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Everything posted by jhsracing
  1. Still looking to get a hold of one of these machines, any help. james
  2. Still searching I am still looking to purchase a machine any leads? james
  3. Any more leads on finding one of these for sale. jh
  4. Because i had one new and would like another. it's called nostalga !
  5. Hi, i am still looking to purchase one of these so any help with leads etc would be a great help. jh
  6. steve yes i still have the jig for sale, the donar bike to make the jig from was micks works bike it's self. jh
  7. Thanks, i was unshore where to put it. jh
  8. Very sorry to say i have been forced to face facts that i may not in the coming years find time to build any further Mick Andrews James trials frames, thus i have desided to place the frame jig and all fittings up for sale and i felt that there was no better place than to advertise the kit here first. If any body is interested please contact me on the works number Bristol 01179868844. Sorry James Holland www.jhsracing.co.uk
  9. That would be great, please pm me. jh
  10. Does any body have any information on the 175 Chapman-BSA which was produced in a small batch, and used the Yamaha DT175mx engine.?Any help would be very much apricaiated, i know there where only around 25 made in total. jh
  11. What about unofficially? jh W
  12. Guys, we still have the jig's ect to make the james trials frames, but haven't made any for about 2 years now. Due to moving business premise's and a change in direction in business, but rest a shored we will be back making the correct type frames for the james on the original jig we made using Micks works bike and a donar. We are still holding massive stocks of new forks and trick for trials conversions. Our new contact number is 01179868844. james holland www.jhsracing.co.uk
  13. Hi all, Does anybody know where i can get a copy of the series junior kickstart on video or DVD? My son would love to see it, or should i say i would love to see it?. Any help would be greatly appricated. :hat: jh
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