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Everything posted by Andy
  1. Where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet When the wind comes right behind the raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaain. <cough> I'll get me coat.
  2. No idea. That's just what I was told at the event. Could be complete bollocks, but given the results said "disqualified" as opposed to "retired", something happened.
  3. I guess it's no real secret and will be talked about anyway. My understanding is - He broke the swinging arm on his bike, tried to swap to a different bike and got busted for it. Naughty, but the other riders said they'd have done exactly the same thing. One of those things.
  4. Andy

    Lance Armstrong?

    And there, gentlemen, is your answer.
  5. Andy

    Lance Armstrong?

    Couldn't have put it better myself Al. I'm watching this topic and whilst I'm not inclined to hit the Ban button, there is a line. 99.99% of the people involved in Trials globally draw no wage from it. They are totally volunteers. I do expect a bit of sensitivity when it comes to decrying the very people who work for the sport - whether you agree with them or not.
  6. Was that before or after the 15 cervezas and Dougie's champagne? Joking apart, I agree. Both James and Michael can go far. They've both got the ability and have got the backing and dedication of a great team with Top Trial Team - backing that a lot of riders don't have. If they stay focused then there's no reason they can't be right up there. As far as Wiggy and Ross go, Ross was unlucky on Sunday, but these things happen. General concensus was it did Wiggy no harm to come second - in fact probably did a lot of good. No disrespect to Ross or any of the other British Youth riders, but Wiggy is well ahead of the game as far as UK Youth Trials goes. This is a different league and knowing Alexz, it'll just motivate him more to get back on top. I suppose I should mention that Lampkin guy too. He's well fired up and having James back has made a big difference. No disrespect to Hemmo - in fact he took on a bloody tough job last year and if it hadn't been for the fall in France, who knows what could have happened. However, Doug and James were together for so long prior to that, it must be a confidence boost for him. He wants that eighth title and a more determined bugger I've never met. The bike is going well and they're constantly innovating so he's definitely in with a good shout at doing it.
  7. Andy

    The Challenge

    Has to be at the US World Round. Could be billed as a major attraction.
  8. What happens on the road, stays on the road - them's the rules!
  9. I'll be in Portugal for the WTC round. Pity they clash as I like the Pollock.
  10. There is actually a Blog Module for the forums. Not something I'd ever thought about.
  11. It's a saga that's been ongoing for ages. Nothing to worry about.
  12. How about "Beave's Bull"? I could easily do so if that's what you guys wanted. A kind of "flame Pit"
  13. That Cota Kid is a bad influence. :thumbup: You guys were lucky actually. Behind the building where the indoor section was, I found a pile of "Police Line - Do Not Cross" marker tape. I took a wad of it planning to tape up your bedroom door. Fortunately for you we had no sellotape On another note, I found out some news on Sunday night that is going to devastate r2w - Bou has a girlfriend! Sorry mate, but it's best to find out now before you start making wedding plans
  14. I'm not so sure about the autograph, but thanks for your kind words Joe I'd be happy to meet up for a As for you r2.... BTW, interesting out of the 50 or so entries for Portugal in so far, only 3 people think Bou can do it again opposed to the 34 who think Raga will bounce back.
  15. First Round results now published and entries open for round 2
  16. Well I looked for the Cota Kid last night. Round about 9pm it was and was told by the Scarborough boys he'd gone to bed. Must be some kind of girl who can't handle his beer BTW - Steve/Shaun - don't have your email addresses, but since I can't make your Youth rounds, I'm definitely up for the two-day providing it doesn't clash with a world round. Drop me a line - andy AT trialscentral.com.
  17. I got home from the world round at 8:15pm tonight and have shedloads of catch-up to do with stuff from the weekend. With almost 200 entries to this competition it's going to take me a bit of time to process everything and work things out. I'll try and get it done tomorrow night, but it's probably going to be Wednesday before I sort through all the entries and work out scores. If it's successful (which it looks like it's going to be by the number of entries!) then I'll automate it for next year, but the idea was a last-minute thought I had so it's worked out manually for the time being. Don't worry - I've got all the entries and wilol go through them. Just going to take a bit of time to do so.
  18. We're in the Mirimar Hotel. Hope your travels are less uneventful than mine!
  19. Despite the hellish walk across the moor in the driving rain and knee-deep mud, I'm glad I did it. I was really pleased with the photos. With the white water and barren backdrop they looked great and, in my opinion, showed the Scottish as it should be shown. I'd do the walk again, no question. PS. I'm even more glad that I stopped at an outdoor shop in Glencoe en route and got myself some heavier waterproofs!
  20. Why bother? If it's not raining, it's snowing
  21. No. He's my website bitch I meant my World Championship bitch
  22. Fly out Thursday morning (and with the way work is at the moment I'll be bloody glad to get away for a few days!) No idea where I'm going or where we're staying, but my bitch will sort all that out See you out there.
  23. I'm not aware of anybody in that specific area, but Garry at Highland Leisure Sport is building himself a pretty good reputation in Scotland and may do mail order. Link
  24. Must have been deleted by Ishy himself. It certainly wasn't deleted by me, nor would any moderator have done so. I back him 100% on this one. If you cheat (and I've seen it) then the only person you're cheating is yourself. Yeah, we take the **** out of Kinell, but he finished that Trial fair and square. He can be proud of his finishers award. How could you be proud of finishing knowing that you cheated? It's beyond me, but I know there are folk out there who do.
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