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Everything posted by Andy
  1. Hawkstone was one of the better ones, believe me! Italy had no corridor and at other rounds Joe Public just ignored the outer corridor tape. Outer tape should be an electric fence, I say!
  2. Trials TV have sent me a couple of clips from this which I'll be posting to the front page, along with a review (as soon as I get time to watch the whole thing!)
  3. Alan, why don't you sign up to publish your news on the front page? Not all (by far) visitors to this site read the forums. Linky
  4. Front page news, BS. The thing that annoyed me this year was one Jeroni Fajardo. The riders are permitted, within the corridor (the outer perimeter of tape), their minder, their mechanic and one person in a factory team bib. Within the section, they are permitted their minder and sometimes the mechanic if it's particularly tough or the minder can't make the next big step in time to catch. That's fair enough. What is totally unfair is Fajardo having an additional minder in the corridor - firstly riding in a Press bib and, after being reported to the FIM (not by me) and having the bib taken off him, entering the corridor with no bib at all and working on Fajardo's bike - not at one World round, but at two that I saw. The FIM took NO action against either him, Fajardo or Gas Gas despite it being brought to their attention and against their own regulations. The problem with that is if one gets away with it, they'll all think it's okay. Minder - Red Bib Mechanic - Black bib Factory - Green Bib Was he the factory guy that had just forgotten or lost his bib? Nah - he was down the entrance to the section working on his own bike!
  5. Is that a screen capture from the Duluth DVDs? Not had time to watch them properly yet. did, however show the lads in the office a bit of it. They'd never seen Trials before and were WOW! Maybe they'll stop taking the p*** now about "my fixation with photographing men in lycra"
  6. I've been working in Aberdeen the past couple of days. Home tonight. Laia's Dad is also going to send some.
  7. He's had an ongoing eye infection for some time. BTW, Why was this posted in the four-stroke forum?
  8. John, I missed these posts and wasn't aware of your accident, but - for the record - I would like to say we did NOT have a joke/laugh/chortle about your predicament in the pub last night in any way whatsoever. This will be further ratified as soon as I get the bush photo of Ms Gleebitz!
  9. Well done Wiggy. All that can stop you going far is :boob: or
  10. Andy

    Craven Dmc

    Gordon Imrie usually posts results from that area direct to the front page on here. Maybe he's not got them yet if the Trial was today.
  11. I didn't see it, but from what I heard, he fell, the bike fell on top of him then the minder fell on top of the bike.
  12. Home about 20 mins ago. Just sorting the photos now. 1. Jarvis 2. Colley 3. Dabill Connor crashed and dislocated his shoulder. More later.
  13. Don't do Scoobynet - not enought time, but am active on the SIDC forums.
  14. I didn't mean you! I know Ian won't mind. It was directed at anybody else who may post photos they don't have permission to.
  15. Please remember - if you are posting photos to this topic, you must respect the copyright of others. Photos must either be your own or you must have permission from the photographer to post them. Most of us who are seriously involved in Trials photography/promotion have a great working relationship and mutual respect. We don't steal from each other and always get permission and credit a photographer where required. I know I'm not alone in having photos stolen and published without credit. Make sure what you post, you are actually allowed to!
  16. If this is true then it's the best-kept secret in the industry.
  17. It must be the new Grecian 2000 look. Dunno about women, but irrestistable to men!
  18. Hello MM!! Say Hi to your Mum for me
  19. That's not a car. This is a car.
  20. Rumour has it Big john is buying the beers in the MacDonald Hotel on Saturday night. Get there while the moths are fresh!
  21. Please don't type in CAPS - it looks like you're SHOUTING.
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