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Everything posted by Andy
  1. The Guggenheim? I've got the book. Looks awesome.
  2. It's because Octagon still have the rights to Video for both Indoor and Outdoor - unfortunately. They lost the Outdoor promotional rights to G2F (Thank God. You should have seen their press releases. Written by Manuel a la Fawlty Towers - and I'm not kidding...), but somehow managed to retain the video rights. I'd love to see somebody decent who actually cares take it on and do it properly. I think it would be a winner.
  3. Let's just say that DanGlee Bitz doesn't have any!
  4. One I would say is worth getting is the TrialsTV Duluth DVD set - even if it's just to cringe and go "Ouch!" at Raga's crash. I've not had time to watch both discs right through yet, but what I've seen is really good.
  5. Don't shoot the messenger! that was posted directly as received as I was at work and supposed to be doing my real job!
  6. Scorecard girl in the one-piece?
  7. Article on this event on the front page
  8. I got an email from Sam tonight concerned about things posted in these forums. I've to give him a buzz to clarify things which I'll do tomorrow.
  9. Calendar has been partially tidied for publication. It will be completed and published tonight.
  10. Low turnout? There were over 60. I wouldn't call that a low turnout!
  11. C'mon guys - no advertising on the forums. That's the rules. Please delete any references to EBay etc or this thread will be pulled.
  12. It was mentioned on here a while ago that Sam is as good as retiring from the World scene. He's a top bloke and I personally wish him all the best. We've had some great banter at the world events this year and he'll be sadly missed in the paddocks. I did email my contact at TSC for an update on his injury sustained at the Brit Round in Lochaber, but got no response
  13. Andy


    Just to kill the rumours, I've been advised the suit was donated by Laia, NOT Dougie. Sorry to spoil the speculation!
  14. It's a helluva lot better than my first effort! That was www.sixday.freeserve.co.uk - The first ever SSDT website that went on to become www.ssdt.org. God, it was bloody awful. Granted it was 6 years ago and things have moved on a lot since then, but I remember exactly what it looked like and it was terrible! I regret not saving a copy just so I could look back and laugh.
  15. Andy


    It's common knowledge that Freixa is off to Scorpa. In fact it's so well known I'm surprised they haven't made an announcement yet. Bou is going places, that's a certainty. Beat Dougie at a French Indoor last week and won the final round of the Spanish Championship at the weekend. Beta will be keen to keep him.
  16. I'll be on the Arena floor taking pics.
  17. I pity the poor sods sat next to you then.
  18. I'll be there, but well away from BLOODY AIRHORNS! What is it with Brits and airhorns? They're not used at any Trial I've been at abroad.
  19. It's always going to be relatively central to the UK for folk travelling. Not necessarily Yorkshire, but as that's where Trials is most prevalent it has to be within easy travelling distance from there. I might, as a Scotsman, consider running a seperate one in Scotland hosted by a Scottish Club if there was demand and Club(s)willing to host it, but that would be over and above this.
  20. A number of people asked me at the Scott what my plans were for a Trials Central Trial in 2006. We had a very successful get-together in 2004 courtesy of Bradford & District, but that was when the site was relatively new and still quite small. Since 2004 the site has exploded and the workload, along with my world round involvement left me unable to sort something out for 2005. However, I'm keen to see this resurrected for 2006 and to become a firm annual event. I'm also keen to take it on tour with different Clubs hosting it throughout central UK. The emphasis for this is very much on a social event designed to bring Trials Central users together. For those who weren't members of this site in 2004, it was a weekend of camping, barbecues, good banter, FAR too much beer and with a nothing-too-serious Trial on the Sunday. Details and photos from that event here I'm looking to start planning '06 as soon as possible to make sure it actually happens so, to gauge initial interest, please (UK members only!) use the poll above.
  21. Andy

    Scot Trial

    For those interested, the front page article has been updated with various statistical documents giving breakdowns of section by section scores, section statistics and Rider times.
  22. That needs to seriously be looked into. It was mentioned once before, but kinda faltered amongst everything else. Somebody make a note to remind me middle of next year (because I'm crap at remembering these things) and I'll get onto it.
  23. Congratulations to Mr. AS iow on his special Best Endeavour Award last night. I think he was kind of shocked. Afraid the photo didn't come out well enough to publish.
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