Charlie just coming back to classes ? Wessex ctr. I believe for the wessex ctr. championship rounds there are 6 classes expert, clubman expert, clubman,novice, over 40, over50,and that there are more than a dozen rounds with three routes through the sections, also most club events use similar if not the same format I don't have details to hand but I estimate ther are more than 30 trials a year within wessex ctr plus 6 amca (Bath Classic) then you have adjoining ctrs. I.m sure if you voluntereed to take over the job of trials recorder (which is neccesary to provide competitive sport for most entrants into events) you could introduce a class for red bikes with 2 shocks air cooled or white bikes with one shock air cooled....what you need to understand is that there is a lot of UNPAID WORK involved in being inclusive; at the end of the day as woody says trials is about riding your chosen bike and enjoying it.