Why is it that nowadays we predominantly get ball chasing "sport" it even dominates news prgrammes . Kickstart did interest and inform many people that our sport exists.. ok it wasn't truly representative of proper trials but at least tv gave it airtime AND we ern't portrayed as speed freaks /nutters/wildlife killers etc etc. It would be interesting to hear from those past entrants exactly what the "deal" was to perform and any behind the scenes memories/stuff. It would be nice to think that the ACU was courting the tv companies with a view to improving the general public's awareness of trials as a gentlemans sport. Just to use an example of what I think would benifit all of us; A trials friend in southern france has a trials riding mate who is the mayor of the town..... because of fire risks all landowners have to keep woodland clear of dead wood etc..... the mayor has "brokered" deals by which my friend and others clear out the dead wood in exchange for riding the sections they just cleared of dead wood etc.The land is superb trials land (google Trials club de Falais probably spelled that wrong ). Relating this to Kickstart ... it seems to me that kickstart did a lot more for trials in the perception of the public than anything since and that it is perception that opens doors for us. Reading this over it really is a load of Bo***cks (frightfully badly composed sentiments old chap as Ralph Venebles might have put it) but then it might stimlate some conversation.
endorse /agree with everything the addict says I changed from a 4rts back to 200 betas (my missus rides as well) dead easy to ride but a big dssapointment re build quality and durability (spoilt by the monts?).. try before you buy.. I have to say I'm in the market for a new bike but there's nothing out there that I can ride well and that will last longer than 2 trials without some breakdown/adjustment or other niggle. I'm hanging on to see what new Sherco is gonna be like......may be nice to ride new ideas etc but will it be full of problems ?..what will service be like in this circumstance?...when will it be available? What is the price?.. or shall I just get more Beta 200's? Decisions decisions
might be running a bit weak..think its a mixture screw on that one so its wind it out to let more mixture pass primary jet. clatering clutch basket or primary gear/clutch basket probably normal but will improve if plug gap and mixture is right.. my beta clatters more when g.box oil is" thin".....there's a few thoughts that wont cost a fortune to try
First time new post for me; I have a french friend coming over next year and would like to do a british trial with him whilst he is here. Can anybody reccomend suitable trials around end of March /April next year preferably two day with decent bit of interzone/riding twixt sections for older gents?
Just greas is all you need and cleanliness of course
nobody has mentioned mechanical reliability...are we all well past all those main bearing faliures, corroded water pump housings, crappy light switch/kill buttons, stator plate faliures? I've been running 2 08's ..in eigteen months normal use I've had all these problems on both bikes. I read about built in obsolesence in a seperate thread I would normally expect to have new bikes every 2 years but having rebuild repaired all the above I'm reluctant to spend good money if these issues arn't sorted.... only saving grace so far as I'm concerned was sensible attitude of John Lampkinand his team
call me old fashioned but I just help em on with airline..dry
I think this is why french courts have stopped Adrien Prato from selling all but one model Xispa as I heard it told. The two guys who (one assumes) own the company were regulars in ssdt dammned if I can remember thier names though.
Excellent got to be a bargain right in the action shots music spot on
did somebody mention me? all info ref kiongswood mcc is on site either google it or try www.kingswood mcc.co.ouk we're having a bit of a lull at mo,emt holidays etc practicing is always a problem I just ride events nowadays it's less hassle there are plenty of folk who do practice locally it's just a matter of latching on.
was that a bridgport turret mill? you'll probably need to clock the head again as well as fix the lever. Have you tried heating one whist freezing the other part. i.e put the shaft in freezer for vcouple hours and put blowlamp on the gear for a couple ninutes ..the gear will expand and probably just about fall onto the shaft. good luck ..bart
You need to start pushing the piston in the master cylinder sooner to get it to disengae/engage sooner..always leave a little bit of "free play" twixt the two else you might get problems or is that issues nowadays?
cant argue with your logic have done without for many years ...but I have a campervan /overweight problem to keep in mind
So we all reckon it's pinking ; why not firstly just turn the air screw in a bit to see if it's just running weak?
does this include the several pages of previous replies?... If you're on top of that lot you must have all the issues in front of you just for what it's worth Mark I think on balance blah blah provided you take care of the access, commercial interests/responses from town it is a good idea, it may worry some who have got used to West end car park but It must also provide opportunities to the club and the trial.
