Observers we just can't have trials without them. Having run a very successful club trial over the weekend with lots of help from club members albeit the usual suspects, the most vexing problem (I think thats called an issue nowadays) was to find willing observers, we had 77 entries, half an acre of ground, 10 sections, 3 routes plus a mix and match for what we class as clubman experts..... and by start time with 77 riders revving up and itching to go 5 observers. As COC I circulated for first lap filling in and persuading some of the many friends & families of riders to take a board/section. We got there in the end and I then went around offering "comfort breaks" to our observers. Incidentally we as a club give our observers a fiver ( as a thank you... have a drink gesture) which can't possibly be an incentive to stand out for hours marking but it eases our consciences. Most clubs or centres can usually count on a few regulars and phone around etc. the same phone calls to the same people for the same reason. Having been through it all again I got to trying to come up with a scheme to get riders involved and responsible. The first idignant reaction was to think of compulsion...but this would have to be a national scheme with no exeptions and no excuses... something like nine rides ACU card punched by event sighning on.. then no more rides until tenth punch or mark for observing or providing an observer is put on the card..... heavy hand of officialdom came to mind and that never seems to work. Usual way to manipulate people to do what you want (need in this case) is to provide positive incentives for co operation so my question is how does your club manage? what would get riders more involved in organising thier own sport/pleasure? There are 101 side discussions on this topic regarding why it is so difficult but I am looking for solutions to problem as they are not as they were or could or should be. Any good ideas not including just putting the boards on the sections.????????????????????????