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Everything posted by Andy
  1. Andy

    Ssdt Photo Prints

    There seems to be demand so... Click here
  2. http://www.trialscentral.com/cms/showartic...?articleID=1209
  3. http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4256
  4. Trialero - firstly, is it "Carles" or "Carlos"? I keep seeing your name spelled differently. Second, what did you ride in the Pre-65?
  5. Only spectator I've ever seen cooking up bacon sandwiches at the side of a section
  6. Andy


    Looks like the lads are now celebrities in Korea!
  7. Andy


    I didn't know Ishy was going
  8. Andy


    Don't cut a guy much slack, do you? Photos here
  9. There were actually four of them dotted around town.
  10. Andy

    Whats The Story?

    That's Amos Bilbao. If you've never been to an SSDT, each rider hands in their route card on the final day and then rides onto that ramp and are interviewed. They are then encouraged to do wheelies etc. Amos was reversing back down the ramp to do a run-up, the ramp was wet, the bike went out from under him and he landed on his backside!
  11. Andy


    From Left to right: Neil Sharp - not a forum poster Kinell Perce Phil - Irish Rider, not a forum user Stuhrc
  12. Andy

    Ssdt Team Usa

    All three of them are dead beat, but all finished
  13. Andy


    Taken about 15 mins ago
  14. I've just looked out my bedroom window and seen blue skies.
  15. This is the tightest I've seen it for a long time. If I were a betting man I'd go with Pascuet or Hemmo. I think the pressure will get to Sam.
  16. Mostly because she's female, World Champion and - as you say - a hell of a rider
  17. Jarvis is on a 2-stroke. Amos is on a 4-stroke Mont and in with a shout.
  18. Andy


    As Bigfoot's bike packed up on him, he was out today with my backup camera. As a result there are over 200 photos from four different groups between us. It's going slow but sure via dialup as McD's is closed! In the meantime we've hooked up with bikespace and Dangleebitz and are gonna head down the Milton to introduce them to HL!
  19. Andy


    Carles is trialero and is indeed a damned good rider. He's Scottish mad!
  20. Andy


    General reply to all questions: Slideshow - Yes, possible and will be implemented from tomorrow's photos. Easy to do so very little extra work. Slapshot - The first thing Bigfoot said when he fell there was "I hope you got that on camera!" Screech - Pah. Some crap ones slip through. g4321 - Re-keying the whole P-65 results is too big a job for me at the mo. The good news is VinnieD went home today and will scan them and send them so I can publish as PDF, hopefullly tomorrow. Photos - Once I'm home I'll sort them all out, name them and publish in higher resultion.
  21. Andy


    No thanks necessary - I'm having a ball
  22. Andy


    I had to delete the stitched shot from the galleries. The width was screwing up the front page.
  23. Andy


    PA - Looks like that one escaped the "crap photo filter" Manz - Can do, but you won't get a true perspective from photos. There's no TV coverage of the event, but Colin Bullock (CJB Photographic) do a video every year.
  24. Andy


    Canon EOS-10D
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