ambiance thanks TFT for putting this one up. Mt. Ventoux is only about 20 miles from one of our summer practice grounds. Excellent thanks again.
  5. I bought a new ST last October ..I havn't been invited to the Sherco test day. It was the worst bike to ride I have bought in 45 years (the other was a twin shock Montesa) I have had to do a lot of work on basic elements such as rear suspension, steering, carburation/ignition timing. On the other hand apart from two serious warranty problems (one dragged on for months preventing me from riding it). it has stayed put together pretty well. The tests you see published in the papers in my opinion are always more of a rave review so you are doing the right thing by asking for opinion, the advise above regarding trying bikes out is sound also. I usually have a new bike every year but can't warrant spending the money they are nowadays asking for any of em at the moment. I'm waiting now for a good look at the JTG (Jotagas).
  6. Rocky is right check for fuel in the flaot bowl.
  7. chewy

    DVLA - 1st reg

    Interestingly nobody seems to care.. typical anyc*nt, somec*nt and noc*nt story. Oh well I.ve had my day.
  8. I ride in very mountanas terrain and overheating my brakes happens often when im heading back to the van after a ride. sounds really nice ..I.m jealous already good point though. I also have to make the observation that it is the master cylinder which is different between my wifes bike (beta evo) and mine (sherco ST) the sherco braked being the best of the two.
  9. dont forget HT coil & I guess it has a CDI/coil also
  10. what a good question wish I knew
  11. chewy

    DVLA - 1st reg

    Not neccessarily.....I.ve bought more than several new bikes in last ten years here in UK...you have to negotiate to get dealer to do it at cost and even then YOU have to supply the insurance cert. (which is not as cheap here; perhaps due to the trials exclusion bit in most insurance disclaimers). I think also the insurance companies use a "type aproval" system which drops many new bikes into thier grey import category...eg new Beta when it came along..not a rev 3 so its a grey import according to them. Is it down to the manufacturers or the importers to get this type approval sorted with the insurance companies?; the individual has no chance. Lets face it there are (for whatever reasons) only a few of us purchasers of new bikes who want to include road fund tax/registration/use.It is a peculiarity of UK that you are not oblidged to register field bikes which makes it a few quid cheaper to buy a new bike for most purchasers.The apparant lack of "representation" with the insurers and the tax collectors on our behalf seems to create the confusion and it may be because of this British peculiarity...ie if they/we insist on type aproval etc. etc. then everybody will be forced to register thier bike at time of purchase, many would argue that this isn't entirely a bad thing!.. I believe you can register it without taxing it in any case. I being cynical would expect manufacturers /importers/dealer..(the supply chain = 3 margins before you get the bike) to work to maximise thier margins. Grey areas are a good place to do this, it probably explains why few dealers publish a sale price... few importers want to represent the customer when warranty issues arise...few manufacturers want to use top quality materials for production. It being a leisure "industry" we the punters are often easily pleased with a few team this or that stickers..the basic human condition to want to belong to a tribe or group pre conditions us to fall into this rather than be objective (read objectionable if you like). I seem to have rambled off topic reading this back anyway what I'm saying is that there are grey areas where over time we lose track of what is and what isn't neccessary when we leave it to somebody else. Perhaps straight questions would help; Is there a reccomended retail price for every bike published? Is this price an On the road price including Road fund licence logbook etc.? Does it include warranty as per other european countries? (Beta 2 years Gas Gas & Sherco 1 year others I dont know about) Why do new bikes/models not get onto the insurers type approval as soon as they are announced? Who is responsible for that?. What are the legal requirements for registration of new bike here in UK?
  12. chewy

    DVLA - 1st reg

    If the bike is homologated (I think this means built to a standard fit for road use) there should be no problem. The new Sherco last year in this country was non homologated (basically diddn't have the rear no.plate & light assy..not sure about indicators & other bits) it makes the bike a few quid cheaper to buy. It may well be the insurance trials disclaimer bit that was your problem I know ther is no problem for example in France where every vehichle including trials bikes must be registered (Cart Gris must be on the vehicle) insurance is less than half the price it is here. Of course they dont have to pay road fund licence (TAX). You would think these people would be only to gratefull to have a job shuffling the paperwork and collecting the taxes; I think they find problems like this to creat a bigger in box of work for themselves/ Perhaps the ACU should sort it out so that we mere humans can understand the requirements in plain english...even better have a "pro forma" piece of paper to present to them setting out our obligations and rights in law it is after all the remit of the ACU to promote motorcycle sport in this country. At least we'll know for sure where we stand with these people. I have been considering the pros and cons of buying my next bike in France and insuring there etc. They hav'nt quite caught up with our culture of something for nothing.
  13. Sorry cant help but you prodded a distant memory I had one of them and modded the front exhaust.
  14. coming from mx and camt get used to all these trials bikes being covered in rust! every bike i saw seems to have poor build quality rusty bolts/spokes etc.. So it's not only me who finds build quality of trials bikes generally crap!
  15. chewy

