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Everything posted by chewy
  1. Like everybody (nearly) say's Vosa specification is only legal solution we use old butter tub cut down to make an L section and glue it to underside of mudguard..flaps and bends but presents near vertical surface (another legal requirement for the cameras)..you could rivet or bolt it on with big washer. Then scrawl numbers on with felt tip.
  2. don't know about worst place to dab but there are better places to observe! One year we got it last section etc. argh! we were bored so tolds Amos Bilbao who was leading that he had to ride it one handed so he did and cleaned it..no prizes for guessing which hand!. Despite all the "minding" done for him by Wayne Braybrook all week (dusting rocks or washing them etc. etc) Amos was a smashing personality all week. Hope you guys can be as much fun.
  3. Fight them on the beaches ..fight them on the hills ..fight them in the valleys
  4. Keeps on coming up ..this issue eh? Depend what bike it is (some companies deny it's existence if it's an Evo for example others will call any Beta a grey import.. etc. Depends on your age ..security arrangements at home/garage..etc. etc..most recent 3 days of shopping for us found MCE 08709090996. Big john is quite right about MCM being a good policy for trials riders but was nearly double the price of MCE. It seems you takes your pick and pays your money. Good luck & patience
  5. It has to be either the seal at point where tyre meets rim or the actual tyre leaking when "flexing" Sorry can't be more helpfull
  6. chewy

    Serco Plastics

    dont really know what this is but plastic can be "remoulded" a bit with hot air gun and subtle pressure..wort a thought ?
  7. http://www.ssdt.org/index.php?option=com_c...ge&Itemid=1 Link
  8. Clearly I'm not explaining myself well; I ride a rev 3 on saturday at
  9. Thanks for that John; we are aware of MCE .(nice guy good products)we only want to insure against; mainly ..theft....3rd party when observing ssdt...and riding to our favourite practice area. The point is that when I had a rev 3 and it was on the search engines I got fully comp for
  10. I think the proof of suitability for road use is the label stiched to the chinstrap ..it must (from memory) have E9 a date of manufacture on it . I know abroad scrutineering of helmets is quite strict ..must have "in date" label and look in good condition.. they then put on a little sticker with the countries federation mark or initials.
  11. Arthur dailly is looking for a minder
  12. eye up the chain as being straight is about all you can or need to do. Just stand a few feet away and look along top of the chain...mostly the snail cams are pretty good guide. I once overtensioned a new chain and set of on the thursday of the scottish on a ty yam (same engine as Scorpa?) thinking it would stretch in as the day went on and got half way across top of blackwater jumping bogs and landed a bit hard only to pull the whole bearing housing (crankcase half apart at the gearbox sprocket bearing) an embarassing and costly reminder that trials bikes are fragile ..even the yam engine. Ps posted today. Just re read your original post (always get carried away reminicing!) have you got pacers wrong? I mean the chain has to be in line doesnt it!
  13. Like many it appears; I have been through the get the bike insured TPF&Theft so I can register or tax it . Like many,... I suspect,,, I can't understand why my Evo is not recognised by the competitive search engine type insurers) and even when after trawling around for best deal with a broker/ insurer who will issue cover it seems I have to put up with them listing the bike as a grey import. I recall somebody saying it was something to do with the insurers having an ABI number for the particular model. Is this so? What is it? and (most importantly for those of us who want competitive quoting all in one place) How do we get this done by the insurers. We know the bikes are legally/officially imported by the various importers and then distributed by dealer networks just like new model cars etc. so what is the stumbling block. I.m sure individual importers would be delighted to provide proof to these insurance companies as it would be another selling point ( you know ..features and benifits routine). There must be one amongst us who knows why this keeps cropping up ( e.g the Evo has been around for a couple of years now ..the search engines can find rev3 model albeit as grey imports. so why cant we get these replacement models into the search engine databases?)
  14. If it's got the sticker inside it then it's probably legal (I hate modern living..computer say's no!) It does look better with an ear ring though.
  15. chewy


    hope you got the PM from me ..I'll be observing as usual in Scotland...maybe good way to get around the bank statement.
  16. chewy

    Exhaust Clean Out

    It used to be caustic soda same routine but quicker...but it is caustic so in these days of H & Safety etc. it's possibly not allowed to be sold any more.
  17. bikesure 0800 089200 did Evo (big players not yet aware that Evo replaced rev 3 as model..it's only been a couple of years after all!) for me but just put up prices for my missus...Carol Nash 0800 8047408...pretty good....best deal we offerred currently is from MCE 0870 9090996 It seems to me that it's all a bit of a lottery ..I think the sales tecnique is called confusion process close.. p****s me off bigtime ...it seems you need infinite time and patience to deal effectively with these sales people..heaven knows what claiming would be like!. Good luck with your research please let us all know best result...it's an important topic for sure.
  18. chewy

    Diadora Mud

    I found one photo of diadora mud boot 279 australia dollars picture looked like trials boots to me grip sole etc. you really need some grippy soles.. most folk walk sections and feel for grip..you won't get much feel from smooth soles! If they have grippy soles and look like trials boots for
  19. Is it weather related? ice? in cable even in carb at seat of slide..once had that on a gas gas ..think of the windchill factor
  20. Ishy is right of course . However I have to admit to spending happyhours many years ago cutting leading edges sharp ; I used a junior hacksaw with the blade ground into a thin sharp edge. I think Razor cuts as described simply make the surface more flexible ..spread ..contact tarmac better perhaps.
  21. bought 100 yesterday ..going like hot cakes just coincidentally dan the spring pressure is specified at 9.95 Newton/mm
  22. chewy

    Beta Rev 3 2000

    you get a better converation talking to yourself.....atf will make clutch/primary drive noise worse best clutch fix is as described by dan williams pinned at top of beta forum. The general opinion seems to be PJ1 (dont know spec) for beta gearbox/clutch. Not sure what you want to do with cooling system... beware of corrosion at water pump cover on pre 2009 beta's.
  23. chewy

    Misfiring 315r

    got to be worth trying new plug, & checking out HT connections (it could be vibration affecting spark). We all assume everything else is clean .air filter.. is it better with hot engine ..cold engine ..is it just in present climate...i.e F cold?
  24. chewy

    Kt250 Footrest

    What sort of mount has it got..I assume it's not "std." trials mount i.e female "fork" 25 wide inside with mounting hole ctr 17 mm from back face.
  25. chewy

    Gear Box Diagram

    Good chuckle that Ham.... bit cruel though!
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