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  1. mags

    Fan Running ???

    If you get a chance you may want to edit your profile and add ya bike details? I even have mine in my sig! Mags
  2. mags

    Fan Running ???

    We have 2014 model so being newish (about 40-50 hrs now) its starts like a charm. Cold, my wife uses the black cold start button.... hot usually nothing.... after an off and depending where she has left the fuel tap (A or C) uses the hot start button (red one). We found much better cold starting when tap on "A" (always supply fuel) rather than "C" ( cuts supply when motor off). Do that if you are not using that procedure and see if cold start improves. I really start on A and move to C for general riding or comps.... as a safety net! Don't want heaps of fuel on a hot pipe! The most that can come out on C is a carby bowl full.... on A the tank will flow via raised floats til empty when bike on side. Might want to check ya valve clearances (if you have not)? They should be fine, a check stops ya thinking about them for next 6 months! Grab a portable tacho and check idle speed, if too far from spec it may interfere with starting? Enjoy the bike! We do!!! Mags
  3. Ok! It sounds like a helmet mount and chest mount are staples so I'll grab a chest mount (have the helmet in top mount and side mount). I like the "boot cam" and its simplicity.... I'll try that one! I was thinking of removing front number plate and fabricating a mount in the centre of the head stem. This would be a steady view verses a bar mount and the rapid side to side of the trials bars. Obviously, once camera removed the plate can zip clip back on. Might check on side to side movement today, the stanchion might hit it at full lock? Also, would a kidney belt view be any good? Seems you might be able to angle that to take in bars and terrain just ahead? Sherconoob, Geez you do great vids! Especially the learn to ride series!!! Background music, seamless cuts whilst maintaining viewer interest, a splash of comedy! Great stuff! As a complete beginner to motion film could you suggest a basic beginner software to edit the fluff out of my vids? The guy in the store recommended "elements"??? Is the Gopro software a good beginner editor??? Just being able to cut it to a watchable video for the kids (and their kids, eventually) would suffice... titles, music, creative editing may come later depending on learning curve! Thanks for any advice! Mags
  4. mags

    Fan Running ???

    Depends on ambient temp and how hard/long you are working the engine. I just asked my wife how much is the fan on when she rides her Beta 250 4T and she said "About 1/3 of time you are riding". I will say though... she is a beginner and just rides it around with the odd steep hill thrown in. Comes on more when she is practicing fig 8's. I would say its on longer than that when I ride it. As a side note... my Cota 4T fan runs more than the Beta. If the fan runs a bit and the engine is not over-heating its a good thing... as in, doing its job. So long as it does stop and then click in again? Its off when first starting and then comes in as engine heats up???? Right? Next time I ride it around yard I'll time the cycle... on-off-on. It is winter here at the moment though, cycle time would be longer. Mags
  5. These pics will give you the mount area on the enduro. Apologies for the quality as they are just pics of the iMac screen taken by my Olympus still cam while the video is paused. The Gopro has a Burst mode which takes 30 still pics in 1 second with 12 megapixel still cam. The video cam resolution I use is... 1080 HD at 48 fps. I get 2 hrs 14 mins from a 32 gig Sandisk Ultra....and about 2.5 hrs recording from battery pack. Pic 1 is the view from cam on bike Pic 2 is the off by wife! Pic 3 is her crossing the creek... notice she has reverted to trails position rather than sitting! Hehehehehe Mags