Can anybody reccomend a folding bike ramp to get trials bikes into camper c. 6 foot long fold in half ally & where is best place to buy in UK thanks in anticipation
Looks like I just spent 5 minutes adding my 3 halpence worth in wrong forum.. typical..Anyway. I think its a positive move on balance. With a start area as described it opens many opportunities to enhance the trial provided the concerns voiced above are dressed i.e easy acces to and from for riders spectators. I have ridden several ssdt and many "similar" multi day trails abroad where the club & local council have got together and provided shuttle buses AND show arena trial free in the evenings, culminating in e.g a firework show , speeches from the mayor etc. These events pay small start money and also by results to top riders and wildcards enable traders to keep on selling etc. With a little imagination and the space many simiar "sideshows" bicycle trials...balancing competitions...food beer..talent shows.. local bands ..scratch bands from competitors can involve many more people. I.m not saying these things are neccesary but they do make for good atmosphere for all interested parties. Finally all credit to Mark and the club for airing the proposal.
Generally a good move I think , the atmosphere of west end has diminished largely due to lack of accesability despite it being "in the town". I've griped about this before (vis big tents and covered /secret servicing lack of parking etc.) As everybody has pointed out the main concerns are for primarily competitors beang able to easily get to and from thier digs and to keep the townsfolk and commerce involved. The arguments are all above in one form or another. From personal experience riding classic multi day events abroad the club/local council organise shuttle buses AND promote free nightly shows or arena trials for primarily the locals which have top riders and some "wildcards (paid I have to say..by results would be good) culminating in firworks show etc etc at end of the week. Thinking along these lines may open other opportunities for the main event. With a little positive attitude a move like this could be very good for all concerned. Finally all credit to Mark for inviting comment etc.
Thanks for moral support you guys..I must be like the good shepherd trying to leave not one soul behind; it just is so selfish of these odd gits. It is not fair to the individual to "finger " him or the circumstances, although this is not the first time (out of the two occasions he has ridden in our events) when our club has had a problem with him. It's just another one of things that puts off younger generation from sticking thier head above the paraphet (whatever that is!). Happy trialing....
Having spent numerous hours organising and setting out our club trial and being eaten alive by bugs midges ,horseflys etc tc. going through all the usual problems of access, observers etc it was gratifying for our team to get nearly 100% apreciation from riders. As usual it seems there is always one who feels the need to be different. What is the experience of other organisers? and how do you deal with these self interested types?
Probably not related but i've been experimenting with float height on my beta rev 3 (i suspect it's even more critical on the beta 'cause of angle carb is on.. too muchpetrol in the carb is very bad even very very bad!. It seems that a good indication of when you'r getting near to the right fuel level yo just get that couple of "fires" on over run ..when throttle is shut after revving.... it probably means the exhaust is awash with unbured fuel which is getting fired.. wish I knew how far to "adjust " this as I understand beta's will suffer from lack of fuel in carb (stop on uphills) very easily if float level is too low. Sorry to ramble on out loud but you never know somewbody might pick up on this and give me chapter & verse on carburation.
have you listened with screwdriver or (even better) stethascope..... you can locate exacly where rattle is using a "tool" like this
Its so nice to see new blood getting exitd ..just a thought you could go along to any trial and observe . It really is something that all competitors would do well to experience. All best have fun.
Sort out the basics first..slow action..black twistgrip bit of slack in he cable... carburation ( most betas run like a dog..too rich due to float height issues) (ignition timing not sure that isn't black magic box control). when all that is sorted spend some time riding the bike before going in for mechanical mods as you are planning . The beta 200 is recknown as one of the smoothest bikes around but like all bikes you have to give it its best chance to do your bidding... which leads on to right hand technique!!!!!
As a manufacturer of footpegs for trials bikes believe me I have looked into it in some depth angles, ergonomics etc etc. It simply appears that Beta (orr whoever makes foorest hangers for them) simply have no idea of manufacturing tolerances I have two "identical" 08 rev 3's bought at same time new with nearly consecutive frame numbers and yet there is a noticable difference between the two bikes (angles etc) when you fit aftermarket / replacement footrests. I even had to fit grubscrews into back face to make my footrests "sit " level when vieved from behind. Just about every bike made in last 10 years should have distance from centre of mounting hole to back face of 17mm . one of my bikes was 18.3! but the OEM footrest had been made up with extra weld fills. Crazy situation but definitly beyond control of aftermarket guys like me!.