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Everything posted by Andy
  1. Andy

    How Hard Is It?

    Tell you what - why don't I help out? :madsanta: (why do I get the feeling I'm about to kiss my 2004 SSDT press pass goodbye.....)
  2. I'm 100% up for it. God, that was a great night. Totally unplanned, but then the best ones never are.
  3. Stuart - remember last year? It was a gorgeous weekend when you had the Youth round at Skyrakes. I checked the forecast, saw it was good and just turned up. It was a long drive, but it was well worth it. I got the best Trials photos I've ever taken. I'm sure the kids that saw them, and their parents too, were happy and proud to see the photos on the Web. However - I'm not going to jump in the car and drive for several hours to cover an event if there's even the slightest risk I'll be denied using my camera. That's the whole point of going. I only glanced over the guide until I came to the photography bit, but I suspect 99% of it is a generic document covering sport and it's only really been published so the ACU can cover themselves against the miniscule chance of anything actually happening. I can understand it for sports like swimming or gymnastics, but to be blunt, Trials doesn't attract the dirty raincoat brigade, nor is it ever likely to.
  4. I've just been having a look on the ACU website and spotted their "Child Protection Policy" on the front page. The part on photography is somewhat interesting (to me anyway). "There is evidence that some people have used sporting events as an opportunity to take inappropriate photographs or film footage of young and disabled sportspeople in vulnerable positions. It is advisable that all sporting organisations adhere to the appropriate guidelines given below: Professional photographers/filming/video operators wishing to record the event should seek accreditation with the event organiser by producing their professional identification for the details to be recorded. Ideally they should request this at least five working days before the event. Students or amateur photographers/film/video operators wishing to record the event should seek accreditation with the event organiser by producing their student club or registration card and a letter from their club/educational establishment outlining their motive for attending the event. All other spectators wishing to use photographic/film/video equipment with a telescopic or zoom lens should register their intent with the promoter of the event. Accreditation procedure: a system should be adopted whereby a record should be made of the individual
  5. Yeah, Ron - and the rest!!!
  6. Ishy makes a good point lads. This "banter" is happening in too many threads and spoils them for a number of people. Please keep your chit chat to the Live Chat area or by private message. Thanks :hat:
  7. Dunno about Billy. John has registered, but not posted. Not heard from Stuart either and I did email him saying he may have a virus.
  8. Skyrakes Farm. Organised by Bradford & District. Top venue. The views and backdrops are stunning.
  9. Those of us going really should meet up for a New Year beer.
  10. How can anybody answer this unless they've had experience of working on all of them?
  11. Good luck with the move Gary. Keep me posted. Rider news is always welcome and a good opportunity to give your sponsors some free publicity too :hat:
  12. That is good news, and if true then I can have them downloadable from the events calendar on here too.
  13. Can I have your autograph please, Mr. Subira, sir? Make the most of that photo folks. It is, unfortunately, the only time you're ever likely to see a Trials Rider with the Sports Personality of the year trophy in his hands.
  14. Got home tonight and card through the door saying Citylink had attempted to deliver a parcel. Only thing it can be is the battery pack. The boys at Walters come good again. I really do recommend talking to them if you're in the market for anything photographic related and in the UK.
  15. Sports personality of the year of course! And I know it's him for two reasons 1) He sent me the photo and 2) I've met him!
  16. No, not Dougie - he's not good enough. It's none other than our very own dark horse of the Trials world - SUBIRA!!!! :santa1:
  17. So did Nigel Dabster's!!! http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/sports_talk/3318381.stm
  18. Anything I do make out of this long term will be pumped straight back in, be it in covering expenses to cover more events or competition prizes or whatever. It's a hobby, not a business venture You're right though. The ads are a nice splash of colour on the front page.
  19. There have been a few threads of this nature and I've deleted them. They were deleted without explanation. They were deleted because I don't want speculation, conspiracy theories or anything else brought up. There's been enough of that, but I do think you deserve some sort of explanation as to the situation. The owners of Trials Action stated they wanted to move the site from my server to a hosting company elsewhere. They were provided with the information they needed to obtain a copy of the site from my server. They needed that before they could upload it to another site. They have downloaded the entire site (to the best of my knowledge). I'm assuming the transfer is currently taking place, but I don't really know. I'm told they have "specialists", but don't really know that either. All I know is that Trials Action is totally transferred away from me and I no longer have anything whatsoever to do with it. My focus is Trials Central - 110%. Nothing else has any relevance, nor will it detract from that focus. That's the facts. You don't want to know the rest! This thread will now be closed. It's the only one where I'll comment on the topic. Anything else on this subject will be deleted.
  20. Guys, there's an awful lot of what can only be described as "bollocks" appearing in threads. Can you try and keep them on topic please. The "Anything Goes" forum is designed for off-topic chat. Threads anywhere else should stay on the subject of Trials. If they wander off-topic, I'll just either close them or move them to the off-topic forum. Ta muchly. Andy PS. I know I'm guilty of it as much as anyone else!
  21. Techno - please don't use SMS talk on here. Type in full English please. It's a pet hate of mine. Thankyoumuchly
  22. Without going into any kind of detail, you'll learn one day that that is not a good combination :santa1: :santa1: :santa1: :santa1:
  23. Best thing you can do is hassle the Club to use the facilities on Trials Central to get their results out quickly and easily. Not that I'm biased in any way, but it seems to be working for others! :santa1:
  24. YAY! well done to Antony Povey in Australia for getting this published: "I can't believe that there is still no recognition for Dougie Lampkin the 7 times World Outdoor Trials champion and 5 times indoor. In a time when British world champions are few and far between, this is an outrageous exclusion " Good on ya!
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