  6. Bump! Anything changed here? I have purchased a GoPro to record some of our exploits on the trials bikes. I did some test footage on the trail bikes, weekend just gone. Used a bar mount to put the camera on the bars in the centre. View gave a little bit of bike in frame (speedo and some of plastic cover) for perspective. It worked pretty good but on the bars on a trails bike and the amount of bar turning we do it may send ya seasick. Ripping along the trails at speed the bar mount was pretty good. I have a plastic mount for a helmet so I'll put that on and give it a go??? Saw the chest mounts and they would be uncomfortable tightened up. One thing I noticed with bar mount and the GoPro lens... I'd rip up a bit steep hill and the camera sure made it look much flatter than it was!!!! My wife had her new trail bike out this last weekend and happened to have a slow speed off... got it all on camera!! Don't worry boys! The bike is OK!!! She is fine as well... didn't even bother her that her knee was well swollen! Rode the rest of the day.... Mags
  7. I have not run a fan heater... although I would! I have run a single electric blanket in each camp stretcher.... warm as toast then! We've rarely had a powered site so I run a Honda generator if the grounds allow it. Don't discount boiling some water for a hot water bottle to take chill out of sleeping bag. It seems the chill of the bag is the thing that takes the most heat from body! I have heard some guys that use sleeping bags in cold areas don't put too much on their body so the body heat creates a warm bag quickly. They said the secret is too insulate the bag well from surrounding cold and use body inside bag.... sorta makes sense? I was worried about the bikes cooling system freezing but remembered there is glycol in system so O deg or even a bit below won't freeze the cooling system busting the radiator. Be careful with water containers outside or any hoses with water in... they may freeze cracking them? The property owner where we stayed emptied the bore system every day to stop pipes cracking... just in case it too far below zero. You bike looks snug! Hehehehehe Sleeping beauty!! Hehehehe I put an old blanket over ours then a tarp.... ours were outside though! Don't forget some chocolate! We loved eating chocolate in the sleeping bags... I had my wife giggling like a little girl with some jokes about the chocolate! Mates in the campground said next morning.... "Was that your wife giggling last night at 11pm".... AHHHHHHHH! No!!! Hehehehehehe Don't forget to hydrate still.... you still need heaps of fluids in the cold if expending energy on the bike!! You'd know that though! Mags
  8. Good luck! The work you have put in will see you through! We just did 3 days , 3 nights camping in canvas tent at 2 deg C with bikes. Geez it was cold on these ageing bones!! Hehehehehe We were in thermals, socks (they really helped), beanie, sleeping bag extra thick, and a heavy blanket over sleeping bag. To stop cold from underneath we had 50mm of foam on top of portable camp stretcher. It was ok! JUST!!! Any colder and we would need a colder "rated" sleeping bag... like for SNOW!!! Hehehehehe Enjoy your time, mate! Dont forget a report on return. And some pics if possible? Mags
  9. You would have to factor in a 2014 JTG 300 also??? Have peek at the Jotagas factory tour thread. I think you have to plug and play a little with the Ossa mapping as well??? Mags
  10. Another great vid Jeff! Libby Cook is insane for her size! What a gutsy girl handling that bike!!! Wow! Mags
  11. Alan, Show your wife this pic! Its my wife. She started to learn to ride a motorcycle this year (January) at 50! Her weapon of choice is her Beta 250 4T. She has come a long way since being the shaky lady on the trials bike with a look of trepidation on her face... to the confident, much improved lady with a smile of her dial every time she gets on the thing! I'm damn proud of her for having a go and even prouder of her succeeding to the point where we ride our trials bikes together. Sure beats gardening as we head towards rest of 50's and 60's! The other plus is the fitness regime we have started so we can ride the trials bikes for longer sessions! Mags
  12. My wife and I sat and watched this vid together! Great to see young girls in the sport, more power to them! I have two girls (20,15) but alas they have shown no interest in motorcycles. The older one is just too busy with life, University (engineering) and her part-time job! She has said she will ride a motorbike one day. That may change now that Mum is riding her Beta 4T most weekends! Hehehehe The younger one would like a quad and may then be converted to having a go at a trials bike? We can only hope!! Looking forward to next instalment! I'll put the vid above on the big screen tonight for the girls to see. They do enjoy watching the World Indoor Champs so will get a kick out of girls their age in trials! Mags
