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Everything posted by mags
  1. Hey! Great idea! Never thought of that... MMMmmmm! I have a decent driveway to do it, as well! Got an old motorcycle tyre here so will place on ground and practice putting front wheel in tyre from differing distances! Thanks! Mags
  2. mags

    2015 Mont

    Honda will always take a loss in one area if it means World Championships in it for them.... Japanese and Honour and all that. I think its one more world Championship and Bou is the all time Motorcycle World Championship holder by number... not a bad thing for Honda/Repsol/Montesa! They (Honda) would not even consider it a loss... baby money for many, many World Championships. The money into Repsol Trials verses Repsol moto GP would be peanuts! Mags
  3. Dan, 99% sure the adjustment has free play. If the piston sticks the free play increases... thats what alerted me to the sticking in the first place. There is about 10mm movement at ball of brake lever before rod feels to make contact with piston, lever rod receiver bore, bottom. If thats a term! Hehehehe Also... if I lift front wheel and spin it stops pretty quick... then pull brake on hard and let off fast by letting lever flick out of fingers... then lift wheel it freewheels for ages by comparison. Next try or two applying brake it still free wheels but then next one or two it stays on and lever free play increases by double. Will head out in the morning for some fresh brake fluid before starting teardown. I have to start the clock with this job as its my wife's bike... once I pick up a spanner/tool she owes me big time!!! ($45anHourWink) Or its a candle lit dinner with all the trappings!!! Her shout!!! Thanks! Mags
  4. Might be the title of your first book, huh?!!! What doesn't work in Observed Trails - by Dylan Marriner I can add a chapter for ya!! Hahahahahaha I've eaten a bit of dirt in last 5months!!! I need way more 8's and static before advancing to jumps. I'm very content to do old style trials... in the gate and belt through the novice line and out!!! Hehehehehe I'm just starting to lift front wheel, via clutch, onto small logs and let back wheel ride over. Baby steps! Really enjoy this thread! Mags
  5. Bugger! It has taken a hit or two! Spring distorts/loses tension?? Any way of telling if its damaged once out? Or may look fine but damaged? Somewhere in the world would be a spring tension gauge and a setting for tension at installed length? Might just order a rebuild kit for it and put in... can't hurt especially if it comes with spring! Thanks for your input boys... much appreciated! Mags
  6. Get in the line up for silly dabs.... I'm the guy at the front of the line! So long as we keep improving... Mokwepa, Damn... those fig 8 circles are inspiring, never seen that imprint before! Makes we want to go and do some now!!! Great stuff!! Mags
  7. My wife and I both use Wulfsport pants. They melt very easy on the first 6" of exhaust pipe. My pants are deformed a little from melting not quite through but my wife's pants (after last ride) have melted through and formed a hole. All from us coming off the bikes whilst on our learning curve. The front pipe area is a magnet for our legs... the pants saved a nasty burn!!! I zip clipped them for her until we get a new set! She will patch them with kangaroo leather and keep for spares. They are super comfortable though and will go again with them.... cost about $150 Aussie dollars here. Mags
  8. mags

    2015 Mont

    I was under the impression it was a new bike for 2015??? Much more than a cosmetic change... Mags
  9. Last couple of outings the front brake master cylinder has been sticking slightly on (intermittently). I can feel it with the free play in lever.... the free play increases when it sticks. Lifting the front wheel and spinning wheel sees it stop pretty quick and I can feel it dragging sometimes, when pushing the bike on concrete at home. The 2014 brakes on my wife's Beta are Grimeca branded. I'll pull it apart before next outing and see whats's causing it (internal corrosion/ machining swarf/particles???) Anything to be wary of...??? Mags
  10. Ok! Thanks. That explains the why the dealer supplied white throttle had "quick" written on it. I am now used to the white throttle and probably won't change it back at this stage. The human brain is amazing... I'm getting much finer throttle control now, even with white. I just did three days riding... for 10 ish motor hours. Mags
