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Everything posted by chewy
  1. meuselech is trotters...whats happened to clunes then? does this mean all way out to dhoir dham and back practically on the road? I think ther#s talk of modified.(harder?) town hall Brae.....suppose it helps keep long weekenders in town on the monday
  2. chewy

    Diddy Work Bench

    900mm is about normal...
  3. Didn't the old bultaco use a primary chain with a slipper tensioner.....they were always regarded as smooth pickup motor...... perhaps a belt insted of chain would be good.....I guesse fitting it into modrn small lightweight is downside if this... I just wonder even if one could measure variatoins of crankshaft speed in real time how this information coulf be processed and used to smooth out the motor( 1 rev of a 0.1 mtr dia wheel at 1000 revs is ?roughly pye d n over 60 work that out through....then look for accelerations/decelerations then what?). Only yesterday I was discussing with a good rider of old bikes timing the "bang" to make the bike work..... with a four stroke it is a more important skill than a 2 stroke. all very interesting but surely a major part of riding skill is using what you have more effectivly than the next guy!. As it is most sections are too difficult for many riders and this has to be due to bike development which seems to be largely centred around top/good riders who will always be able to get more out anything they ride than your average punter. Hopefully I've missed something in your reasoning regards wanting to look at this perhaps I.m "resisting" because finding grip is one of the last tools in a riders kit to dissapear with age...I.m definitly old enough to know this!
  4. Modern living ..planned obsolencence?
  5. Isn't that what it's supposed to be like?
  6. I have language problem motofire..what exactly is a wire tie.....or is it exactly what it's called sounds like a sensible solution I geusse nylon cable ties are fine for rearmost two bolts and quite possibly the front two as well.. is this what you're using?
  7. chewy

    Fork Seals...

    never done those forks... is it provided you have undone the damping rod that you kind of slide hammer em out by tugging top & bottom part of forks apart.... regards the exhaust you need one of those ball ended keys ..( I think they are officially called, ball point hex key)they work when angled..good luck
  8. I have been contemplating the same problem.. it's only a question of time before one or other of these threads fails... havn't seriosly lookedat it yet but if it were possible to fit some of those quarter turn fasteners with big flat slotted head (don't know what they're called ) as used in sheet metal cabinets it would be easy to get mudguard on & off and durable ..perhaps there's not enough room but worth a thought http://www.southco.com/class/d8-dzus-panex...eners-7636.html something like this
  9. I reckon you'll be lucky to find a reboring outfit carefull enough to differentiate twixt 2 and fivethousands of an inch...I'd always go for tight bore inevitably they acieve this with finishing hone rather than actually boring it.
  10. chewy

