Sorry I couldn't give ya the tour man. I hope ya found the south tower spot.
I've been busy ridin' a new obstacle... over and over and over again. Ya'll know how it is... A dab here, a dab there, throw in some old school stop and hop, and next thing ya know, ya just can't bring yourself to get off of it. Ya just gotta keep poundin' away at it till ya get it right. Know what I mean? I'm gonna clean this one if it kills me, and it just might, but at least I'll die smilin' ! :)
WTF did you learn to spell? It is spelling like that that keeps me coming back. Thanks.
May I suggest you run the the Maxxis Desert IT. It is a six ply and wears like like iron. You need a six ply for flat protection. As his braces come apart, shards of sharp metal might puncture your tube, but the sturdy six ply will not give up easy. Even if you do get a flat, it will still offer enough sidewall strength to grind his face into the rocks and/or logs, and it will protect your rim when you land on his head. Of course if it remains aired up, which is the likey scenario, it is a race proven dirt slinger and spode mangler.
Glad I could help.
Judging by your response I can only conclude that I have read all this right and Vern did in fact SMOKE you at said event, in front of large amounts of off-raod racing enthusiasts, participants and their freinds and families, all of which know you, read your stuff, and see you regularly at motorcycling events and social functions. Geeez... that's got to hurt. Tell you what I'm gonna do...
I'll bet you beat Ringo in Vegas. That's right. Can you believe it? And I'm gonna help. Just before the event I will tell you the three secrets to beating Ringo. Any one of them will work, but Champions use all three secrets.
If you beat him, Ringo drives down here after the event , only 2 hours outa Vegas, and rides Sendero's Desert Cakewalk and Yard Sale Loop, in it's entirety. If Ringo wins, I remove Dufflebags's spleen and donate it to the Ringo Kidney Foundation.
Well Ringo? Are you takin' this bet?
I dunno Ringmaster....
I smell a skunk. I think it's a hustle, and it wouldn't surprise me to find out that Mr. Gamble is in on the whole thing. 500 bucks will buy alot of Evel Knievel stuff... know whadda mean Vern?
Hey Ringo,
That about describes Mr. Gamble to a tee. Great movie too. A must see.
My monitor must be projecting upside down again. Double check me here... I'm looking in the results and I'm seeing that... it can't be... no way... no freekin' way! I gotta be reading this all wrong.
Vern beat Craig?
Way to go Vern!!!
Craig... What happened? Did Vern stuff ya into a Tuffblock or something? Or did he land on ya over a log double? By all means.. enlighten us.
I'm gonna have to see this on You Tube. Anybody got the footage?
That was fun. Thanks to those that came out to ride. We will do it again next year and will be bigger and better. Same basic schedule and more notice. Off to Vegas!
Let the riding begin!!!
We'll see you there.
We just got finished with the boulder pile, set up the lights, and put the first layer of water on the track.
The track looks excellent, it's well-lit and the boulder pile is looking pretty nasty.
It is ready to ride.
See you there tomorrow!!!!
-Jake the test rider
Mohave Motor Sports presents,
On your way to Las Vegas! The New Moto Park Enduro X Practice Facility is north of Kingman Arizona, near I-40 and Hwy 93. Two hours to Las Vegas.
Enduro X practice! This is your chance to ride, test and train on the same type obstacles that you will see in Las Vegas. Logs, rocks, mud, loader tires both vertical and horizontal, make for a very tight and brutal training course to help prep you for qualifying in Las Vegas. Average 50 second lap times. 3500 ft elevation.
From I-40, go to Kingman, Arizona, turn north on Stockton Hill Rd. Go to mile marker 14 and turn right on Calle Chavez. Go 1 mile and turn left on Bank St. Go
There is at least one "old guy" lurking out here that agrees with your opinion on the "no-stop' thing. This topic has been beaten to death. I'll beat it some more...
I look forward to the day when some young, strong and ambitious "outside the box thinker" comes up with a completely new way to compete on a Trials bike. For example... when you free ride, is it anything like ridin' inside the tape?
I enjoy watching a stop and hop guy gathering points while trying to hop his bike around a corner that could just be rolled. It shows me that he is workin' hard and looking forward to a day when he is more skilled and ridin' in a higher class.