  11. Be awhile before I shift to Clubman from Novice-Novices.... Thanks for the offer you never know when I might be down that way! Now if those Clubman lines get set a bit easier...MMMmmmmmm! Mags
  12. Hey Paul, In SE Qld! The above pics are from my fav Motorcycle Park... 750 acres, $25 a day per bike! About 140k's from home. Mags
  13. That 4 legged observer has seen so much trials novices that he may be setting sections for us soon!! Had a great discussion with a long time trials rider on the weekend and he's not impressed with the setting of sections for novice. He was not very impressed with Clubman getting so hard he's starting to put 5's on card and move to next one! It seems a blurry line between classes???? Here is a few pics from last weekend... we practice as much as we can and are improving, somewhat! it was very cold at 2-4 degrees overnight for there 3 nights we spent camping and riding the trials bikes! The addiction continues... Mags
  14. I wish I could give you a detailed test between the two but I don't have the experience to anywhere near use either bike to its potential. I have been riding the Beta for 4 months or so as well... so the Montesa felt a little weird at first. Also only 4 hrs riding on Monte so far.... and 6-8 static bal sessions. That said I can give you my take on them... The Dunlops are much harder in the wall so I run the tyre pressures down a bit from the Beta... grip seems as good so far, as the Michelins. I'm leaning towards the Michelin as the better front tyre. Although I have to try another .5 psi down on Montesa front... The Montesa feels a bigger/heavier bike even though only a few kilograms in it. I had a bit of trouble static balance on the Montesa but it was only because of so much time balancing on the Beta. Its not that way anymore I can balance both virtually equally now. The Beta feels like it has a slightly faster steering and maybe just a tad more steering arc. Power is superior in the Montesa... feels like a 350cc compared to Beta. You would expect that from injection though... more linear as well on the torque curve. Wife had a go and says "got some mumbo!" The fit and finish of the Montesa puts the Beta to shame! Period! The Beta looks like made in China 5 yrs ago by comparison! For example.... Body work on the Beta is fastened on by allen heads tapped straight in to the frame. The Montesa has Nutcerts and some captive nuts in brackets. It also uses proper shouldered fasteners that are single or double shouldered depending on the application. I found core shift on the casting of the oil filter end cap of the Beta. One of the bolts was actually inserted in on an angle because the drilling of the 3 fasteners was not quite 120 degrees apart. I remedied this by re-tapping the thread and die grinding the hole slightly in the cap. This gave the bolt clearance but the thread being worn from angled insertion meant I had to back off the torque setting by 30%on all 3 and race wire them. No biggie but never should have been there for $10,000??? The Beta wiring plugs leave a bit to be desired... all plugs are home with the barbs engaged but the fan stopped working and all it was, was the plug (near rear shock) needed a push slightly further home. I have zip clipped the plugs together to stop the issue for now and after this weekend will open plugs up and check terminal's fitment to each other. The Montesa has no such issue with fit and finish... Honda is Honda... the machining and casting is superb. I thought the Beta had a better clutch feel but need to compare after the clutch gets worn in on Montesa but then my wife says after first go on Montesa, "Nice clutch". As we get more riding time one bike will become apparent for my wife as a preferred bike.... if its the Montesa I'll get one for her and keep Beta as a spare.... its her first ever motorcycle in her life so don't think she'll part with the Beta, even if she doesn't ride it much. The Beta has been a great bike so far as well though.... two learner people riding it and static bal practice for 4.5 months! Countless days at our fav riding property and its never let us down (only the fan issue, which I fixed when wife discovered fan not coming on). Mags
  15. Bare footed, close your eyes... put arms up at shoulder height out at sides (not towards front) and stand on one leg for as long as you can... then swap legs! and then stand on a pillow or thick cushion... foot can't feel flour too well so its wobble city!! Don't crash! Practice makes perfect... I'm not good at it but getting better! Mags
