Whilst you might take the advice of people on these forums with a pinch of salt, if overthehill posts advice on the SSDT then, trust me, heed his words and heed them well. Few know the event better than him.
You can probably blame me. I gave him the link for Firefox.
Click Me (PDF)
Click Me (Excel Spreadsheet)
Ahh - If it's for the forums then you can do them yourself. Sundays/Mondays tend to be busy with stuff coming in after the weekend, but give me till laterin the week and I'll write up a tutorial on how to post your own images. Probably something I should have done by now anyway.
Are these from events? Photos should be no bigger than 100k per pic. Ideally zip them up into one ZIP (or RAR) archive and send to website AT trialscentral.com - Easy!
Looks like it will be the morning before you see anything on Trials Central. I'm pooped and flagging fast. Given it's almost 1am in Portugal, I'd have expected to see something by now.
Nothing through yet. I'm sat here waiting, but it was a late start - 9pm local which (I think) is 8pm here.
Why do you think I'd doubt you?! You got further than me. I got to MCP and thought "Sod this for a game of soldiers!"
I didn't recall I had until I saw it then I remembered it was bloody cold, p****** down with rain and a Nimrod gave us a low flypast! First time I'd been at those sections and damned good they were too.
I did indeed. Very impressive and great to send out to potential sponsors. I won't ask for royalties for the photo on the back though
I used to like Colin - until the bugger put me in the SSDT DVD
Anoter IT bod who'd jack it in tomorrow if I could make a living from doing this!
Cut the guy some slack. He drives a Scooby. Proof he has taste
It's in the calendar. 5th March. No regs for download, but contact details are there. I'm assuming you really mean "Milnthorpe" near Kendal and not "Milnathorpe" in Jockland as Milnathorpe is the same day and is the first round of the 2006 Scottish Championship. Spooky two events on the same day having such similar names.
Whilst I would agree that a couple of replies may have been over the top, to say that the moderator did not do his work is not justified in this case. There's a bit of history here. In over three years of watching Mich Lin/Beav/Lane (under whatever guise!) he has always been a controversial character!
If I thought, based on my experiences, that he would be offended by the replies then I'd have deleted them, but there are reptiles out there with a less thick skin than the Beav! I, personally, think he'll take it all like water off a duck's back and still come back fighting. If it gets too personal then yeah, I'll kill it, but for now it's just the Beav versus the rest of the world as it's been for a long time. Don't take things on here too seriously.
The ACU normally send the list out. Strange they haven't done so, but I'm pretty sure it'll be rectified as soon as John reads this.
If the relevant "teams" are up for it, I'm happy to create a series of Youth "Rider Profile" pages. Again, more of that exposure stuff.
I can confirm that Trials Central, in the shape of me!, will be travelling south to cover the Breidden Hills opening round. Flights are booked and my lift (providing my goldfish-brain assistant doesn't forget by the time he's swam to the other end of the tank!), to and from the airport are sorted!
You mob still closing youths in the boot of your car or have you got all sensible now?
They're all great young riders and although I'm finding the "one-upmanship" on the front page articles highly amusing, as somebody posted in the comments, it does serve a purpose - EXPOSURE. The more they have (unbiased or not!) the better chance there is of attracting a bit of cash to help them move forward.
It would be nice if it was a united front to find the next British World Champion, but...
Am I the only one that thinks this thread ought to be about Trials in Newcastle?
I'm tempted to offer up a prize to the best photo submitted from forum users who've made this!
Hawkstone last year was a new experience both for the Organisers and for Trials Central. It was a hectic weekend, but an overwhelming success from both their point of view and from mine. I'm currently working closely with the Organisers on making things bigger and better this year. Watch this space!
Getting a shirt for becoming a supporter will never happen unless I raise the costs which I don't want to do. The cost of embroidered shirts is more than the