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Everything posted by chewy
  1. Does it "knock" when this is happening? It could be an air leak when engine gets warmed up
  2. Lets hope Beta read this and do something about thier trials bike clitches; they work but for 4.5K a pop not very satisfactory. I guess the design is ok but you have to have every little element of it set up just so (check out the bike specific forums). I,ve boufght 4 new Betas in the last 2 years and none of them has had a better clutch than my old greeves (villiers)had all those years ago. Having said that they are nice to ride compared to what is available, they were the cheapest and above all the service from John Lampkin is second to none in the uk.
  3. Second photo looks like it's a straightforward casting failure, nobody will be big enough to own up to that, if you get it weld repaired consider putting a fillet into the equation .
  4. I would follow copemechs advice first thought was HT problem
  5. chewy

    new sherco

    Has anybody (preferably a mere mortal) got thier hands on a new 250 Sherco ? if so what's the verdict
  6. Not to mention all the Earwaxes (clipboards) who expedite all this crap. As Niel Kinnock once said the forces of daftness are all around us (ish).
  7. Excellent classic in many ways, anything with early Ray charles is good anyway
  8. It would be best for everyone (nationally) if there was a suggested format (colour scheme) for marking sections AND a national grading standard, It would be even better if these standards conformed to the rest of the world particularly our nearest neighbours. Having said that it is so unlikely to happen without a 10 year "war" of vested interests . Like most folk it is relatively unimportant enough compared to the big issues which affect our sport;.. eg land access / the greens the ramblers the parks wardens etc etc.
  9. A balanced appraoch of course is always essential its no good just smoking more you need to drink brag go to as many parties music festivals and pubs as possible. Sex and drugs and rock & roll made me hair fall out on me bike I wobble like hell but still I get obout. Any weather, anywhere helmet on don't show no hair Every section me knees just creak , me arms are like elastic, but me bike has every tweak I realize that one doesn't rhyme but what can you expect at 59 Try some press ups have a fag Watch the line of a good old lag Drink some sugar feel alive line it up and get me five Dont get angry show some class be polite and kiss some ass sorry about that I got carried away ...perhaps we could make up a trials anthem, put a scratch band together there must be othe muso trials types out there back yo topic; The one yime I ever tried any training (for the scottish) I ended up with tennis elbow which took several years to get over so I agree with plan of ride ride ride.
  10. Wellcome to trials , there a fair chance you youngsters may be asked to observe (sorry thats areally jaded comment) but please be aware like all newcomers our sport needs observers as well as riders hope you all enjoy.
  11. Serois amount of effort , plus de la monde ici cest tros feniant je imagine. ca meme thanks for the good presentation, does the moto run any smoother or softer?
  12. Try before you buy.... 4RT#s aint particularly smooth right off the bottom end (mind you last one I had was several years ago. Why not try a 200 beta (John Lamkin is your man)
  13. It occurs that you may not have quick action legs.....something I 've had to grow used to as the years roll on!.............just watch those kids on pushbikes.
  14. I'm also a leftie and old enough to have ridden bikes with lever throttles;; suffice to say I'll stick with twistgrip. Your questions made me go mmmm in a happy memory way ;..we used to ride an old (Norton I think) with hand gear change on tank and lever throttle and some of the funniest crashes ever can be attributed to those controls, if only we had U tube etc back then, I remember we used to tow a sheet of corrugated steel (one half of an old anderson (bomb) shelter) around the field with several on board and the trick as the rider was to crash the lot of em into a fallen tree trunk by swinging it out like you see water skiers do. Ah no helmets no licences no health & safety... happy days.
  15. I bet you guys have some superb land , do you have any/many restrictions on use? any pics or videos would be very interesting All best from UK
  16. there was a time when I was going to make foopegs with a physical guide to stop people from hugging the frame, not practical because you need to move about the footrest. At risk of coming over as critical if you're wearing the side of your boots out on the frame you could be simply in need of revising your riding stance.
  17. I'm 58 and have now bought 4 beta 200 's easy to ride 95 times out of 100 you have enough power and what you do have is nice and smooth, they are easy to use easy to sell first rate service from John Lampkin and I mean second to none. I will probably buy same again next year unless one of the new models (ossa) is sufficiently tempting.
  18. If only there was only one way to ride a trials bike!; Classic theory is . keep your shoulders parralel to the bars , look ahead. bend your outside (of direction of turn) elbow, stand as naturally as possible with bias to out side weighting of footrests, try to point your toes in direction you want to go, Simplfied riding is just like walking try walking the camber and noticing what you are doing with your body positioning, which foot is carrying most weight etc etc, as you probably know we are all experts in theory best if you can fing someone good to tell ,show, tell, sort of thing all best from an old wobbler.
  19. wellcome tomtom It's almost as if your last sentence is pre typed proforma request it comes up regularly. There is a"special" forum on this site re places to ride you might find some answers there.
  20. Culture must be the best reason to travel, all the scenery etc is pretty well documented, I guess the distances travelled here in uk are much smaller than for you guys also with 60,000,0000 of us packed onto these Isles it's hard to avoid mixing up cultures. ( Ithink the official phrase her is multi culturalism). Anyway like quite a few others from UK we're off to France tommorrow for 4 days trial at Geuret, My french friends say that the brits bring thier own culture...... nothing new there if you look at last few hundred years of history. Having read that back it just shows how perverse we are, perhaps thats why we have been labelled perfidious albion. Ho hum back to loading van.
  21. Hpoe the power of the internet tweaks somebody's concience
  22. How to ride trials ..not a small question.... probably best to look up y tube or various training dvds there was a good book years ago by Lane Leavit very good for basics which is all most of us need.
  23. Bonny rait ,Albert Collins, Little feat, Wishbone Ash... s*it am I stuck in time warp?
  24. As a once practicing hynotherapist I understand very well the power of suggestion and that some types are more predisposed towards it, just to throw in a little theology it was reported that jesus said physician heal thyself when confronted by a "quack"... Viracocha ( equivalent to jesus in pre history times in south america over 4000 years ago) is reported to have endowed "superpowers" to ordinary people who were believers. Queztzalacoatl in the Olmec civilisation was worshipped for endowing similar powers, Sumerian and Egyptian cultures had similar dieties. Whilst all of humankind and many now extinct civilisations have come and gone great physical achievements have been made through belief. It just gauls me that people will be charmed out of hard earned money in search of better performance based on a getting a mojo that works... in this instace to make you ride a trials bike better. Perhaps it's just another sign of decadence in our current civilisation. Call me an old git , old fashioned whatever but there is no substitute for hard work and discipline even if you can buy such a mojo for 23.99 at your local dealer.
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