Ok Norm,
I mighta jumped ya a little hard for that one. I got defensive when I thought you were sayin' he just got lucky. Sorry.
I agree, minus the Alpina thing. But I didn't notice any luck. I saw preparation, skills, and a great attitude.
In answer to your question... Yup. We can do better. In an obscure, specialized, and struggling sport like Trials, yea, we can and should be different. We should respect our Champions. Our Champions should respect our Champions.
After watching you on this forum pummel the NATC and our Ten Time National Champ over the years, all the while claiming to want Trials to grow, I find your arguments and opinions rife with contradictions. The circles that you argue in, begin and end with you being the Trials hero of the day. It begs the question... Do you respect our sport and our champions?
Geez, if this keeps up I'm gonna hit a hundred posts.
Lane's World or not, I can't sit back and let this one go unchecked.
Northern Norm,
You're seriously gonna say something like that about Nick's ride? Are you trying to disqualify the accomplishment? Are you slamming him for some particular reason? Have you bought into the Beave's twisted view of the world? Let me guess... you could have beat Nick, but you were disqualified from competition cuz you didn't show up. Huh? Am I close?
Take a second out of your busy day to take OTHER people's feelings into account. Nick had the day/weekend of his life. It was story book all the way. A dream come true, but it was so great, he couldn't have even dreamed it. It will forever be one of the greatest moments in his life. A lifetime of memories. He will remember every minute of the entire experience for the rest of his life. He will live to tell his grandchildren about that day.
You guys are always yakkin' about how Trials needs to grow, blah blah blah, but when the single greatest Trials public relations gain happens, you guys slam it. With all this in mind, your contribution is to say that he got there only because everyone else crashed out? I gotta say that is weak... very weak.
You guys wonder why there aren't many entries in pro Trials... or why our top guys don't care to put forth the effort to compete in the World stuff... Gee, could this be a big part of their decision to go do something else? Everytime someone does good, there's always people like you guys to drag 'em thru the mud for their efforts. Why spend the time and money to travel to US national events, or go across the pond, when the very people you are representing are gonna slam ya for every move ya make?
The reality of it is, our champ riders do their own thing here in the US, and they are confident in knowing that guys like you are not qualified to lube their chains, let alone ride the Champ line. That's why they don't hang out here. Everything to lose and nothing to gain. If you guys are genuinely concerned about the lack of entries in US pro Trials, and are genuinely concerned about the US at the World level, start making POSITIVE contributions to the sport. Build up our Champs, make them feel appreciated for mastering our sport. Do NOT tear them down for it. EVER!
(This one should put me on Observed and Moderated Status for sure)
I bought a brand new CR250 in 94... made my wife co-sign for it... on my wife's birthday... that I forgot.
I called her from the cycle shop and told her to "get down here and co-sign for this new bike". She agreed. When she got there all the guys were standin' around to see this, cuz they thought I was Male Chauvenist Pig King for tellin' her to "get down here and co-sign". She walks in, and sees all of us standing there by the new bike... there was dead silence and **** eatin' grins all around...
She broke the deafening silence with
"Is this the bike?"
"Yup. Sign here, here and initial here."
"Should I date it too?"
"Did you forget what day it is?"
"Whaaaat?! What day it is?! It's Friday, now just date it."
"It's my birthday, Johnny Moto, did you forget?"
"Uhhhh... uuuhh..."
The place erupted in histerical laughter.
"Hey Sendero, ya want us to put the bike back in the showroom for ya? Bwa ha ha ha ha!!!"
"Don't touch it! She'll sign!"
"She's gonna have to, cuz you're dead! Dead guys don't buy motorcycles. Bwa ha ha ha ha ha!"
She signed. It was that day that I knew I was never getttin' out of this marriage alive.
What...? What the... Who said Race? Huh? Who said Trials?
He aint gonna step outside, Ringo. He's cryin' Super Bloody Freakin' Senior. Typical.
Waaaait justa minute.... Ding Ding Ding!!! It just hit me.
I think it's her!
I think it's Olive!!!
Holiday is OLIVE!!!!!
