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german munster

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Everything posted by german munster
  1. german munster


    Good site, this will give you many answers. http://members.quicknet.nl/sw.zeinstra/4RT/index.htm German Munster
  2. I've heard Beta has a new supplier for the fenders, and the problem is well known in Italy. German Munster
  3. A friend of mine had the same problem on his new 2011 Beta, only touched with foot(boot) and it was cut like it would be glass. German Munster
  4. Perhaps we will see more on the EICMA? Which bike is Fujigas riding next year?
  5. german munster

    Mont 4rt

    I've had the first 4RT from 2005 to 2008, and then I changed to a REV 300. The handling was better, it was quieter, but starting was a procedure. For this reason the injection in a fourstroke is absolute an advantage. But I've heard the EVO shall be better than the REV. Now I have sold the beta and bought a.......................4 RT again. It has a Mitani muffler, sounds well, has enough power and starts with the first kick. I bought a mitani spring (0,5 mm more diameter), my dealer adjusted the damper, I let the forks out 1,5 cm, and now the handling is perfect. German Munster
  6. You say, you have a Keihin carburetor (30?). Normally the GG 300 TXT has a Dell'Orto PHBL26BS, it works more "softer" and would be the cheapest solution. But I'm no GG rider, perhaps other GG riders can help you more in this question. German Munster
  7. Hello mattylad, good shop, thank you very much. German Munster
  8. Hey Ducman, I'm from Lake of Constanze. Please send regards to Shawn. German Munster
  9. Hello Alan, thanks a lot for giving help. Greets from Germany German Munster
  10. Hello all, we are looking for a bashplate for a TY250 twinshock. Do you know someone who's making a replica? Thanks for help German Munster
  11. in Germany we use a very fine made one, http://www.kindsvogel.de/trialcenter/news_...rfahrschutz.htm German Munster
  12. Hello NZRalphy, I had also the problems, that my REV 4 went out after some time. Also it doesn't rev very high and it stuttered. The reason i found, was that the ventilation of the tank-cap didn't work. Open the tank-cap a little bit (to let air in) and try it again. German Munster
  13. Hello all, thanks a lot for your help. You had right, the kill and light switch was the cause of trouble, i put it out and installed a new kill switch (like ktm's have one) and a new light switch. I also put the needle in middle position, and now it starts most time with the second kick.
  14. I have a Beta Rev 4T 2008, on which a 300 cm
  15. Look here..... http://www.planetetrial.com/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=7778
  16. buy a Beta Rev 4T, she's very gently to drive in lower revs, but it has also enough power in higher revs.
  17. Hy DennisGr, I have the fuel screw on my beta rev 4, it's the easiest thing to regulate the carburetor, absolutely perfect. But I think, your scorpa has not the same carburetor as the beta...!?
  18. A very efficiently and cheap part to make the 4 RT more quiet ist the KTP silencer-system, one of the best in test in the german magazin "trialsport". http://www.trialsport.de/sadyn/uploads/files/1204824200.pdf The whole report you can read in issue 384 (march-2008). Distributor is"Jitsie", I think.
  19. Why do so much people want to see Dougie on a 2-stroke? If! he goes to beta, they would have the chance, to develop the beta 4-stroke even to be better than the 4 RT.
  20. The side you're looking for is: http://www.pensinimoto.com/ita/index.htm Go to "special" and then "mik four".
  21. The same happened to me. I think the engine got too much gasoline. Remove the spark plug and wait for one hour, until the gasoline is evaporated. Do not use the kickstarter, gasoline will be injected again. Then (after waiting one hour) install a new spark plug and restart.
  22. Who has made experience with a Mitani silencer for 4 RT? Does it sound other or better than the original?
  23. we all know, the 4 RT is NOT one of the quietest bikes. To reduce the noice, we found a very cheap, but also very effektiv solution. You take a (in Germany we say) "tea-egg", drill out the holes a little bit, put it on the muffler with silicone. The sound is much more better absorded, like an enduro.
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