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Everything posted by chewy
  1. 7/8 old money =22m new money =std bars.............1 & 1/8 old money = 28 mm so yes 28 mm it is. however why not ask the supplier to confirm?
  2. I've been down this road too....natty unit made of crap ..... I did find that after a while right inside the switch bit you get arcing or tracking of current ..and that you can resolder the wire to the second or other point on the switch blade this doubles the life (albeit to 12 to 18 months in total). like you imagine there should be hundreds of the critters lying around the place.
  3. Most people put it down to oil you use which makes a big difference from automatic transmision fluid to straight 30 gear oil. The thinner the better for clutch release. However there is also the phenomenon of friction (that sounds trite) but if you have 2 perfectly flat surfaces (and they are coated in oil) they will stick together .I think a while ago it was discussed regarding other bikes but from memory the solution (essentially) was/is to interupt that surface flatness a little peening or denting the surface... don't ask me how!). Maybe just taking the plates out and shuffling them before reasembly will be enough. tThis all assumes that your hydraulics are working properly. hope this is helpfull (first action strip it out and reasemble 20 mins. and try lighter oil)
  4. All for saving money but wouldn't economise on air filter preparation.. any one of the spray on are dead easy to use and last fore ages
  5. welcome boogieman happy days are here again for you then! If you are into boogie check out www.naturaltrouble.co.uk I'm the silly old sod playing base ..Ithink we have an audio track in your honour ..chorus is ..you cant stop the boogieman
  6. A mate of mine bougt a cutting board at Asda and cut it to fit about a quid I think
  7. Certainly give this mob a try next time have added link to my favourites. Thanks
  8. Being fortunate enough to have a CNC mill I made my own ... (it's only a couple of bits of decent ally profiled)..good mod gets bike standing straight and rear end working better.
  9. Is it that obvious that I'm bored?
  10. Charlie just coming back to classes ? Wessex ctr. I believe for the wessex ctr. championship rounds there are 6 classes expert, clubman expert, clubman,novice, over 40, over50,and that there are more than a dozen rounds with three routes through the sections, also most club events use similar if not the same format I don't have details to hand but I estimate ther are more than 30 trials a year within wessex ctr plus 6 amca (Bath Classic) then you have adjoining ctrs. I.m sure if you voluntereed to take over the job of trials recorder (which is neccesary to provide competitive sport for most entrants into events) you could introduce a class for red bikes with 2 shocks air cooled or white bikes with one shock air cooled....what you need to understand is that there is a lot of UNPAID WORK involved in being inclusive; at the end of the day as woody says trials is about riding your chosen bike and enjoying it.
  11. chewy

    What Now.....

    Are you sayig the piston is siezed? have you got the head off?
  12. i agree with woody you can ride in any event on the easier route if you like I think Wessex is just starting to build a website try google( wessex centre) kingswood mcc (have a website) are running on Sunday at wooton under edge nice bit of land volatile farmer normally 3 routes.
  13. google trick bits Ian is probably your man
  14. Cant resist joining in on this one.. Classic theory is that riding is like walking (you could mess with that spelling) look where you want to go point your toes (both feet and keep your feet away from the frame to give them room to move) and shoulders keeping bars parallel to them where you want to go. there are many "extreme tecniques you can watch on you tube etc.) but its must be better to learn to walk before trying to run. If you take 10 riders and ask for this sort of advice you will probably get 10 different answers. Try it all but simple "rules" are best. Good luck with it tkake it one step at a time.
  15. chewy

    Just A Thought

    Not bad ideas ..however with the value of the pound at its lowest ever we may see more foreign riders than ever before.. it's early days yet regards being able to plan / make the financial commitment in these uncertain times. Incidentally I couldn't believe how little it cost to sponsor a day it must be best advertising deal going for trials trade people.
  16. Steve Saunders videos He was and still is master of muddy climbs try Utube?
  17. chewy


    So it appears that it stiffens up the first bit of travel judging from the graph which isn't very clear like not ron says you could have bespoke springs made at probably a lot less cost and very reliable too!
  18. Best thing is not to worry about placings...different bikes suit different folk, once in a while you buy a bike which revitalises your enthusiam for simply enjoying riding it. Love to try that Ossa though .I'm not too convinced about all the benifits of upside down forks hope they get one to SSDT for a proper test. Going back to the bikes it seems the manufacturers believe that keeping cost of manufacturing down is sometimes more important than function and reliability I make no mention of sales costs as these must be a high percentage of sales price. I guesse in the end we get what we deserve.
  19. Neatsfoot oil buy from horsey tack shops brush it on let it soak in and repeat as neccesary good luck
  20. Steady on mate You'll embarass me. Think that spelling is wrong... ho hum
  21. modern dave because we got vintage bodies!
  22. If it's wetting the plug when you try to start it you will have to get it dried out even if you have to turn bike upside down and pump it out
  23. chewy

    Contact Number

    Try kingswood mcc (google it) he may be listed there or I think he has a website .. jc print
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