:) :)
Thanks Ringo... I'll pack an extra Twinkie for ya, and let you pass me.
That's right! He's our Champ and he has earned our respect. Not only should we respect his contribution to the sport, but his results as well. The least we can do is respect his Endurocross accomplishments, and they are accomplishments (there are some pretty big names that did not make the main last year) as he goes to battle against the World's best off road motorcycle riders, representing American Trials, our favorite motorcycling discipline. Not only that, but he can kick anyones *** on this board, Trials or Endurocross. Let's be honorable... let's not allow anyone to tear down our idols.
Whoaaaa there Ringo... Need a bigger hat cowboy? Just cuz Holiday says you can outride him, doesn't mean I think I'm fast. Howdaya make that leap, Knievel? I just ride sweep, carry the Twinkies and have fun.
Speakin' of fast, can we invite some of these Geoff bashers around here? I'll bet we can have most of 'em callin' for the helicopter in less than 15 miles. How 'bout it, Holiday? Big Bear loopage this weekend?
So, can you beat him? Sign up...
Thumpertalk says Geoff Aaron is signed up for Endurocross again. Howzabout that, Beave? Hopefully the Champ will do as good as he did last year, and maybe even better. The Trials community will be as proud as ever to see OUR top guy in the fray and kickin' some serious KTM butt, right Atom? Go Goeff, we love ya man!
:) :) :) I've got serious case of Endurocross Priopism. Sorry...
Ringo can outride ya?
I was wrong about you, Holiday. It takes balls to admit something like that, but that is the first step on your road to recovery. Don't be so hard on yourself, Doc. Can I call you Doc? Just read a couple dirt bike magazines, go buy a 2006 Dong Chung Wang 250 Rightning F, available at your local Auto Parts Store, and a welding helmet, and then you will be faster than Ringo. Redemtion, brought to you by Manny Moe and Jack.
Why Ringo,
I say he's yella!
Waddaya got to say to that, Lunger?
Hey Johnny... what's that smell?
Good point Craig... ya better not buy it.
Yea, you're right, Dab.... ya better not buy it.
Hey Ringo,
Get it right for cryin' out loud!
Hell comes with Wyatt Earp!!! Not you!
You boys gonna pull them pistols or just whistle Dixie?
Don't just stand there and bleed Ringo, shoot the *** ** * *****!!!
Clarification: Over here in the US, KTMs have what has been called a "cult following". Most KTM riders are so loyal to the brand, they are willing to ride inferior bikes and put up with astronomical parts pricing and gross un-availability of said parts, to prove their point... that point seeming to be "I paid waaaaaay more than you did so my bike is waaaaay better".
Years ago I went with the advice I got from a guy so high up the food chain at KTM America that I cannot even mention his name or he would find me and poke my eyes out with a sharpened stainless spoke.
"Just buy a **** and be done with it. No reason for you to put yourself at an unnecessary disadvantage. I'm still waitin' for parts for my new bike and I work here."
I had learned my lesson about brand loyalty a few years before that. Never again, and when HE, of all people, steered me away, I was gone daddy gone.
Forgive me if I chime in when I see any inkling of blind/brand loyalty. I just can't help myself. Not sayin' it's what you are all about Atom. It is such a mistake in the long run, I hate to see it happen to anyone. (well, except Ringo) Always ride the best bike you can, it doesn't matter what color it is.
Waddaya mean by "dominate"? I know they have the widest selection of specialized models, they aren't ashamed to ask the highest retail prices for said models, and the people who buy them would "never buy one of them Jap bikes", but where do you get "dominate"? Ya been hangin' around Ringo and drinkin' his orange Kool-aid?
Im only going by the facts matey
Take a look at the article here - Worldwide sales of $531 Million and a this year to date net income of 11.6 million euros - I'll have some of that
Facts? ...as presented to us by KTM, on a website for a KTM dealer. It reads more like a quarterly stock report. You did say "dominate enduro/mx" so I thought you meant something like performance, reliability and race results. Sorry. Hey, they're good bikes, ride 'em if you like 'em, but "dominate"?
The KTM/Husaberg/Hunkavarnish/TM "exotic" european cult followings are always entertaining to me.