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  1. Thanks for all replys, actually had a chat with baldilocks and look forward to meeting up with some of you over next couple months. Unfortunatly couldn't make it up to Rothbury trials due to last minute work commitment.
  2. Hi just wanted to introduce myself, this is my first post ever online and my first delve into trial bikes. I live in South Shields, Tyne and Wear area. When i was younger i lived around Preston way and all me pals had trials bikes which fascinated me, i finally found myself in a good financial position and was offered a good deal on a 09 beta evo which i now own. Im sure i will ask everyone on here for help and advice along the way. I am currently struggling for practise places and advice near home, i have been travelling all the way down to the north west just to ride and practise and would welcome any advice.
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