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Everything posted by chewy
  1. chewy


    Hi calvo loads of good stuff on here for beta owners and general stuff for starters have a look in beta forum ..beta clutch fix. Are you snowed in? 0815 in morning ..early for browsing
  2. I had an "invisible"; crack in the head of a gasser once .......was similar symptoms...i.e pressure in the coolant system.. took ages to find it it really was invisible but the heat & pressure in there at Xthousand times a minute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Interesting read here in UK. Here we have what amounts to anarchy regarding classes /rider ability (our little island is divided into dozens of centres (geographically defined) which each have at least several clubs. We have no national grading system or system of identifying which rider should ride which route through the sections. We've only been doing it for 100 years or so, probably we will get a system defined within the next 100 years. I guess the burning questions are ; how do you define riding ability or who is a grand master or a super master? how do you define suitable levels of difficulty when setting out sections? do you have a national standard of course marking....i.e colour coded routes through sections
  4. why all the fuss It aint broke so it doesn't need fixing. Can you imagine late sections at a notional with back end of bike being the reference point it's bad enough keeping the front end out of the section..or what about getting bike lined up for best trajectory into section with the observer at top of section (eg. scottish) how will the observer know whats going on with backend of the bike better than front end? It's logical as it is and it makes sense and everybody in the world knows it. look at it another way a spirited attempt by rider just getting out arms & legs flying perhaps is better to observe than arguing with riders who may have all of the bike in the section before even making an attempt. Leave it as is, put ends cards sensible place, give benifit of the doubt. Havn't we got more pressing or interesting details to discuss?
  5. chewy

