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Everything posted by chewy
  1. Never heard that one ..would it give extra flywheel effect? perhaps it should only go in michelin lights.. it's the wierd whacky world of trials
  2. It's only a distant memory but when we were riding them as the latest thing we restricted the very last bit of the rear spark arrestor for smoother bottom end.
  3. It could be related to the rider though! I reckon you have athing about hillclimbing.. seem to recall a topic starter from your good self .. Back to Mike at motomerlin...? always steady always straight .I think our friends over the pond would say "a stand up guy" and not just 'cause it rhymes give him a try.
  4. Been down that road too there should be a double wire live& earth from that connector on the harness to the headlight bulb it's about 4 inches long crappy connectors onto the bulb rot out and it ends up not working. Best suggestion is find a dealer who sell new bikes with lights stripped out.. he probably throws this in the bin. hope this helps
  5. Are you just wanting to get the bottom of the carb off? From memory they have a rubber O ring type of gasket also from memory it should now come off for you. Now for my selfish bit..Can I assume Salon de Provence is in France if youare there you may be able to help me , what are reqts and cost of FFM licence or one event licences ..want to do 4 days Geuret & 3 days of Aveyron next year.
  6. Still got an edge on your tyre? I too have recently bought new EVO gripped like sH*T to a blanket with OEM tyre (Michelin) but as soon as the edge went so did that feeling of confidence. A while back wew were talking about relative merits of various tyres. For me (riding on mud and roots mostly) the Michelin looses its grip along with its edge pretty quickly although this isn't nearly so noticable on rocky going. IRC is best tyre for trials down this way at this time of year takes longer to loose its edges and even then remains more predictable. Ralphs advice is pretty sound he's been around a bit! only additional comment re suspension is to make sure front and back end are balanced..its no good having a pogo stick on the back and rock solid on the front etc.
  7. IF being the modt important word in that lat quote of nigel
  8. chewy

    Two Fer

    How do you decide what is what for example World trials rounds; what is it? ..about 13 guys capable and regular competitors in a series of events all over the globe. Then you go on on down the ability levels & it comes right on down to local club trials. If you discount world trials as being a different level of trials from the rest of us why is it like it is? and so it goes on. If trials is to be inclusive (as they have been in the past) they either need to have a handicapping system .(for which I have no suggestions or aspirations), make allowances for ability levels (multi route) or as some say look at why trials worked in the past and why there is so much dissatisfaction today. If I were a consultant (heaven forbid) in management I would put it down to poor leadership. I know that trials folk are often independant types it kind of goes with the territory but clear guidlines and simple rules for all would make it eisier to organise our sport so on that level I agree with you.
  9. What FUN!! We have time trials in our area .similar thing fixed course (natural terrain) and ride flat out for an hour ..we used to do them as part of "training " for the Scottish. Theres a thougt wouldn't this make a great evening sideshow for the scottish.... lot of work to set out though!!
  10. Perhaps they rely upon the divide & rule principle? I feel free to criticise them probably nice people doing the admin. Handsome is as hansome does
  11. Do you think this was his first go on it or was straight out the van and film on? It looked to me at first that the bike was taking him for a ride but that he very quickly got the feel of it and started making it talk.
  12. Thats probably just excess oil in the exhaust system burning off. Repacking is reccomended for softer bottom end generally, however a good blast now and again does no harm. If it were a four stroke burning oil under load yes piston rings knackered would be indicated. It would have to a very tired (mechanically) two stroke for piston rings to affect it's running like you say. Basics first be absolutly certain carb is clean including the pilot jet (they sometimes get gumed up and need pricking through with e.g a tyne of a wire brush) and that you have good fuel.. no water in system. Pull the flywheel and clean it up inside (probably full of muck) fit new plug etc before sripping it down to pistons and oil seals etc.
  13. It's a common problem not made less difficult by the multi route phenomenon. I was trials recorder in our centre for a few years having been through similar troubles as you are experiencing I introduced a clubman expert class (we called it AB class) as a holding "pen" effectively for ageing experts who found all the hopping and physical stuff too much effort. It also provided a "stepping stone for up & coming riders with "mix & match "sections (i.e some of the expert route & some of the clubman route). It's not without its problems not the least being the extra administration & work to make it work and of course the understanding & agreement on why it was there by the clerks of course for centre events. Of course you end up with dozens of different systems of grading with little national cohesion, which I attribute to lack of interest and leadership from ACU central. Thamkfully I've passed the job on now and for me at 58 young I can choose to ride as AB , over 40, or over 50, I generally go on over 40 because it's usually on the clubman route and over 50 is on the novice route and it's the last step down which I want to keep in hand untill I'm matured a bit. I trust you get a little bit involved in your centre's organisation ( with all the Crap from ACU ) you will soon realise what a ruddy pain it is just to stand still let alone move foreward with grading systems etc. It's a sad fact that so far as trials go the ACU does less than it could to facilitate trials competitition at home or abroad than it takes money for. Well it may not be a fact to everyone it's my opinion which thanfully I have the opportunity to express.
  14. A bit unfair that I don't think any top ten rider would sighn this without any mention of cash or even an expenses package lets face it if them silly old buggers in parliament can get a few extras on expenses why shouldn't gods gift to trials get something.
  15. chewy

