Say what? You'd trust Micro$lop with the security of your PC??
Any chance of taking some photos? (If you've got a digi camera, that is!) I've not been able to get down to see this. I thought I had it sussed when a meeting was arranged in Bradford, but found out I was double booked
Good on you guys. Keep them coming. It's just for fun and I will NOT be offended by any entry.
I was going to post tonight in the "Anything Goes" forum for some help with my other hobby outside Trials Central, but I thought it might be fun to let forum users guess what that "other hobby" actually was. Some of you know me and have met me, but most of you don't have a clue about the guy behind this site! Only one person who frequents these forums actually knows what I spend my spare time on outside of this website (and they're not allowed to enter!)
Up for grabs is a Trials Central Polo Shirt from the about to be launched range of clothing plus a years Supporter status on Trials Central with access to all additional Supporters photos and videos. (Even if you're already a Supporter the year will be added on to your existing subscription period)
I'll give you potential answers - just pick the correct one! All those who get it right will be entered into a draw.
1) Sheep molesting
2) Modifying my Subaru
3) Stained Glass Window painting
4) Minature steam engines
5) Trainspotting
6) Corgi car collection
7) War film collection
8) Oil Lamp restoration
9) Vintage wines
10) Photography of Landscapes and buildings
11) Embroidery
12) Clock restoration
13) Electronics
14) Bird spotting
15) Hill climbing
Just post your replies to this topic...
PS. I won't ban you for saying I molest sheep! It's just a bit of fun so reply with your entries
No probs. It was a security update that screwed things up. I'm kinda paranoid about them after the forums got hacked
I've got a Hayward & Scott back box on mine. Enhances the burble, but not crazy loud.
Flamer kit next methinks
Ebay Item. Great description!
Click me
This is now fixed. There are still some changes to fonts to be done, but that's Ian's department and he's on hols. I'll also re-instate live chat when I get a chance.
Aye, mine too, but not everybody has the sense to get a decent browser
Try www.trialstv.com The main DVD's on show in the TC tent at Hawkstone this year were TrialsTV's coverage of the 2005 World Round in Duluth and went down very well - especially Raga's faceplant! They're in the US, but it's an ex-pat Brit behind it and he's happy to ship to the UK. He's also a Trials Central sponsor so you know it makes sense to support them!
I'm not sure where he's at with the 2006 DVD's - I'll find out, but the 2005 Duluth one is a twin DVD set and well worth it IMO. With the rain on Sunday it looks awesome what they were riding through (or not as the case may be!)
I'll take a look at this over the weekend sometime. The forums are quieter then and I'll need to take them offline to do it.
And what about the literature?
Take a look on trialsphotos.com. If you fina any, the pricing is for personal use. If you want to use any photos commercially I'm sure we could come to a deal
Sounds like one for Big John!
Why aren't you guys signed up to post Youth news to the front page? You might get sponsor interest there. You'll never get it in the forums...
Just watched it. The song is I Can Only Imagine by MercyMe. First time I've seen a post on here that brought tears to my eyes.
I have one US sponsor and that's Ryan Young (and I suspect he is overdue for renewal!) The poor exchange rate has prevented many of those who might otherwise have taken up sponsorship.
Would Lane's rantings have an effect on sponsorship? I don't think so. Only a small percentage of overall site readership bother with the forums. Of the 2500 registered members, only about 300 are active posters. The rest are either dead users or lurkers. Compare that to the 7000+ who read the world round articles and it's small fry. They (and most forum users) don't care about the ramblings of one person.
Is the TC administration slipping? I'd like to think not. I've not received any complaints, but must admit I've taken the opportunity of the break in the world championship to take a bit of a break from the site myself. It's been a hectic year and I need to get away from the site a bit - hence it's not been watched as closely as it might have been otherwise. There is a button on every post that allows anybody to report any message they feel objectionable. Please use that if you feel it necessary as I simply can't police every topic and every message.
I've moved this topic to the Beta forum. You may get more responses there.
New user with two posts, both on this topic. I'll believe it when I read it for myself
Charly's little red book is out of date then!
I don't agree with the Editor of DBR using these forums for market research.
Topic closed.
Of course. Didn't you know The Hoff is the King Of The Internet