    Tyre Change

    How does that work? I've always used 2 bits of 4 X 2" wood .one under rim on floor and t'other right up against the rim somebody else to stand on tyre opposite you and then jump up & down on the second bit ((lever?) I have considered fixing a bit of steel (like a tyre lever) to end of this bit to get right in under the rim. I have seen guys driving over the damm things in start field of trial in case of ememrgency! My little system works for me but I would be interested as to how the garden shovel works
  6. Ah ..an interesting post!
  7. Why not name & shame the known riders as it is they are not only fooling themselves once riders know it means losing face they will be less keen to do this sort of thing. I suppose in these modern times they only need to follow example of our leaders and say sorry ..then it will all be fine again. hardly sporting though. I must say I used to hate it when riding nationals and other guys would start pushing in, strategically parking at front of que etc. etc. They know full well it's the same problem for everyone it can only be that they think they are somehow more entitled to take advantage than those who don't. The guys with talent are not normally the offenders unless they have had some serious problems. As this post is only a vague reference to some people there will be speculation regarding innocent guys.
  8. most folk can adjust all they need with the air screw or mixture screw just set it ticking over as slow as possible and screw in or out untill it runs smoothest if its banging and lumpy (dare I say like beta's tend to) it's too rich if it hunts (speeds up & slows down) & or knocks when you snap throttle open it's too weak. I think it's a mixture screw on your bike so it would be out to richen mixture. if it is an air screw it's the opposite. (some carbs meter the amount of air before the pilot jet e.g mikuni on beta and some meter the total amount of fuel mix after the jet.) It's unlikely you would need to change jets at this stage in the life of the bike but they must be clean particularly pilot jet(it's tiny one nearest engine on gas gas)from memory.
  9. Google it or Toolstation or Screwfix or Machine mart
  10. They are all much of a muchness but I agree with your sentiments about advertising somebody elses stuff and being charged for the priviledge. Thats what makes trials people so different...although times are changing.
  11. I'll have to talk to my spring supplier for exact details physically of course they are same dia & length ..I just took my std ones in and asked for c.80% rated springs. They do lighten the finger pressure rqt if you're sensitive and the clutch feels less snatchy. however Dan's fix although a lot of fiddling/ time & effort makes a really noticeable difference even from cold. Next move is to sort out the lube I hear that PJ1 is best option dont know spec of that either! Will get back to you with spring force rating etc. You could of course put em on the bathroom scales and get an approximation of standard springs..(force = Mass x acceleration acceleration is gravity 9.81m/s/s) so mass is your unknown in F=ma..so if my maths is any good (which is aint!) Force (in newtons.. ...1 newton =1kg x gravity)= however many kilos it takes to compress it x gravity 9.81)) Then you can be sure(by sods law)that the spring people will want to know the pressure exerted Pressure = force per unit area.... I 've had enough of this theory stuff..my edumacation ended over 40 years ago... I'll ask and get back to you.
  12. Hi Ralph happy new year.. it's not that easy anymore bottom part of barclamp is part of the casting like mont 4RT or royal enfield even!
  13. I guesse you would also mark from moment back wheel spindel entered the section. Most C.O.C.'s where possible put end cards in a sensible place (i.e away from contentious areas) .
  14. Been doing mine thi avvy..tried vice but by hand against flat surface is quicker....incidentally touched (flattened) the faces by using bench grinder..it's literaly a touch... broke edges with needle file and finished with bit of emery..getting the glue out from between the friction material is tedious. Only two more to do tonite for the wifes bike ..then start o mine arghh
  15. Excellent presentation Dan it's not entirely a new discovery I can remember doing this (the Tab bit) on old british bikes (the friction material then was cork and the friction pads of cork werk dependant upon being wet to fit..no glue!) I think the sharp edge on the friction pads is important and your work explains this very well.I think you are dead right about clutch being important as are all controls ( I make footrests) and went into the ergonomics of that as deeply as you have investigated clutch action. I will be doing your mod to one of our bikes My missus and I have "identical" bikes. I may add a bit of a twist also as I will programme my mill to effectively profile the tabs with a small milling cutter prior to polishing and deburring. I use a wheel of 200 dia consisting of nylon bristles impregnated with abrasive grit material it rounds sharp edges /corners perfectly for this job and will speed up the process no end. I may be able also to mill out the glue from between the friction pads leaving an excellent sharp edge. Only other comment is that I have a spring supplier whom I buy replacement springs for these clutched they are rated at c. 80%( there is a lot of tolerance in spring ratings unless you want to pay a fortune) of factory and cost me
  16. So long as you'r fluent in bo**ocks youLbe fine All best
  17. I agree entirely with you it seems worth noting (Iwas going to say observing) your comment regards ACU / Non racing (trials) clubs & events. It would seem that whoever came up with this idea has no idea of how and why dates work historically...unlike the race tracks, we have to beg borrow or bribe our way onto landowners property at thier whim, it just wouldn't work any other way. I rightly or wrongly think that the mission statement of the ACU is to facilitate motorcycle sport. The moment they get involved with squabbles of well meaning clubs and individuals they will have lost the plot. I guesse from thier perspective they must try to be seen as a democracy. I think the ACU would be more able to hold on to its ACU trials registrations income by negotiating with insurance underwriters, landowners, local councils , tv companies, magazines, (farmers weekly perhaps). PR in general etc. rather than just taking the money and letting the "children play". For local trials it is simply getting nearer the time to go AMCA. Unfortunatly for international representation it appears that the ACU is part of what appears to be a cartel by being affiliated to the FIM. Regards your position with this latest set of daft ideas you like all of us have the choice to either leave them to it or to point out practical reasons why they will do more harm than good. Good luck
  18. TY 80's were the standard for several generations. Our club (like many I imagine)pretty well welcomes anybody on anything and has a class for them to enter. My concern for you would be one of "fashion" and age your lad would possibly be "outclassed" by lads of his age on more modern bikes, the sections may be a little too much for the ty80 as most of the kids have monoshock big tyre bikes. Plese don't let me discourage you or your lad but may be worth being aware of this before his first trial. Why not find a local event which caters for youth classes and go and have a look first? From memory he would have to be 16 to ride in adult novice class I expect you can find it in the ACU handbook maybe even on line ..try googling ACU.
  19. If he gave them to you they would cause more problems than you need..is the 350 for a tubeless rim on your gasser? I dont think anybody has a good word for them anyway Happy christmas
  20. Sorry can't relly help you I would think closed end up.. You cojured up a vision of the missus chasing round like a headless chicken getting stuff ready to eat etc and you "classically" out in the shed or in front of the telly ...happy christmas.
  21. What a usefull post well done have to say like your stlye ref horn & speedo. Like you say these mot things don't usually rear thier heads with other makes..did I really say that?
  22. chewy

    Evo 250 Or 290

    Are you riding world rounds? do you need "a big un" Try the 200 it has enough for 90% of riders in the country. Most guys get left behind by thier right hand and too much power, most of those that don't get "stretched" arms anyway (Tendonitus etc.) What is all this thing about power anyway?
  23. Never a borrower or a lender be and through your life you shall be free. You need to check it out with John Lampkin (he aint a bad sort & he will surely help you out re identification problems) I think ther was no change untill the Evo models but thats just think . Neccesity being the mother of invention you need to understand what is what for yourself. (sorry to preach but I.m an old fashioned old git) I really hope it goes well for you
  24. I've done some ranting in my time but I just can't follow this at all! is it anything to do with trials?
  25. chewy

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