  13. Thanks for input! Its seems I might be a bit low in the pressures. I'll raise them up a bit, especially in the front! I did hit a tree root or two and was worried about bruising/deforming a front rim. I have purchased a reasonable quality gauge from a trials supplier. Goes to 15 psi from memory. Its a dial type with a button to release needle as it locks on pressure reading. I like the idea of central lanyard.... I actually had my lanyard removed by a thorn bush branch. I'd heard it happens and and thought it must be rare occurrence but it happened. That would be a bugger in competition... thats a five matey!!! I'm running 10/43 (was10/41) so not far off Ross's gearing. I'll give it more time but I think it will be a stayer for the near future. I like the slower speed for tight work around trees et cetera. I'll have a peek in the Monty area for gearing. Mags
  14. P@ul250, Now thats a great family pic! I'd have that framed and hanging somewhere! Try not to "burger" ya leg anymore.... or carry lettuce, tomato sauce and a bun! Mags
  15. Yeah mate!! You guys in the US of A are damned lucky riding the streets!! Here we have been infected with speed cameras like England! One state here has them set at .6mph over and you are pinged money and points lost on licence! We also have a timed camera on the highway north out of my city. It records you and then compares how fast you got to next one 20 miles away... time over distance thing and flash, you are cashed!! More money, more points... What they can't do... is get me on my trials bikes!!! Hehehehehe Trouble is... its the same education standard to be a copper as a postman (and I love our local postie he delivers on a motorcycle)... but the copper gets a 9mm and taser to play with!! And the better than you attitude... Mags
  16. Bar-b-cue at the boys place!!! Their shout!!! Helmets has been said already! Another little tip... when filming, don't run so close to the person filming. One small non-correction and they will be hit and at that pace maybe buried. Especially filming mono-ing so close! Little trick is to use a bit of zoom and keep camera back a little more.... gives the impression of speed you want and cameraman much safer. Loved the slow stuff in the film!!! Mags
  17. My wife had the same problem on her 2014 Evo 250 4T. Not the muffler area it has a good guard but on the header when she went over a few times. Melted holes in the Wulfsport polyester! I put a leather patch on the effected area which will be much more heat proof than the poly. Doesn't look too neat but works well and saved some money on new ones! Mags
  18. Oh ok! Speed restrictions.... bugger! We can travel posted limits here with trailers (on full licence). I cruise on 100kph with bike trailer. Mags
  19. Zippy, Ahahahahahahahaha Good point!!! I don't like the neighbours very much.... they don't have motorcycles let alone a trials stallion!!! And by the way... the leather patch I did for the trials pants "a la wife".... good job Honey was the verdict!!! Beat that!!! (wulfsportWink) Mags
  20. Hey! You all started somewhere... I went to the dark side (for me) and rode my first 2T ever, yesterday! It was a 2014 JTG 300. I would love to give you an impression but the fuel tap was off and after I kicked her over and rode for a minute it began to splutter so I parked it! I didn't know it had a fuel tap.... Geez!!!! Hehehe I did like the build quality on it and would probably be my choice as a first 2T.... simply knowing no better I suppose? It looked great and how strong is that swing arm (forged)!! Ok ! The question.... the owner (pretty experienced) had the lanyard on the clutch side. I put ours on the throttle side. I have had trouble reaching down for neutral (to leave engine running at times) with right hand because lanyard is there and left is holding clutch in.... MMMMmmmm! My wife and I discussed it and she stretches lanyard on right wrist to hold clutch with right hand and reached down with free left hand for neutral. Better to have on clutch side??? Stock kill switch is there on both bikes (left side for a reason?). I didn't get to discuss why it was on that side with JTG owner? Next.... I went up 2 teeth on the rear sprocket on the Cota! First thing I noticed was travelling between areas I was using 4th-5th now!! Hehehehe Because of high idle the 2 tooth increase has slowed it for the better as a learner I reckon, for 1st gear. I used 2-3 verses 