Like many it appears; I have been through the get the bike insured TPF&Theft so I can register or tax it . Like many,... I suspect,,, I can't understand why my Evo is not recognised by the competitive search engine type insurers) and even when after trawling around for best deal with a broker/ insurer who will issue cover it seems I have to put up with them listing the bike as a grey import. I recall somebody saying it was something to do with the insurers having an ABI number for the particular model. Is this so? What is it? and (most importantly for those of us who want competitive quoting all in one place) How do we get this done by the insurers. We know the bikes are legally/officially imported by the various importers and then distributed by dealer networks just like new model cars etc. so what is the stumbling block. I.m sure individual importers would be delighted to provide proof to these insurance companies as it would be another selling point ( you know ..features and benifits routine). There must be one amongst us who knows why this keeps cropping up ( e.g the Evo has been around for a couple of years now ..the search engines can find rev3 model albeit as grey imports. so why cant we get these replacement models into the search engine databases?)