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Everything posted by chewy
  1. chewy

    Water Pump Corrosion

    Have done a little research in meantime ..it appears that Beta have adressed this problem. Beta have changed the alloy since 08 production. cases were magnesium/aluminium alloy which I guesse would have been a few grammes lighter but!!! My bike appears to have been made "on the cusp" of the changeover date but once again Beta uk are prpared to replace under warranty. By time I get all these bits on the bikes they'll be too good to sell!
  2. chewy

    Fan Speed Too Slow

    Just in case anybody else has experience on this I checked voltage at wires to Rad/therm switch on both bikes voltage is 8.4 then put both bikes ticking over in the sun one ( the most recent rebuild) had fan come on within 5 minutes and it will only go off if I blow airline onto the switch no matter how long I wait. The other rebuilt 2 months ago I had to rev it quite hard to get the fan to come on ..it did and it went off after a minute or so (functioning correctly one assumes) ( Incidentally the fan speeds appeared to be same but the correctly functioning fan was pulling hotter air) I then thought maybe water not circulating.. airlock ...pump impeller knackered so took cover off and found dreaded corrosion so I have to fix this now (maybe all the bits of corrosion are blocking the rad?) before continuing investigations. My next move after flushing rad and fixing corrosion will be to swap the rad/thermo switches. Has anybody out there found a good repair for this corrosion around the O ring seal on water pump housing?
  3. This is first time in 40 years of trialing (i've had em all) that I have a fifteen month old bike (O8 Beta rev 3) with knackered casting due to corrosion at water pump I know I'm not the only one to have this problem why don't Beta adress the problem? I buy 2 new bikes every two years , after 2 engine rebuilds 2 stator plates in last 15 months this is just about the last straw! What is the clutch/water pump casing made of ( I guesse obvious answer is chocolate) but I have to consider weld & remachine repair as 2 casings are gonna be telephone numbers .
  4. chewy

    Fan Speed Too Slow

    Thanks guys not too much to go on then.. I'm beggining to wonder if this may be a chicken or egg situation as It wasn't me riding the bike at tthe time ; as sensitive as women can be they dont seem to be too aware of mechanical things. Sposse that may get me in trouble!
  5. wish I had as many replies to my "plea" for help (fan running slow) We ran gassers fro 15 years (and had a fair share of mechanical problems) then had a go with mont 4rt's which were lovely to own but a real handfull ..been running 08 200 rev 3's for 18 months since new easist bike to ride you could hope for.. we don't do national /big steps/climbs any more and I can recall being lacking in power only twice in 18 months all the other several hundred sections the 200 made eaier by not being too quick off the mark. My only negative comment is that both the bikes have had the stator plate pack up at the most awkward of times and both bikes have needed new mains fitting. Fair play to John lampkin though he has replaced the stators under warranty both times. Just about finished fixing Janets bike now and feel like moving pair of them on but... I expect they will be good for at least a couple of years now. On balance I would say the 200 is a great bike for your average punter... when buying listen hard to the motor..swishing sound is bad..mains (if in doubt take plug out and kick it over). clutch rattle is ok...piston "slap" on exhaust port is ok...other than that light switching / kill button assy is crap and normal wear and tear reflects in price you pay.
  6. chewy

    Fan Speed Too Slow

    Im sure I've been down this road before but am too senile to remember. i've just rebuilt 200 rev 3 08 mains & stator ..everything is nice except that the fan isn't running fast enough... obviously I.ve been poking about behind the headstock reconecting the stator , refilling the rad etc. the one light that is working stays at same brightness no matter how many revs its doing so is there anyone who hasexperinced this and got any ideas ? how difficult is it to get to this area, is it remove rad job? I guesse its a dodgy earth but as its such a difficult place to get and look previous experience would be big help.
  7. chewy

    Main Bearings Gone

    What Can I say thats not already been said!!!it's not a difficult job but shuold not be neccesary on such young bikes details regarding doing the job here...somewhere! I have tried to elicit some reason for this but it seems less said soonest mended is the attitude. As I said elswhere final insult was
  8. chewy

