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Everything posted by chewy
  1. Observers we just can't have trials without them. Having run a very successful club trial over the weekend with lots of help from club members albeit the usual suspects, the most vexing problem (I think thats called an issue nowadays) was to find willing observers, we had 77 entries, half an acre of ground, 10 sections, 3 routes plus a mix and match for what we class as clubman experts..... and by start time with 77 riders revving up and itching to go 5 observers. As COC I circulated for first lap filling in and persuading some of the many friends & families of riders to take a board/section. We got there in the end and I then went around offering "comfort breaks" to our observers. Incidentally we as a club give our observers a fiver ( as a thank you... have a drink gesture) which can't possibly be an incentive to stand out for hours marking but it eases our consciences. Most clubs or centres can usually count on a few regulars and phone around etc. the same phone calls to the same people for the same reason. Having been through it all again I got to trying to come up with a scheme to get riders involved and responsible. The first idignant reaction was to think of compulsion...but this would have to be a national scheme with no exeptions and no excuses... something like nine rides ACU card punched by event sec.at sighning on.. then no more rides until tenth punch or mark for observing or providing an observer is put on the card..... heavy hand of officialdom came to mind and that never seems to work. Usual way to manipulate people to do what you want (need in this case) is to provide positive incentives for co operation so my question is how does your club manage? what would get riders more involved in organising thier own sport/pleasure? There are 101 side discussions on this topic regarding why it is so difficult but I am looking for solutions to problem as they are not as they were or could or should be. Any good ideas not including just putting the boards on the sections.????????????????????????
  2. jUST 3 Ha pence worth ..I recall discussions ref O ring generating more friction/drag and thus using up more fuel maybe worth bearing in mind
  3. chewy

    Carb Jet

    when tony says hard to read with age my first thought was yea I know what he means but then I realised he meant the age of the jet I think I'm getting towards special need myself!
  4. As Bart simpson said ..I didn't do it!
  5. chewy

    Mud Flap

    Idont think it's a problem on rev 3 like it is on Evo I've heard of a couple of Evo's getting muflap catch exhaust/rad jamming and snapping the mudguard a bit counterproductive!.. I've been messing about with cut oil bottle clipped between rad base & proprietry engine "mud" guard wrks very well should see similar at scottish. If you really need to stop mud getting into rad cover see John Lampkins advice re "valencing " mudguard with duct tape....it all on here somewhere
  6. Good for you;... Janet (my bettter half ) is so enthusiastic about riding that DIY etc gets forgotten Sundays are trials obligatory! Jan has had all manner of bikes including 4rt but the 200 evo she has now is perfect for her, like other guys say it's forgiving and doesnt need too much tecnique to ride . I would say that weight is the enemy, ease of starting is important. and dont forget the price you pay for being "dragged" out to go trialling is double the maintainance and repairs so its worth having same make bikes. We both ride 200 evos and it is surprising how different the 2 bikes are in terms of feel/riding performance. The other memorable bike for her was a 160 Gas Gas, similar proposition to 200 beta ..not too "top heavy" and forgiving . Hope this helps
  7. Can anybody help me with spelling of naive?
  8. I am unsure as to what clothes I should buy for my sherco. I doubt if it will mind much what clothes you get for it.
  9. chewy

    Pilot Jetting

    Is ther something to "switch off " the pilot jet/airway after tickover?
  10. Ah new blood... no not all over the sections! Wellcome to trials and Trials central it really is an excellent site. You'll get loads of advice and encouragement. simple advice is walk before you run there is something for everyone in trials regarding sections /events etc,. Please also have an eye on how we are regarded by general public... land owners etc etc.. if you've been riding for 30 odd years youare old enough to be responsible and be under no illusions we have to be in light of general riff raff riding stolen bikes around fields etc being our our "next of kin" in many peoples eyes. Have fun
  11. Alors! tres interssant mais je dit F.I.M plus mal cu la FFM!
  12. Olivier Godalier marketing the FIM.. must be one of most difficult jobs around bearing in mind the rules regulations and restrictions the FIM have for thier events. My missus has been riding with me in classic events in France for well over 10 years and has become something of a cele,b amongst the other riders;.. just for her spirit and attitude. We recently decided to try to insure properly for some of these events (i.e FIM Int licence is required for FIM events) this involved all sorts of medical tests reports etc. which would have cost in excess of
  13. chewy

    19" Front Tube

    Yes but be very carefull when inflating.... too much and it will pop...most frustrating situation then! Like all ssdt prep do it beforehand so you know it works
  14. Only on the bottom? why worry?.. I think sikaflex as used in caravan manufacture/repair is reccomended but you need to let it go off overnight before blowing the tyre up..
  15. I use them some say you have to be carefull not to get mud/grit under them (trapped twixt them & frame) because you could do as much harm as good. Steve Saunders supplies british made parts for most bikes.
  16. If you are having to buy it talk to your local supplier from memory (and it is very easy to google) 6086 T6 is normal machining grade the suffix indicates the degree of temper (bendability) a T3 spec would be good a bit softer... otherwise I think you would be looking at 6060 in a T6 fairly commonly available. I.ve also thought about milling from billet and instantly dismissed idea on cost grounds but nonetheless an interesting excercise. What mill /control are you using? have you any cadcam and postprocessor software? Are just going for simple profile (2D) with radiused edges.. you may as well buy a decent lump and do multiples / oppsite hands from one plate good luck have fun.
  17. Go to next club meeting volunteer to be secretary of next event... Tell your boss to bugger off when he wants you to work because loads of riders are depending on you get to start are probably raining sort out 50 odd entries discussing with each rider his class his route his ability etc etc and you may have a better idea of why in short it makes it easier for volunteer unpaid people to facilitate your trial.
  18. have a look at beta preparation list for ssdt I think it's still on main page
  19. OOOH Woody how very dare you!
  20. Legal size vertically mounted just isn't going to happen on a trials bike... Best solutionI found is yellow butter tub cut into effectively 2 L sections.. then Glued or if you dont mnid riveted /bolted under rear mudguard...weigh nothing fold up if you roll back/crash. You can also have a spare ready to fit and you get 2 for nothing. I don't think theres been a legal number plate on a trials bike since the days of goolie catcher on front mudguard days.
  21. being old fashioned I just can't imagine measuring acceleration & deceleration within each revolution of a shaft like this as Dan (Williams) was thinking of doing in order to try to smooth out power delivery of a crankshaft.. I meam measuring it may be hard enough but then using that information to modify something else ( eg ignition timing) in real time it's well beyond me how fast your computer would need to be.
  22. Wellcome to trials...I expect you might get some really numpty answers as well!
  23. does anybody out there know who to contact re. this event and or have any comments about the trial ..is it a good un ...is it a tough one etc
  24. What a rider It's so nice to see such enthusiasm from a world champ.
  25. Last time I went over Corryarrick we stopped and played snowballs..then I noticed my suspension linkages were falling apart ...happy memories
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