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Everything posted by Andy
  1. http://www.ukworldtrial.com/tickets.htm
  2. http://www.trialscentral.com/cms/showartic...?articleID=1425
  3. This, complete with photos, should be front page news. This is NOT a UK only Trials site. Help me out by supplying me with the news etc and I'll help out by giving publicity.
  4. Good to see the results appear somewhere on here
  5. Having met Al in Duluth, I'd question his choice of alcohol - closest I've ever come to moonshine, I think! However, he does have the coolest sounding truck I've ever heard
  6. That kind of thing is easy. I'm really good with photoshop.
  7. I was going to say that. Gordon Imrie has turned the North East Centre around. I wish every Centre had somebody like him. He'll hound Clubs for results then do the work of posting them.
  8. I am if folk are willing to send them to me. If you guys can pressurise the clubs to either get them to send results to me or get hold of them yourselves and forward them then I'm more than happy to publish them.
  9. It does - it might not have been p*****g rain and I might have been closer! Overall, a VERY poor Trial for photography. FIM rules state there must be a corridor for press and minders that the public are excluded from. There were VERY few corridors and those that did exist were full of Joe public with nobody moving them on. The old elbows came in handy today
  10. That's the attitude! Nil illegitimi carborundum. See you there, but remember we have real beer over here
  11. Just because you have access to the news publication system, it doesn't mean you have to use it. I appreciate people are busy and don't always have time. I want your news so anything you guys have got - either fire it over to Craig who does a great job in keeping us posted on US news or fire it direct to us at website AT trialscentral.com (which will probably get fired straight back to Craig for publication as our sort of unnoffical US correspondent).
  12. My understanding is that the World Games, which will be held this year in Germany at which Trials will be represented and as reported previously is for sports that are not currently included in the Olympics, but are potentials for being included. The problem with any form of motorsport is that the general perception is it involves sitting on a saddle or a seat and running round an asphalt circuit. The World Games (which are overseen by the Olympic Committee) may change that perception. On another note, got an email from a mate today saying simply "Up Yours Chirac"
  13. One hopes the TTC publicise their results a little better when they hold a world round
  14. Is that the same as puberty then or something different?
  15. Well said that man! Once I've got someone to help out with the running of the site (which I think I've found), the events calendar is something I'll be looking at re-doing as i don't feel it is right at present.
  16. Bollox. I was ready to shout at you for not putting this front page - then realised you did. Headlined your story.
  17. http://www.trialscentral.com/cms/showartic...?articleID=1392
  18. If the article proves popular and I see enough downloads and don't see the photos published elsewhere without credit then yes, I don't have any problem with some hi-res shots being a regular feature from any event I attend. I didn't realise there was demand until yourself and a few others asked.
  19. No. Last I heard was about 5pm. Nicola was still in labour. Dougie thankfully made it back (after a mad sprint by all accounts)
  20. Oops - no. Freixa made that part, but stalled and rolled back earlier in the section for a five. He protested like hell to no avail.
  21. Can't be 100%, but I think he took a dab. Most did on that section and as for the second photo - that was Fuji's big off. He didn't make it and crashed big time. He was lucky not to be seriously hurt.
  22. That was mentioned at the weekend. Also the fact that the young lads are used to falling and they know how to fall. Dougie isn't used to making mistakes. Finally - he's a big lad and, as they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. Fuji had a big off on Sunday that could have been equally as serious. Jake has a photo sequence of it. I know some of the photos were a bit out of focus as the camera couldn't keep up, but I'll see if I can get them since he was okay after it. It *really* p****d me off that some Italian photographer was all over Dougie on the stretcher when he came back to the paddock. There's some things you just don't do and that's one of them, IMO.
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