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Everything posted by Andy
  1. Full results on front page.
  2. Andy

    R2w Trial

    Hey - don't diss the Hoff!
  3. I would say you'd put 110% into selling it
  4. Can I request that the "Has Anybody Any Results?" type posts stay off the forums until at least the day after an event to give organisers some breathing space and time to sort things out. I know people expect things faster in these internet days and Trials Central delivers that information as soon as it's available, but there are more and more postings at 4,5,6,7pm the same day of an event (sometimes even before an event has finished!) looking for immediate results. That simply isn't possible at the majority of Trials. Organisers have a lot to do and at that time after a Trial they're probably still on-site with no Internet access even if they did want to publish their results! If it's a major event and I've not received results then I'll chase it, but I'll not start that until the Monday afterwards at the earliest as I appreciate the people I need to talk to have other work to do and other priorities. If it's there, I'll get it. Posting looking for it earlier won't make any difference!
  5. Who was hosting it and where? I can chase
  6. There now Click me. Go on - you know you want to
  7. Blimey. I though the Wurzels retired years ago
  8. There was nobody there taking photos if I recall correctly. One or two pics, but nothing specific. I certainly didn't - I get enough of taking photos and had enough to do! r2w was cooking all the time so had zero time for pics. I really don't think you'll find many. Guess you'll just have to come along next year and find out for yourself. The missus can bring a book to read
  9. Andy

    '07 Sherco

    I believe it will make it's debut at the Andorra world round. Natch, if it does then I'll have pics.
  10. I've never been, but have been told that too - more than once. I suspect once Health and Safety get hold of this which they inevitably will as part of the subsequent FAI that Back Cowm will be no more except for officially organised and supervised events.
  11. Andy

    Crap Joke

    Since crap jokes seem to be the norm in here, I thought I'd add this little gem The world's foremost authority on wasps is walking down the street when he sees a record in the window of a charity shop "Wasp noises from around the world". Intrigued, he goes into the shop and asks if he can listen to it. "Certainly," says the shop assistant and pops it onto his turntable. After listening to the first track for a while, the world's foremost authority on wasps is a bit confused. "I don't recognize any of these noises, and I'm the world's foremost authority on wasps! Can you play the next track please?" The assistant obliges and skips the needle onto the next track. After a while, the world's foremost authority on wasps is still confused "No, I still don't recognize any of these wasps. Can you try the next track?" The assistant skips the needle on, and the world's foremost authority on wasps listens for a little while longer before shaking his head. "It's no good. I just don't recognize any of these wasps" The assistant peers at the label of the record and says... ....wait for it.... "Oh, I'm terribly sorry. I had it on the bee side"
  12. Many will remember IanJ as the man who originally brought Trials to t'internet. He's not on the scene so much these days but is still seen on Trials Central every now and then. He apparently tried to keep it quiet, but he told me tonight he (finally!) got married a couple of weeks ago! I know many of you know him from old and will no doubt add to my congratulations.
  13. I got a few messages today about this and made a couple of phone calls. As far as I have been able to find out it was a Motocross rider NOT a Trials rider and it was Cowm Quarry, not Crown Quarry. It is, however, still a tragic incident and I'm sure the thoughts of all go out to the family of this young lad.
  14. I was on the phone to someone about that very subject yesterday!
  15. Don't forget my invoice for providing market research info
  16. You're right - it did get me in here sharpish! BTW, post received. Ta.
  17. I've just been looking through them. Some crackers for sure. I might pass them to Scarborough to put on their website, but I'm not at all sure about putting them on TC!
  18. Full results plus photo coverage now on front page.
  19. Craig - you can make the enquiry and post your outcome with no hassle whatsoever. I just don't want to say anything that may have been said to me or in front of me "off the record" Dan - "I think that it is up to us to build the sport in North America to the point where our market can't be ignored." That, in my personal opinion, completely sums it up. How you do it, I don't know, but I'm sure Lane will tell us Lane - You're talking total bollox.
  20. I just copied and pasted from an email - you think I actually check the stuff I put on here?!!!
  21. Top weekend. Thoroughly enjoyed myself. (and not just the beer tent!) Just sorting the photos out now and awaiting results before it goes on the front page.
  22. Is Mike riding? If so he may not have recovered from last night in time
  23. Colley 19 Jarvis 22 Morris 27 Chris Pearson 26 Joe Baker 17 Dan Thorpe 17 M/c Wigg 14 Danby 20 Challoner 33 More to follow on front page soon...
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