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Everything posted by chewy
  1. It was a normal thing to retard timing a bit (in the good old days..ha ha) simply by moving the stator plate with rotation of flywheel by a few degrees. However it would be interesting to know how this would affect modern bikes (they still have stator plates with slots!) but do the modern electronic ignition "black boxes" compensate for misadjustment How is engine mapping arrived at? I know I've got a two position switch on my evo and I can feel the difference. Apart from risking overheating by retarding the spark there would be no "mileage" in retarding by adjusting stator position if electronics then "optimise" timing of the spark...... Be interested to know
  2. When New Sherco is available..why not ask BVM?
  3. please read this weeks forum Re Mike Rapleys weekly bit
  4. Never done a Beta but most bikes have a baffle tube (perforated) if this is clogged up with carbon & oil gunge which is possible it wont allow the sound to be absorbed and thus dissipated. The bike will ride better too if you get it right.
  5. All the "official" mix ratios are available on beta uk site I imagine. I've been running 80cls to 5 litres for last 20 years on any of the modern makes you can think of with no problems (at least a semi synth) ..many will say leaner on fully synth. I wouldn't want to run my lawn mower on std 2 stroke oil ..only because I'm fussy about things like this. yours is a very broad question though so you will get a variety of answers.
  6. chewy


    I've been looking for sutable trial to impress un bonne ami trialistic next year in late March early April... Bemrose was always a good trial whats it like nowadays how many sections , how much off road interzone, how many miles, any camping at start etc. All Info appreciated in advance
  7. Is ther a magic method of dealing with local authorities to get to this? Must have been some good negotiating by club. Any magic phrases that open doors may be usefull for others. congratulations!
  8. chewy

    Rim Tape Fitting

    only done a couple used soapy water & spotlessly clean
  9. It must be to do with how hard you kick em! Had 2 05 4rt's I do remember IF it wouldnt start it wouldnt start by kickin it harder
  10. Pedantic observation. It's a mixture screw on a gas gas screwing it in will lean it off but it actually reduces air & fuel. Mikuni carb as on Beta is a true air screw this mean screw it in for less air ..i.e richer.
  11. I.ve had that happen on a rev 3 as well... I lapped the taper with fine valve grinding past. (you could test the fit of the taper with engineers blue if youhave any experience of this method.. basically you put some colour on one of the components say the flywheel then you carefully line it up and push the flywheel onto the shaft taper and rotate it a turn carefully i.e keeping it perpendicular to axis if you get my drift) the colour will rub off where the highest spot is. If you'r going to BVM they do a flywheel puller for c.
  12. Possibly crank seals air leak, no nothing about shercos may be electrical insulation problem
  13. Its true we all rode in the same events AND we all rode the same sections AND we rode 40 different sections AND we had some nice going between sections AND we could be in the pub or going home at a sensible time AND many of us didn't care about competing against Sammy. That was then and this is now I have no axe to grind regarding riding in stop & hop trials if thats what folk want ..everything in moderation! however I certtainly won't observe them because every decision is subjective and everybody involved thinks he or she is right, which to me is a recipe for an unhappy day out. Ther are many things which contribute to the wellbeing and future of our sport, some of which appear to have already been given up on by our representative body. I believe that commercial showcasing of trials products and other sponsors is fine but anyone who thinks it is the way foreward is either a fool or in the business. The debate has always been about whats best for our sport, the debate rages because we are all passionate about it. Stop or no stop is really a bit of a red herring we should be concentrating on having places and sensible insurances to allow us to continue to do our sport even if all we can manage is a bit of waste ground here and there.
  14. Never had this problem ..can't do stoppies... it must be pumping up with air.... passing a seal?.. no breather at top?
  15. Hope he's not as stroppy as some works riders then
  16. I settled on Bikesure 0800 0892000. TpF&T with european cover legal representation bits @
  17. Yes have been running last model(08) rev 3 200 's (my missus is mad keen too) for last 2 years ;..no problem insuring that as the comparison sites have rev 3 models listed in thier search engines/databases.. fully comp all bells & whistles for 85 quid. As I said just collected bike yesterday from BVM.. took it boxed as I need the ligts etc for european trials we do. First strong impression is that it is put together much more carefully than last bikes the wiring looms are tidy... little things like shakeproof washers and splitpins are where they should be. Only ridden it round the garden and the motor is sweet exept for noisy clutch ..no change there. I tweaked the air screw (mikuni still) and got it running really smooth it seems to have more bottom end than the rev 3.. clutch separates really cleanly suspension is bit on stiff side at moment but plenty of adjustment opportunities ( reminds me I must read the CD based manual). Nice to be able to fit straight on my control footrests (sometimes they mess about with mounting angles etc.) Fitted slow action throttle barrel (yes I'm that slow) Havn't worked out what go faster mapping switch does.. perhaps you have to rev it to feel the difference. It has those one bolt handlebar clamps so I hope they arn't made of toffee like other manufacturers have done in the past. I was underpowered perhaps 6 times in 2 years on the rec 3 and all the rest of the time the 200 helped me (Been riding trials for over 40 years and have tried /owned just about everything available in that time) I wasn't really bothered to change bikes as the rev 3 was well up to my abilities however new enthusiasm comes with new bike at the moment very pleased with this evo 200 just got to get past sensible insurance issue.
  18. Just collected new EVO 200 2010 ha ha! dead chuffed.......Can anybody reccomend good (including best price) insurer to get road tax who might just recognise Make model etc. Just spoke to my current insurer (... broker called Aquote.. who had previosly insured my rev3 200 who in turn put the bis with Norwich Union..fully comp 85 quid last year I am ancient!....) They went through usual stuff called the underwriters etc who came up with 165 quid and a lot of huffing about racing off road use etc. So is ther somebody out ther who wants to insure my bike against theft from most secure garage ever and maybe 500 miles a year at top speed of say 60 mph?
  19. I would have thought that shirty would have called you by now to avoid all this bad publicity. It seems logical that one looks after one's paying customers before spending money on advertisingwhether it be directly or by sponsoring good riders.
  20. It's agood job you understand modern living Andy well done
  21. chewy

