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Everything posted by Andy
  1. This did cross my mind. You don't tend to get trojans like that surfing innocent sites. Has NYL been a bit naughty?
  2. --> QUOTE(John.B @ Nov 28 2006, 08:10 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Morning guys, I have been trying to register my original name John.B as a trials central supporter but the system refuses to allow the name as it has a full stop in it . I have therefore registered a new name scudo and paid my due fees to the site. I will continue to post as John.B but pay my subscription as scudo. Hope this is ok Andy and does nt' break any rules, just wanted to pay my
  3. Andy


    Pffft. Excuses, excuses. Should have been No-Award. End of story! Poor old Kinell missed a marker and lost out on his finishers award. At least he provided us with infinite amusement!
  4. Andy


    You mean you missed a hill? That, in those days, was disqualification surely?
  5. Andy


    The 06 model took a long time to grow on me. It wasn't till I was in the dealer getting mine serviced and saw an 06 in black that I thought yeah...I could have one of them. Have to be in black though. None of the other colours do it for me. Seen the pictures of the proposed hatchback and YUCK...
  6. High points Englands poor footballing performance in the World Cup.
  7. If Caroline hasn't sent the boys round by now, I think you're okay
  8. Bikespace does make a valid point (God I hate it when he's right ) apart from the sponsorship part. I'm not interested in that and want nothing whatsoever to do with them. It's the principal of it. The actions of B&B were taking the p*** and taking advantage of the goodwill of this site. That is what has angered me so much (more so than any of the hack attacks or anything else that have happened) The point has been made. Topic closed.
  9. Forums can be a fantastic source of information, however in my opinion it's important that information is unbiased. Someone who makes a recommendation or points someone to a business when they have a vested interest in that business is not unbiased. Personal recommendations are absolutely allowed - after all there is no better recommendation, but when the recommendation you're making is for your own company (plus you hide that fact) then you can expect the full wrath of Andy to come down on you! Yes, Kinell is right in saying I would ask people to support those who support the site, but I would reiterate that sponsoring or advertising makes no odds to touting wares in forum posts. It's not allowed. Let's say it was. You post a topic saying you're looking for a mudguard for your bike for example. You'd have every dealer out there hovering waiting to pounce with dozens of replies, PM's and emails all saying "Call me" or "Email me". It just wouldn't work, would be a waste of Trials Central resources, annoy people and clog up the forums to the point they became unusable. The rule is there for the good of all.
  10. Andy

    Beta 4-stroke

    For those who want to drool over it a bit more, the first studio pic: Click me Note it's a hi-res 3MB download!
  11. Advertising makes no difference. Caroline posts here regularly and you don't see her trying to sell. John Hulme post here regularly and you don't see him trying to sell. The forum rules are the forum rules and they apply to all. They're not in place on a whim. If they didn't exist we'd have all sorts trying to sell anything and everything. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion. I was pushed just a bit too far this time and voiced mine. Hopefully it will act as a deterrent to anybody else who reckons they can get away with it. They WILL get found out sooner or later.
  12. I think Perce meant this. It's very hard to put across in words Clicky link
  13. This is a new situation for me and for Trials Central and has been a difficult one to deal with which has left me with an extremely sour taste regarding my involvement with the sport. Recently a UK-based dealer was discovered hiding in these forums under a false name pretending to be a satisfied customer and directing people to his own business. By pretending to be a third party he was falsifying recommendations which is in my opinion, fraudulent behaviour. However, it was dealt with and the dealer was banned from the forums. I said I would not name the dealer involved and that was fine at the time as I thought a lesson had been learned. However, that dealer must think I'm a bit stupid as another hidden member from the same dealership has subsequently been found doing exactly the same thing - despite knowing and acknowledging to me personally that he was aware of the situation. As the ultimate aim of Trials Central is to promote the the sport and the best interests of it and this dealer is going outwith the boundaries and blatantly lying, I have no choice except to name and shame... The dealer in question is B&B Road & Trials. This dealer has proven they will use underhand sales tactics using hidden names on the Trials Central Forums to direct unsuspecting users towards their own business and make fraudulent recommendations by pretending to be satisfied customers. They have not just done this with one person, but with two. Both staff members of this Dealer made their posts in the third party so as to mislead people into mis-believing they had no commercial interest. It's all documented if the accused fancies taking legal advice. Both parties KNEW in advance that advertising on the Forums in any form was prohibited, yet both continued to do so thinking they were covert. They took advantage of the freedom of these forums for their own personal gain. It's not my place to say what you do. Let's just say I'm extremely p****d off with the whole thing. With immediate effect, any mention of this dealer is prohibited on Trials Central and filters have been put in place to prevent their publicity. It is not a dealer we feel we can recommend to our readers given their tactics.
  14. lol. Initially yes, but not now! Caroline is the importer. Wayne isn't and never was. (Is that diplomatic enough)?
  15. Andy

    Beta 4-stroke

    I expressed my concerns to Beta over the release and they admit they totally underestimated interest. Personally, I think they're stunned at the interest there has been. Bear in mind they're a small company of mostly technical (not marketing) people working on a low budget. Don't get me wrong - you are absoutely right and I was frustrated to hell last week I didn't have the info needed and said as much to them, but they're not Honda and don't have the press machine behind them.
  16. NOTE: If this is the video I think it is (which I'm petty sure of) then it is NOT safe for family viewing. The soundtrack contains extreme swearing. Shame the spoiled what is a great video with a crap soundtrack.
  17. Andy

    Beta 4-stroke

    Nice reply, but not as class as Vinnie's to the Dabster!
  18. Hallelujah! I have. The Editor has a free trialsphotos download account and has been told to take and use whatever he wants. Nothing in it for me except maybe a bit of publicity, but if it helps the cause then I'm cool with it.
  19. Andy


    Don't make much odds when they still manage to find themselves half way to Mallaig
  20. There is no overall promoter for the outdoor championship. Only the indoor uses a promoter (and look at the a**e they make of it year after year...)
  21. I know but it doesn't hurt to have another rant at them. and I'm sure I will before the season's over
  22. I think I've made my feelings on Octagon more than apparent
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