Now if only I could publish those photos I have of a stripped-down 4-RT factory bike gearbox (Fuji's) that I took in Japan...
(Nobody's actually said I can't, but as I know it would cause a lot of hassle if I did they will remain offline and part of my private collection - along with most of the photos of the Japanese dancing girls )
It is not down to Gary, John or anybody else at Beta UK to make "announcements". It is down to the factory. End of.
By all accounts it has been a bit of a Press disaster. I did contact John Lampkin to try and get pre-release pics under embargo as I've done with other manufacturers, but it wasn't happening. Not through his fault, but Beta as a company don't get the whole Press thing.
Note: Laia's SSDT bike. Not Laia's factory bike.
Dougie rode Laia's SSDT bike in the Scott. There was much ribbing about "riding a girl's bike"
As far as I am aware, there has been nothing official from Beta re pricing yet. In fact there's been nothing official from Beta period!
As an aside, apart from the massive number of views on the front page article that are still rocketing up, the Beta forum on Trials Central has been the most viewed of ALL the forums this month - including the General ones. That's never happened before that a bike forum on here has beaten any of the "General" ones.
To clarify, it is absolutely fine for someone to say "You can get them from Company X" providing that person does not represent and has no business interest in "Company X". i.e. they don't stand to gain personally.
It kinda bugs me that I have to go asking a forum member if I can use their photos on the front page to provide Beta with FREE promotion. (Asking the user doesn't bug me and thanks to SC1980 for the permission to do so), but the fact that the press release with nice studio pics and close-ups wasn't sent out as soon as the bike was unveiled is really bad marketing IMO. The announcement caused a lot of interest and with no follow-up on unveiling day to make the most of the hype is poor, but you can't tell those Italians anything!
That Leggins has a lot to answer for
I've moved this topic into the ACU Discussion forum as it seems more relevant there and may get some feedback from John.
The 2L is nippy - trust me The 06 model took a while to grow on me, but I like it now though it will...erm....would have to be in black.
I've not had them and I see Charly hasn't got them on his site either. Don't think anybody can be bothered with it! End of season wind-down and all that.
Mine is an import (Malta). You have major hassles getting hold of the service book and you have to register the car with Subaru UK in order to get the warranty. The only differences between the imports and the UK spec are the imports don't come with an alarm which you'll absolutely need for insurance (CAT-1), don't come with locking wheelnuts (Big wows, mine cost me about
Converts to 300kph, but dunno why 300kph
I don't know anything about the geometry of traction, but will be more than happy to discuss the physics of my finger hitting the ban button if you spam the same thing into multiple forums again...
Made me laugh anyway...
I went through three this year. I always stick a fiver in for my first one, but they get so scabby I end up buying more.
Drop me a PM re this so I have a note of it and I'll look into it later.
I'm working on the whole sticker thing today. Bit of a nightmare cross-referencing from the original spreadsheet to the Supporters database as to who's already been sent them and who's not etc. Some people haven't input addresses so I'll try once to contact them manually. Hopefully get the bulk of this done today and stickers posted out beginning of next week. Thanks to all who offered to help. If there's anything similar in the future I'll bear that in mind
Next is to sort out the carriage config on the shop so I can push ahead with the shirts & fleeces. Hopefully get onto that tomorrow.
PS Jack - you only put the first line of your address in. You realise how many "High Street"s there are in the UK?
Very fitting. Bet loads know the poem, but very few if any knew it was a Canadian that wrote it.