    Side Stand Spring.

    don't know about bike specifc but normal tool is an old wire coat hanger with stand in least tension position
  16. chewy

    New Ossa

    I thought Monts were Just reasuringly expensive like Stella Lager..I always wonder about cost of sales budget the market aint that big & it seems they all feel oblidged to trundle around the world with the "flying circus" world rounds and of course some top riders get more pay than others;..although some of the rumoured contracts even the lesser lights get are incredible. Another line of thought with your bored ramblings (it beats thinking about work eh?) could be after sales service costs as we all know some are better than others depending on who's representing them I geusse.
  17. Not sure about your bike specific questions but I would think it best to clean carb out and change fuel for new. Tyre pressures you can buy low pressure guage from trials dealers I .ve never owned one as the tyre will be different in any given climatic condition ( i.e on any given day) I just sit on it backwards and let air out untill it looks right, it also depends on what you are riding on..rocks only ,mud only ..mixture etc.
  18. I think you'll need a certificate of newness...some proof of its origin else you will have to proove its roadworthness with all the hoops to jump through that entails. Maybe Importer can verify frame no and help you out. Best to ask atDVLA they will probably refer you to Vosa..deep joy civil servants tax collectors ...clip boards...good luck
  19. Un grande merci pour ton gentilless. mais cest vrai par example le vielles tiges normalment cest ufolop pas de problem!(en plus le licence 70 eu cest pout 12 mois) mais le 4 jour de geuret & le trois jour de Avereon etait FFM. But why oh why is it always the case with ACU instead of facilitating sport they seem to represent insurance company the catch 22 clauses and caveats are ridiculous It seems to do the 3 trials next year its either one event licences there or FFM licence ( I.ve got mates over there but there may be some residence qualifications (insurance companies are by and large multi national and have most loose ends tied up when it comes to revenue collection) sorry to rant on thanks for your input.
  20. Having been going to France & Switzerland for last 18 years and as a result of seeing several hospitalisation crashes at the last event I decided to look into "proper insurance" to satisfy ACU & FIM affiliated clubs. I am 58 years young and wouldn't go and do these events if I wasn't fit enough... in fact I find them less physically taxing than 4 laps around local farm /quarry or field. It appears that I need for ACU "endorsment" 1) Doctors report (anything up to
  21. Wish I knew how to put pictures on here I have one of me 44 years ago riding one of these no helmet no fancy clothes ,ciggie in gob ..what memories
  22. What a wonderfull world One is gobsmacked nay mortified
  23. How broken; be carefull if you take it to a dealer... thier time can be very expensive. it really is the simplest motor to work on, have you any mates into this sort of thing. There will be loads of stuff in bike specific forums.
  24. chewy

    New Seats

    I think it's Dave Renham at in motion trials you want he does lots of fantic stuff else you might try to find pete culliford JC trials.
  25. chewy

    Help Needed

    Nobody else currently riding gassers seems to be available so;.. First thing is to check out the hydraulics ..from memory I think the O ring on the top hat (slave cylinder if you like was always a bit dodgy on the early gassers) if you take it apart remember to "prime " it with fliud as you put it back together and back bleed with a syringe ; i.e push fluid up from slave cylinder nipple to the master cylinder. If you have it apart that far, it's worth having all the plates out and cleaning em up.. reshuffle em on reasembly. Finally make sure you have good oil. All the above is from my failing memory I'm sure you will find loads of stuff in the forum specific to Gas Gas which will be far more informative. hope this gives you some ideas.
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