    Trials Helmet

    Its a pain but you only get one head! It used to be that helmets were checked for acu approval however I think all motorcycle crah helmets have to be to a standard which satisfies all clipboards and insurance companies. In forty odd years of trialing I have been refused a start only once 2 years ago in France ..apparantly there is a date code which scrutineer there looks for I guesse the ideal being that straps etc get weak with age. I'm sure somebody has eaten the rule book and will give you definitive rqts.
  22. Another nail in the coffin of trials then?.It is very difficult not to blame wa**ers ( please don't read this as walkers although they do thier share to shut us down). It seems that all most of us want is somewhere like kilkeney to go and have a quite ride ; trial folk are by and large quiet and decent citizens who go to work and pay thier taxes. This can be viewed as partly to blame for our lack of "facilities"..(united we stand divided we fall). I sometimes wonder why we can't be left alone and then I realise that control /legislation and the implementation of it is one of the biggest "industries" we have in our society (closely followed by insurance liability and litigation), it seems at times that the ACU is little more than an agent/enforcer of conditions for insurance companies. Why don't they earn that tenner we all pay them ? I have heard said. Personally like many trials riders I have come to the conclusion that Anarchy rules. However I have been in the situation of paying my taxes to employ a warden to prevent me from using a bit of "waste" ground before... it's not good for the blood pressure! Very bad news indeed.
  23. That ebsite sounds a bit ageist for me ..I could do with some for a beta rev 3
  24. Yes but Adam gets paid a lot of dosh which is a considerable part of the 4 grand price we pay for 2 grand machines
  25. Isn't all the showcasing at world rounds etc about telling us that these bikes are best for jumping off 8 foot ledges etc. let us know how you get on with your complaint nice to hear that sherco are offering good service we all know that beta offer excellent after sales service.
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