    Rear shock set-up

    The big one is better (think it.s 290/300) rode one a few weeks ago but the sherco has
  16. chewy

    Rear shock set-up

    Thanks for commenting Cope I think its just the way these shocks are ..it's why most good riders have an aftermarket shock on a new bike. it's just that I had a go on a new 125 GAS Gas last weekend...man it was a a revelation. I think I'll live with it (I have been for 11 months now) and save my pennies for a Jotagas ...bet that will have a few problems..... only trials junkies buy in problems.
  17. chewy

    Rear shock set-up

    Here's another shocking question. I found/find the rear suspension is overdamped with the Olle shock (2011 st250 ) it has been "dead" since new yet it was better in warmer climate (40 C plus)...( oil thinner?)sooooooooo I have by coincidence today been having a look, I set out to just clean/regrease links and adjust the damping. However the damping adjuster wasn't clicking so I investigated; it is basically a taper and a thread with click stops milled into the taper which lifts or lets fall the (I'll call it ) damper regulator rod c. 4mm dia running inside the damper shaft that we can all see from outside. My problem and perhaps other folk have the same is that this little rod doesn't move freely (I can lever it up carefully with a small screwdriver and have to bang top of the shock to shock to get it to come down again)..this is first time apart and there was no corrosion in fact all nicely plastered in white grease. My question is; should this 4mm rod work in a similar fashion to front fork dampers?; in my tiny minds eye I see a set of bell or dished washers being flattened or let open by moving the rod up or down which in turn lets oil pas more easily between them. If so and the rod is sticking up are the washers supposed to be flattened or open I would guess that down is closed or more damping ( the handbook indicates same as do the mechanics of the adjusting screw) . Even though I tried the damping with the rod up or down it made no difference suggesting a problem further inside. Finally as it is a gas over oil type shock and there is an O ring on the little adjuster screw and there was no escape of gas on dissasembly I am assuming the gas is sealed in further up in the damper or there was no gas in there in the first place. It seems with this shock there is no way to get less damping whilst keeping some adjustment or has anybody A) spotted a mistake in my reasoning? found a way to get less damping without doing something radical like setting fire to the ruddy thing? ( and of course standing well back!)
  18. am I the first to read about Steve getting the UK import job for the new Jordi Tarres bikes? to be shown in November? I really hope these bikes will be good ,well priced (and not least importantly for a new make )well warranted/aftersales service. Congrats to Steve.
  19. all the above surprised nobody has picked up on your phrase "I am new to trials but I believe that I want to be slightly more erect." you got away with it well done.
  20. chewy

    2011 clutch drag

    Sounds like oil drag....
  21. If you can put up with a somewhat cynical reply (based on personal experience) read om;... I have been running one of each ( Mrs & I) albeit 2011 models and I had a Beta prior to the Sherco. First observation is that all trials bike seem to be designed up and then made of cheapest possible parts. They all have good and bad points. The Beta has a crap clutch and carburates not too well, it shakes bolts etc loose with as they say monotonous regularity, cleaning /changing the air filter is ridiculously longwinded, bearings (wheel crankshaft) fail prematurely. On the good side it is easy to ride and generally reliable or robust;.. the biggest plus is the good service/warranty care provided by the importer. The Sherco has crap rear suspension, steers poorly, only 5 gears, on the plus side it feels light to handle, the clutch is sweet as are the brakes, it stays put together and is very easy to service. I would like to buy another Sherco(2012) but won't because ( to put it mildly) I was sadly dissapointed with the UK warranty service and it is not easiest bike to ride. If I were living in South east where sections are generally not too big or straight I would be inclined to get a Beta or Gas Gas from a simple riding point of view they are more forgiving. No doubt you will get other opinions as there seems always to have been a big varablity in build quality (Friday PM or Monday AM bikes).... most guys are fiercly loyal & proud of thier choices, best thing is to try as many bikes as you can before you buy.
  22. much better to ride with your weight on your feet....other things may contribute to arm pump like genetics .diet seems little logic in pumping your arms to get rid of arm pump..still adverts are more persuasive than conscious logic.
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