1-2 but have option of slower 1st. My wife had a go on the Cota and not surprisingly she was able to do the tightest clutch out fig 8's to date. Clutch technique when slowing further seemed to improve as well???? I must look at gear ratios for the Cota gearbox and see if 2nd, 3rd with sprocket change is close to 1st, 2nd, before.... I only ask this as my wife said to leave hers stock for now... after I suggested changing hers by 2 teeth? On most bikes are you guys changing rear sprockets a couple of teeth up from standard sprocket? Are sprockets routinely changed for different trails grounds or you settle to what you like for all areas???? Tyre pressures.... The Michelins are a softer wall (Beta) and the Cota harder walls (Dunlop) so I may have the initial pressures too high on the Cota? I have been running 3.5 cold in rear and 5.5 cold in front of both bikes. Maybe better start pressures would be 2.5/4.0 for the Dunlops and 3.0/5.0 for the Beta (cold). Or even lower???? I'm not intending to start a pressure/tyre debate but just a learner start pressures.... to be honest the tyres feel the same unless I really change them radically... like 1.5 R and 2.5 front... Do you bother changing the pressures between dry, rocky, grassy.... and wet, rocky, grassy, muddy? I'd imagine if wet you would drop 1-1.5 psi straight out of front and rear??? Hope I didn't stray too close to... Sorry mate! Tell ya that and I'd have to kill ya.... Hehehehehehehe Thanks Mags
  21. I have had no issue using the plastic filter cover. My '14 stock filter is so much better than the non-genuine I have as spares. Weren't branded but would probably be Jitsie? Also there was a "blue" coloured, thinnish filter oil on the air filter....bike new out of the crate. Anyone know the oil the factory uses for air filters? I'm using motor oil (as recommended) and seems to work well but the factory stuff might be a better product to trap dust? Mags
  22. Zippy, Good article! I tried the shorts for home practice and to stop exhaust burn potential on my golf ball knees I removed the header pipe!!! NO knee/leg burn but the neighbours were looking at me with scowls of distain!!! Dylan, Love your all leather option! A set of those and I'm up for 1 or 2 sections of bedroom trials. You could market then under the brand "TarzanLUVJane". Mags
  23. I just got a quote from a specialist trailer manufacturer for one! Might no be relevant to the UK or USA though? 14 ft long inside with 6 ft drawbar by 7ft 6 " wide internal....20 ft overall. The long drawbar is to make the back half into a shower room and portapotti area. Height inside is 7 ft. 2 x 90 litre water tanks. Independent off-road suspension single axle rated to 2 tonne. 6 inch by 2 inch chassis... LED lights and full road registration. One by personal door LHS, 3 big windows doubled glazed and screened. Rear door is drop down using horse float spring to assist weight and serves as ramp. Walls made of 2 inch thick refrigerator room composite wall. Very insulated in summer or winter. Floor is composite honey comb fibreglass... very strong can hit with big hammer. Floor rubber lined for hose out! Comes with corner legs and jockey wheel. Holds 4 bikes with ease and all gear like helmets and boots on shelves. Has area are to mount my 60 litre fridge. Comes with foldout awning 13 ft by 7 ft.. fiamma heavy duty caravan model. Two fold up bunks at rear like van above. This is a dream transporter over-night trials/enduro trailer for us! Cost came in around 13,000 english pounds. WE baulked at price.... WOW! But will save and save, sell a few things to try and get one as we can see ourselves doing trials for a long time... hell, there are people in their late 60's and early 70's still doing trials!!!! Thats my kind of exercise later in life!! The work and play caravan above is around as $56,000 Aussie, as spec'd. So 22k to do same thing virtually! Mags
  24. I have access to industrial sewing machine so was able to sew (not very straight) a kangaroo leather patch over the exhaust melt holes of wife's pants. Good for another few months or more... if she comes off again the leather is far more resistant to exhaust heat than polyester!! Great to not have to toss them out or make trials shorts out of them!! Hehehehe Mags
  25. You would probably get an 80cc in it!! Hehehehehe Sleep in carpark at indoor championship as well! Mags
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