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Everything posted by Andy
  1. Andy

    Error 2F173/H

    Okay, it wasn't a corruption. Further investigation reveals I ****ed up. Still fixed though
  2. It was brought to my attention last night that some users may be receiving an error with code 2F173/H when attempting to access the forums. This was due to a corruption in the forum database that I've now fixed.
  3. Andy

    Road Closing

    It will come at a cost though. I can't remember who it was or which event but I recall someone telling me they asked for a short term road closure for a trial and the council wanted £18k.
  4. Nothing changed on that front with the upgrade. Free members have an overall storage limit of 15MB which includes images and personal messages. TC Supporters have no limits in place.
  5. It should be Trumpton these days.
  6. If copying and pasting into this topic please only copy and paste text and check post after posting. Some of the recent replies have contained code that buggers the topic layout.
  7. Not tyres, but these are brilliant. Got them for the motorhome: http://willowholt.co.uk/products-page/levelling-devices/pyramid-grip-king-5-meter-tracks/ Also got Emma Bristow's motorhome out at Bootle last year and it's a big rear wheel drive beast that was well stuck. Just lay them out, pass the long string back under the van and tie it to the back bumper or something. It drives out then tows the grips behind so you don't have to stop till you're on solid ground.
  8. ACU RT Keedwell British Solo Trials Championship inc ACU British Solo Youth A Trials Championship March 4 - Hookwoods Trials Club April 16 - Lakes MTA May 21 - Neath MC, St Davids Trial June 3 - Scarborough DMC July 1 - West of England, Anthony Rew Trial Aug 13 - Guisborough DMC Hardaker Trial Sept 30/Oct 1 - East Lothian MC
  9. It is confirmed. He said it himself this morning in an Instagram post. I agree with your point, but I guess in terms of media coverage for the brand, the WTC will get more than the SSDT does. It's disappointing as the Gas Gas release about his signing indicated he's not riding British Championship either, electing instead to ride the Spanish Championship.
  10. Yes and I explained that one to you. I'm not going to explain it again.
  11. There is a very strange issue with this forum (but only this forum) where, if a topic title contains the word "register", "registering", or "registered" then it takes you to the site sign-up page. I am looking into this, but it's a really wierd one. Johnnyboxer - I've temporarily hidded your NOVA topic till I get to the bottom of this. Tried to PM you, but Inbox full.
  12. This should now be fixed and working properly
  13. I'm aware of an error when trying to access document files attached to forum posts. Am on the case.
  14. I have them but am away from base this week. Home tonight
  15. Seperate topics merged into this one.
  16. Want to direct a question to an individual? Now you can. Just type @ and start typing their username. A dropdown list will pop up where you can select the individual you want. Just click on the name then next time they visit the forums they'll get a pop-up notification directing them to the topic/post. Note: Notifications of user tagging are pop-up only. The user is not notified by email by default. Anyone wishing these notifications via email can change the notification settings within their control panel.
  17. This has been successfully completed. There is a massive rebuild of the databases and content going on in the background that will take most of the day and may affect performance. Whilst I'm a firm believer in "if it ain't broke, don't fix it", this upgrade was necessary for security reasons. Whilst I've done extensive testing, it's impossible for me to test every single thing so any issues, please use the TC Contact Form to let me know. There may be some issues with logging in from the front end of the site and that not being carried over to the forums. For now, simply log in directly to the forums. There are new features I'll be adding as I work out what's now possible and how to do it.
  18. The outcome of a government consultation on a piece of EU insurance legislation could end motorsport in the UK. Yesterday, the Government issued a document for public consultation, which gives an option of implementing the European Court decision known as the ‘Vnuk judgment’. The ruling makes it compulsory for anyone using any form of motorised transport to have third party damage and injury insurance. This will affect all participants in all forms of motorsport. The insurance industry has made it clear to government that third party risks for motorsport activities are uninsurable, not least because of the sheer number of potential vehicle damage claims that would arise. Therefore, if implemented, the Vnuk judgment would wipe out all legal motor and motorcycle sport activity. In the UK, the motorsport industry employs over 50,000 people, generates a total of £11 billion of sales each year and is backed up by a world-leading high performance engineering industry. Motorcycle competition is a popular UK Sport and generates much needed income in rural areas, with over 1.9 million spectators watching around 58,000 riders attend an average of over 4000 off-road and track events each year. These range from junior motocross to the British Superbikes, which would all end without the required insurance under the ECJ ruling.* MCIA, ACU and AMCA call on the government to exempt motor and motorcycle sport from any changes to insurance law which arise from the ECJ judgment. While the UK remains in the EU, even a temporary implementation of the ruling, as suggested by the Department for Transport in its consultation document, would be fatally damaging to what is an important industry and net contributor to the UK economy. Speaking for the ACU, AMCA and MCIA, Steve Kenward, CEO of MCIA says: “At a stroke, this would wipe out a successful industry and all the jobs that go with it, as well as eliminating a popular leisure pursuit for 1.9 million people, along with the boost that this gives to both local and national economies. “If the Government implements the Vnuk judgment un-amended, British motorcycle sport would end in the UK. Given that we are coming out of the EU, we are astonished that the Government is even considering an option to implement Vnuk. We call on Ministers to end uncertainty and put a stop to Vnuk in the UK.” Background: The Vnuk judgment imposes compulsory third party injury and damage insurance to all vehicles of any kind when used on any type of land. As well as affecting all motorsport vehicles, it could affect electric bicycles, sit-on lawnmowers, golf buggies, mobility scooters and even uninsured vehicles parked on private property under the Statutory Off-Road Notification scheme. The ruling stems from a case involving a Slovenian farm worker, who was hurt falling from a ladder, which was hit by a reversing tractor. Notes · You can read the consultation document here: https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/motor-insurance-consideration-of-the-vnuk-judgment · The original judgement arises from Damijan Vnuk v Zavarovalnica Triglav C-162/13. See: http://curia.europa.eu/juris/liste.jsf?num=C-162/13&language=EN · *Figures come from MCIA industry commissioned report. Discuss.
  19. Said location is home to many uber litigious yank oil companies. Elf and safety is endemic up there. Don't know how many hours of my life I've wasted watching slight variants of the same bollocks safety videos.
  20. You been skipping your medication again?
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