  16. Hey Thanks ! Wow... that Bou is a freak! Never seen engine off before! Amazing! Mags
  17. I swim in summer here in Australia but winter too cool. There quite a few heated pools nearby and the yummy mummies are easy on the eye! I'd scare them in my budgie smugglers... better wear some proper swim shorts! Hehehehehe Mags
  18. I must walk out to shed 50 times a day ... does that count? hehehehehe I used to work for an oil company, climbing the stairs on 6 million litre tanks was great for fitness! Mags
  19. I like the mountain bike idea! A mate has been pestering me to come ride the trails with him but geez... he's always falling off and he sees many injuries. Can go at my own pace though! So more flex... I can see that! I'm reasonably strong, so yeah, more flex, cool! I do the squats assisted now (hold rope tied to beam above head) as free squats was hurting knees slightly and lower back a little. Daughter had some knee trouble from sport and a Physio fixed her knees to the best she has ever been... I'm starting to do her knee exercises to strengthen the muscles around them. Thanks for tips! Mags
  20. Here is my super novice wife. She had her first go on a motorcycle only 5 months ago... it was on the blue 125cc trials bike in the pic of her with trials coach. Other is of her at home practicing her first ever static balance. Used milk crates at first... doesn't need them now! Her PB is just over 5 mins. Last one is her first ever go "over small log" about 2 months ago. She's a tough old bird at 50... face planted down hills and fallen over quite a few times but keeps getting back on her Beta!! Mags
  21. Thanks oldyam!!! Can you tell my wife that! Hehehehehe I try to ride as much as I can but its a bugger when you live in a city and the cops are hot on unregistered bikes anywhere... you actually get summonsed to court if caught anywhere except private land! Some judge will then stuff around with ya car/bike licence, as in... lose it if not careful! I do 3-4 sessions a week around the yard doing fig 8's and small front wheel ups by throttle... does fiddling with bike in shed count? Hehehe Mags
  22. Yeah... I wasn't sure of the way they go but tell me... the white throttle tube is less throttle applied for the same degrees rotated???? The white one said Quick throttle on the bag???? Black came with the bike and it feels like you give the throttle a little and you get too much??? The white one pulls less at the butterfly for the same rotation??? Its like the black goes full at 1/4 turn and the white at full at 1/2 turn????? It might not be about rotation but rate per degree rotation???? Helppppppp!!! I wanted finer control so white is the one????? Mags
  23. WoW! Can you point me in the direction of the Bou Vid with engine off??? Thanks! Mags
  24. G'day all, One thing that has become apparent since doing some miles off-road (since last January) is my fitness, or more correctly the lack of it! I cruise many hours on my road bike but the trials bike has shown up some need for attention to fitness. This "trials caper" later in life needs some resolve to gain some fitness but not injure myself in the process! Hehehehehe I'm reasonably strong for age and weigh 87 kg at 178cms, but the aerobic fitness is lacking as shown by my arms and legs giving out before my concentration getting around the next obstacle. I have some past injuries from motocross when young.... like a collapsed disc in neck and bad vertebrae in lower back so need to be careful. I have pretty well sorted out you need some arm strength and leg strength improvements? So far I have started push-ups for arms and a bit of chest... they give minimal chance of injury. For legs and lower back I'm starting squats with a broom stick (no weights) to give a result and no injury (hopefully). I ride my pushbike when I can and do a minimum of 5 k's but like to do 10k's at least... although I have started stopping and trying to balance! Ahahahahahahahaha I practice static on the Monte every second day to keep ahead of my wife... she does 5 minutes static now both directions with 5.5 and 3.5 psi! I might put 28 psi in her tyres and not tell her!!! MMmmwwaaaaaahhhhaaaaa! I'm mid-fifties and have to be a bit careful about injury.... What are you guys (young and old) doing for exercise specifically suited to trials???? Any tips appreciated!!! Mags
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