    Classic 2 Day

    T'weather changes . so fast you just got to be a boy scout and be prepared Best way to deal with it is to just take it as it comes. Its nice to find others as keen to get there as me I must be getting old cause although Pubs are nice... they are also everywhere wheareas trials action is best enjoyed out on the sections . I guesse so long as you dont get nasty drunk and take your empties home a few cans would be best compromise.
  9. I will be watching this for the solution also. I think basic problem is that the carb is angled down to the engine so have lived with it .I am told that changing float height could result in engine stalling/stopping going downhill. I think some folks connect the oveflow to the breather.. watching also for the definitve cure
  10. check the needle & floats these wondrfull bikes that we play with can be very upset by a a little disturbance..assume you have got sparks...
  11. I 've only got a little un (thats a quote to regret|)..no a 200..It might just be that you could try adjusting the airscrew (have you?).little bit less air may be all it ineeds.
  12. I thought Iowa was a flat as a witches t** I guesse you use quarries etc. It would be interesting to know what terrain you actually have and how you use it ( legal restrictions, do gooders, etc etc.
  13. Is that Sending virus supposed to be humourus?
  14. All graet trials I heard that Jersey has gone downhill over last few years though.
  15. Ed are you the guy woh displayed a load of photos recently? Have you measured the brackets on frame? "std." footrests nowadays are 25mm wide and 17 mm from back or heel of footrest to hole cntr.
  16. Nice ........Heath appeared to be at home with the xispa Seems to me that its a good buy with 12 months warranty thrown in.... lets face it just about any and all of the makes seem to break ro blow up nowadays.
  17. have a look at bike specific forums main bearings gone (it seems to be a "poular" problem at the moment) Swishing is the sound of mains ... are you using Automatic transmision fluid in g,box? have you put a screwdriver to your ear (better a stethascope) and had a listen to various points around engine pay attention to near exhaust port. try to determin if it is same noise you hearing unamplified. Generally a straightforward job to split engine down worst bit is price of gasket set and getting it back into frame you would need flywheel puller c
  18. I shall watch this with interest. Surely an hydraulic clutch is simply a column of oil/fluid being pushed and as such is infinitly "adjustable?. When somebody with more experience comes on I hope they can shed some light on clutch drag and patterened steel plates (to break the oil stiction I guesse)
  19. If that were the case it would require some very good timing to get those numbers for that many riders. I hope the first contributors suspicions are ill founded. It does seem a folly for manufacturers and importers etc to see good results neccesary for good market share. Yes it's great to compete with your mates thats what sport should be about. Perhaps a better indicatoin of what makes a bike a good buy would be proportion of total sales income spent by each marque on sales promotion costs along with total number of bikes sold. We should never lose sight of the fact that such costs are built into the sale price of either the bikes or the associated parts and equipment. If we continue along the lines that we are we could end up with a similar situation as motor racing (formula one) ore dare I say one where the tail wags the dog regarding ballots servicing/support. In the words of J.J. Cale money talks!
  20. Sounds like good advice to me just a supplement or side question arose for me earlier tonite . was looking for a mat or similar to carry in my camper van to aid grip when I roll to a stop in flat field etc and came across (during google search included words tyre grip) a rubber softener spray had a quick look and it transpires its to give you sticky tyres for road and track use ....is there any application say for indoor trials (not that I would ever be doing any ) but it might just give an edge (no pun intended) to our top guys when they need it! Trust if its any good I will get a couple of complimetary ringside seats for sheffield next year !
  21. chewy

    Main Bearings Gone

    Turned out to be nearer
  22. chewy

    Main Bearings Gone

    Setting carb up gaz all I have ever done is to get motor warmed up set tickover as slow as it is comfortable with then adjust airscrew untill it runns smoothest (with my Beta 08 200 has old type carb whatever it is< the airscrew is an airscrew i.e it is before the fuel pickup so it is in to richen and out for weaker). I did have a little pop at float height adjustment to try to stop it overflowing and occasionally flooding when pointing downhill, hasn't affected running in in the back garden have to try it in "anger" soon. Regards buying gaskets I simply ordered it expecting it to cost c. 25 quid;.. I think I'll have to go back to the old days of making my own. Just to add insult to injury for me with this job the thermostat refused to switch ( did old trick of joining it's connector wires together and bingo fan on good and strong), put thermostat in saucpan and brough to boil... still no continuity across terminals so I guess thats another
  23. just went back to home page this website have a look at other technical discussion theres some good info there to help you work out what your problem is
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