Apparently it's hot as hell out there.
Photos just gone up front page.
The 2005 Indoor Calendar hasn't been announced yet, but the British Round is in Sheffield on Jan 8th. I'll be there
Traffic bollard. Metal or concrete - either will suffice
The real answer is obvious. Baggy clothes - sponsors logos get creased and distorted and can't be made out. Tight - sponsors logos highly visible.
I've heard nowt. I'm sure they'll appear at some point. The Manx organisers seem to have things well sussed as far as press goes. did Neil ride? I know he was planning on.
If you're in HK and I know the riding community there is very small, I'm presuming you must know Stu Essenhigh? He posts on here. He used his family in the UK as a go-between to get goods to me from HK so maybe the same could be done in reverse? i.e. his family can source and send out.
If, on the offchance you don't know him, then he posts on here.
You can click Edit and fix them yourself!
But hopefully you can see WHY I don't want it to go that way? I really don't want to censor discussion, but I have to support those who are not only supporting me, but are supporting the site too.
PS. For you US/Canada guys, I'm hoping to be in the position soon to sponsor something over there too. Not big, but given I have stateside advertisers it's only fair something goes back to that side of the pond.
Hehehe. I saw you viewing this thread for ages and thought "Uh-oh. what's coming here!"
I'd just add that I'm running this as a tight ship for tax reasons. Other than covering the running costs, I've already negotiated to sponsor one Club Series with the surplus thus re-investing in the sport. No money from TC advertising goes down the pub with me! If there was no advertising revenue, I couldn't do that. The aim is for the balance book to show
I agree it's not illegal, but......
You all enjoy a free resource in this website. I can't afford to fund it out of my own pocket so it's paid for by the advertisers and as long as they're helping me financially to keep this site free then I'll do my utmost to support them and would encourage others to do so too. It's not me that's providing you with this website - I'm only providing the technical knowledge to put it together. At the end of the day it's THEM that's providing this website and as long as I have their support financially it will stay free. I believe a subscription-based site would fall flat on it's face very, very quickly and would rather pull out than go down that route.
Well my first experience was in the thick of it, feet from the action. The noise and atmosphere are awesome. The doors of the place are plastered with "no air horns" signs, but you can't hear yourself think for them.
I'll be back this year.
Don't let this thread head down the "grey imports" route guys!!!
I'll get back on to John Lampkin. He was to supply me with info.
Thanks to Bob, it's now front page on this site too.
At work so cant put this front page yet, but:
Today was Tadeusz Blazusiak
It's on Honda's website - that makes it pretty official in my book!
Regs out! see front page.
Yup, I've deleted two threads on the subject, but feel an explanation is necessary.
Firstly Sherco were not happy that this was published as it was unofficial. I contacted them and said I was NOT going to publish it without their approval. I did (reluctantly) get clearance from them to post the video from the 15th, but as the smallest part of this video was 19Mb and, in my opinion, not worth the valuable bandwidth and inevitable slowdown of the site for other users, I decided not to post it.
I do not care what other websites choose to publish. This site exists solely for the promotion of the sport and that includes manufacturers and distributors as well as clubs and riders. Personally, I'd be seriously p****d off if my new invention was shown to the public before I was ready so I can fully understand how others would feel.
I believe, for the good of this website and it's future, I have taken the right stance. I will not jeapordise my relations with those in a senior level within the sport and those who I rely on to provide you with news. We'll have plenty coverage of the 4-stroke Sherco, but officially, at the right time and of a quality befitting the premier Trials website. I'm not interested in second best.
Martin had to go to Hawkstone to cover factory/team commitments. That's Niall McKenzie's lad. He's the wee one who was in tears at the start of the day, but was grinning like a cheshire cat within an hour or so! The photo was deliberately taken for publication in a magazine, but I agree it's a great photo - even if it was posed for!
Some stuff just gone front page. Not a lot, but all i got so far.
The photos are uploaded. It'll go front page as soon as I've finished writing the story.
Oh, and Kinky Boots isn't joking about his bike.
I don't know about those taking part, but I had a blast! Great day out and something a bit different. Photos are all ready for uploading and as soon as my mate buggers off to his bed, I'll nick his broadband and upload them!