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Everything posted by Andy
  1. You don't think I actually read this s*** do you?
  2. Researchers for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority have found over 200 dead crows near greater Boston recently, and there was much concern that they may have died from Avian Flu. A Bird Pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and, to everyone's relief, confirmed the problem was definitely NOT Avian Flu. The cause of death appeared to be vehicular impacts. However, during the detailed analysis it was noted that varying colors of paints appeared on the bird's beaks and claws and by analyzing these paint residues it was determined that 98% of the crows had been killed by impact with trucks, while only 2% were killed by an impact with a car. MTA then hired a group of well-known Ornithological Behaviorist to determine if there was a direct cause for these disproportionate percentages of truck kills versus car kills. The Ornithological Behaviorists very quickly concluded the cause: Seems that when crows eat road kill, they always have a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn of any impending danger. They then discovered that while all the lookout crows could shout "Cah", not a single one could shout "Truck."
  3. I sent a test message to jj65 via OFFROADMART.COM asking him to respond. His response was received, though it was flagged as spam and put in my junk mail folder. There remains nothing in the mail queue on the server and no bounce reports so all appears to be working as it should. It should be noted when a seller replies to a contact message, the potential purchaser cannot just reply to that message as it comes from an offroadmart.com email address. The only way to reply is via registering on the site (or using the "contact seller" form again). That is by design to stop the seller's email address being made public, though this behaviour can be changed via "message settings"
  4. Can you check your Junk/Spam mail to see if there's anything there? I looked at this yesterday to check if there was anything wrong at my end but there are no mails sitting in the queue and no reject/bounce reports.
  5. If you know how to use whois, it's not hard to work out who it is.
  6. They used to do instruction sessions on a Saturday, but not sure if that is still the case. I'd be surprised if they've stopped them as part of the purpose of the place is to encourage new riders who, obviously are going to need a bit of help and guidance. Ask Iain or Jim down there.
  7. Another local. What did you reckon to the Academy? It's a fair spot.
  8. Andy

    Factory 2015

    There you go - http://www.trialscentral.com/headline-stories/16779-2015-factory-beta-unveiled Have asked for more pics.
  9. Think you got that the wrong way round....
  10. Andy

    Promo Vid

    Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! It was on a loop at Milan Show and I must have heard it 500 times. It drives me
  11. Andy

    Posting Photos

    What device are you using and what browser? Nothing should have changed recently Also, when uploading you have the option to just "Attach This File" or use the advanced uploader. Which are you using? Seems to be some wierd s*** going on at the mo, but I can't replicate any of the problems
  12. Bit of a hidden secret. It's not like Brit main Championship where Dave W sends out standings or S3 where Mick Wren keeps track. I tried to find out last year, but just went round the houses. Try emailing ACU. Alison may be able to help.
  13. Andy

    Gas Gas Future?

    Clickety linky Official Statement from Gas Gas
  14. Upgrades are in hand, but I've made some changes to the cookie settings to see if that alleviates things in the interim. The only thing that's changed is migration to faster servers and I can't see how that would have changed anything to do with cookies.
  15. Hmmm. Nothing's changed this end. Possibly browser updates are affecting it. TC is (over)due several updates, but I've been tied up with the new SSDT site which was a little more work than I anticipated. I'm on it now though and have literally today been talking to a consultancy firm about doing the work to save time. It's now too big for me to do quickly and I can't dedicate enough time in one go.
  16. Try clearing cookies. Works fine on iPhone here, but the various parts that comprise TC do occasionally get out of sync. Clearing cookies usually fixes it.
  17. That was a generic comment to others - I already knew you'd have been through them!
  18. Thank you for your kind words Ms G. Somewhat more work than I first anticipated, but the end result is worth it, I think. Only problem is, it's making TC look a bit crap so guess what's next.... Oh, and already had offers of more historical content for the new site If you've not already had a looky, head on over to www.ssdt.org and check out Uncle Eric's photos at very least. They are fantastic.
  19. Ah yes, the bull ring sections. You go to Spain, arguably the modern home of trials and you have not just one, but two indoor sections at an outdoor world championship...
  20. The problem you've got is local Clerks of the Course (and their egos!). Nobody can overrule them - not even the FIM course advisor. Look at France last year. Could have been a fantastic venue. Nice valley which would have happily housed the paddock with perfect scope for the twelve (or even fifteen) required sections up both sides. Hotel right next to it for all the admin stuff, but no. The podium was in the town centre. The paddock was up a very steep hill half a mile away. Results Manager was next to the podium, but we were shoved off in an estate agent's office nowhere near the podium. some of the sections were in the valley, but two were away off on their own, pretty much inaccessible to spectators and best of all, they stuck more of them right up a mountain which was frequently in the clouds - and refused to move them. Then we have Spain - 2014's venue should never have been homologated in the first place. France 2014 - whole valley was like this It's a mess and with the same old, same old in place for 2015 it's not going to get any better
  21. This is probably going to sound a bit gay, but if you see Bou stripped off (he was getting changed dammit), he is solid muscle from top to toe. Suspect he does a lot of working out over and above his bike time.
  22. No invitations to trade on this topic please.
  23. I have no idea what this is about or what it has to do with Trials. I was going to remove it, but it's just so totally random I've decided not to
  24. Having confirmed there's signal in the arena I'll have an assistant in the audience tonight posting live updates to the TC Twitter feed - https://twitter.com/Trials_Central You don't have to be signed up with Twitter to view this, but I don't know if it auto-refreshes if you're not logged in. I'll try and add some pics to the TC Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/trialscentral and Instagram - http://instagram.com/trialscentral/ pages too And no, it's not live on telly. If one more person asks that....
  25. Exactly. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Even simple things like taking Nigel Dabster to the shops or wiping his bottom after he's been to the toilet - stuff he can no longer manage himself - can make a world of difference On a more serious note, the FIM problem isn't about lack of people coming through to pick up the reins, it's about egos (but that's not solely an FIM issue either)
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