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Everything posted by markbriggs1
  1. Don't forget the 4RT is fuel injected. Easy starting once you have the formula down. Immaculate "jetting" after that. I have the seat from Lewissports and a Hebo fork-mounted extra gas tank. Works well. Love ripping down the trail on the Cota!
  2. markbriggs1


    Very enjoyable. Thanks For posting. Some nice skills and the young fella looks to have a promising carreer in trials. Cheers
  3. Thanks Guys - great feedback. Well. Looks like it's me. I have a 43 T sprocket already. Idle is standard ( never changed from dealer) and restrictors are in. It may be "snapping off" the throttle after rolling over the obstacle. I will pay attention to that on the next practice. Someone told me that the new Mitani header exaust allows for less back pressure eliminating the "third brake" compression issue that may help in muddy conditions especially down hill. on a perticulary snotty down hill I locked up and stalled costing a 5. Bugger. Still there is the clutch I suppose... Thanks again to all for the comments.
  4. OK, so besides the usual "keep the revs up" is there any particular technique to minimizing stalling in sections? I am a relative noob to the 4RT and get more familiar with stall thresholds every time I ride but all input would be apprecitated and will help reduce my points! Cheers
  5. Great Tip! Thanks for posting. It will go in the brain file for later retrieval should it be necessary... Cheers
  6. Agreed. Made me sore just watching it. Cool " Lord of the Rings" soundtrack too!
  7. http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=tomm...nG=Search+Video
  8. Greetings to you in the Netherlands. Had my first ride yesteray. 2 hour ride and only 4 dabs! Not trying too hard though. Look me up when you get to Seattle. Cheers
  9. Back into trials after a 15 year hiatus. Bought a Cotaq 4rt ( pick up monday..) Why Montesa? Perfect blend of a great spanish Bike ( passion and flair) with the precision of Honda power. we should see the same in cars yes? Novice Class I would imagine, will try events but in it for th "puttering" Love the fact that Trials Central puts this forum on - great to see so much activity in Trailsd and so many people with opinions / infomation and the love of the sport. Big G'day from me and I look forward to seing you all in Seattle some day. Cheers Mark
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