    Water Leak

    Man you're having some tribulations with your trials....Is it really pumping out?.. did you just "overfill" it did you sqeeze hoses to barrel as you filled it (air locks)?. If you have a cracked head or gasket blown it will generally really be pumping it out wether engine is hot or cold. Is the rad cap sound? is the rad clear?... impeller & seal would only leak water into gearbox oil. all I'm saying is check simple things first. I went through all this once with a gas gas ..it turned out to be an invisible hairline crack in the head which under compression pumped water out but fortunatly didn't suck it in to combustion space... what you really want is a scorpa or yam man to pick up on this..may be a"regular" thing with em...good luck!
  11. Started looking foreward to sunday and ended up remembering last weeks trials day out.. On the way we encountered a (what's the collective term) gaggle of cyclists on the road clearly making a statement about thier presence riding 4 & 5 abreast with the "outrider" supervising passing traffic...ok no problem carried on...about 3 miles up the road we came across a hord (about 40 or 50) of Ramblers crossing the road .they were walking what used to be a track we used in local trials..once again there was one guy controlling the traffic whilst the rest of them crossed the road..no problem. As i carried on the old mind started wandering ..if only we as a body of sports people were as organised and vigilant as these groups regarding land access /useage perhaps we wouldn't be reduced to riding around pocket handkerchief scraps of land once or twice a year whwn nobody else wants to use them(bird shooters seem to always get priority.providing ramblers havn't stopped them). Then we got to the trial and forgot all about it! Am I getting to be a grumpy old man...paranoid..seeing the world from a twisted perspective....or jusr bored tonight?
  12. Dont worry about the info We are going to do 4 days Geuret...Vielles tiges and 3 days Aveyron this year... already entered Geuret and booked the boat...the problem (which I along with many others I've ignored) is that the organisers list the events as international....for which you should really should have an international licence (FIM rules)..... for which as an over 50 young you need to have around
  13. Rebonjour Squid.. only have vague memories of ty yams it was a while ago ;..does it have a gasket (copper) if so you can anneal it by heating it on a gas ring and then quenching it in cold water make sure you support it and dont melt it. Otherwise it's (from memory ) 4 studs...I have a memory of m8 threads with 13 AF nuts & washers...studs pass through the barrel and clamp the whole lot down,,,if this is the case and you havn't disturbed the base gasket why not do it by feel .....even pressure working diagonally .lubricated threads work better than dry (up to 60% more efficient).. Provided you don't overtighten it the worse thing to happen would be an air leak in the primary compression or at the head gasket...so be sure you have kill button handy...cant remember if it was these bikes but I can remember "lapping" jointing face of heads with valve grinding past and thick pane of glass..mention this in case head is "warped"....hope this encourages you also hope to see you at Vielles Tiges I think its 4/5 Sept Claude & charles Coutard run this excellent trial at Aurel ..not too far for you they prefer older bikes but also accept old riders like me!. Cordialment Chewy (or Lucky Luke en France)
  14. live in Bristol and going to scotland in May so not keen to be driving up and down the country but having little success in finding suitable trial (s) in April. I have french mate bringing his bike over in the hope of experiencing a couple of good trials during April. We'd prefer some nice scenery with some lap mileage rather than 2 fields.. I cant change the dates (tried to convince him to come to scotland but he has regular entry in 4 days Aveyron trial ..two best trials I ever did and they are 1200 miles apart back to back! doh).. If you have anything good during mid April I 'd be very gratefull to hear from you. PS modern bikes decrepid bodies.
  15. I think Andy set up a seperate forum for this as it is an important issue worth having a look there. If its "only " road insurance you want the search engine people recognise ReV3...you ought to be thinking about 100 120 for TPF&T.
  16. I agree with that too it's just that the last board meeting I went to was 80% minimum of the time dealing with (dare I say it ) ACU stuff; insurance ...ben funds...legislation changes affecting us etc etc..... board meetings for us seem to be definitly for the centre elders. Club meetings are pretty good for us, our chairman is 20 years old and we get through most of our club business pretty quick then generally have a chat & a beer. I was alluding to the staleness of trials you described being same old thing week in week out and so much "discipline" that youngsters get fed up with it. If we can get them organising then they can interpret and apply rules as they see fit... it might age them a bit though! It was nice to read Martins bit about his cousins I would point out that enthusiasm without restriction feeds itself enthusiasm with responsibility can be a turn off.
  17. Can't find anything in what you've said to argue with. i would say that I arrived at trials (riding motorbikes) when the world was an easier place to live in we always has somewhere to ride bikes were dead simple to fix and it was fun. We didn't worry about looking good (just as well) or being successfull. Todays youths and younger trials folk are practically oblidged to enter formal events in order to ride with thier mates, they get told off for larking about, and encuraged to get results. It's the nature of trials to have a disciplined approach and to minimise errors etc. What we tend to overlook from within our little world is that there are many other less restricted ways to have fun with your mates. I know the days of 40 mile 40 section single lap trial every week are never coming back but those kind of trials gave/give pleasure in many more ways than 4 laps of 10 and don''t be late home (i.e before 3pm latest) events. I found the best way to stay keen is to only ride events with that extra bit of interest in them instead of routinely finding a trial every week regardless of what it's like. Going back to getting youngsters into club activities I think it's a tricky balancing job (no pun intended) to give them a free hand marking out and then fielding off the controversy and of course how do you get youngsters to sit through club meetings let alone centre board meetings more than once?
  18. Mike says all you need to know (motomerlin) Its a pecadillo of mine to "run " a tyre in i.e get it hot.. good blat down the ring road at 4 psi untill sidewalls are squirming about.
  19. chewy

    Major Problems

    What a mess! Gearbox breather /oil problem must be seperate from crankcases. your first sentance says no water in coolant system ..then you say serious pre ignition problem. then you say removed the head and the crank is full of oil.... is there no piston etc.? it could be that your head / gasket has blown & sucked water in which will not compress and therefore will lock a motor solid until something breaks which could have been flywheel key.. (maybe water even got into the primary compression/ cranckcases and blew its way into the gearbox...but thats probably fantasy/longshot where did coolant water go is first question you need to resolve....(water pump seals? head gasket?.. head cracked?) why is crancase or above piston oily ( depending on wether you removed head or head and barrel) and why did flywheel key (if it has) shear. What I'm saying is that all these symptons may be related to one incident/problem or they may not ..whatever.... it's not a good idea to put it back together without knowing why it went wrong in the first place....you just have to be methodical and eliminate the posiblities.....I think it was sherlock holmes who said something like that ..good luck keep us all posted
  20. chewy

    Frame Guards

    not sure what you're looking for have you tried trick bits (google it)
  21. Why not go down the cut to fit plastic butter or spread box route ..it's already yellow you can mount it under the mudguard presenting a vertical face (albeit undersize). You can get 2 out of one tub and do your sandwiches for a week for same price.
  22. Phone the Bank Visa debit has some protection I think
  23. Cant help you but......I imagine Montesa wouldn't expect you to know what a shock absorber is....probably someone not easily frightened!
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