Its true we all rode in the same events AND we all rode the same sections AND we rode 40 different sections AND we had some nice going between sections AND we could be in the pub or going home at a sensible time AND many of us didn't care about competing against Sammy. That was then and this is now I have no axe to grind regarding riding in stop & hop trials if thats what folk want ..everything in moderation! however I certtainly won't observe them because every decision is subjective and everybody involved thinks he or she is right, which to me is a recipe for an unhappy day out. Ther are many things which contribute to the wellbeing and future of our sport, some of which appear to have already been given up on by our representative body. I believe that commercial showcasing of trials products and other sponsors is fine but anyone who thinks it is the way foreward is either a fool or in the business. The debate has always been about whats best for our sport, the debate rages because we are all passionate about it. Stop or no stop is really a bit of a red herring we should be concentrating on having places and sensible insurances to allow us to continue to do our sport even if all we can manage is a bit of waste ground here and there.