does any body know any helmets that are blue and black and where you can buy them as i gto new jitsie clothes for christmas and i want a new matching helmet? i have look at nau and nzi helmets
ive gone gold on my sherco 04 ive bbougth a hope rep petrol cap , yomee exaughst heat shield , hope rep cylinder caps , gold sproket and gold chain tensioners.
they look quite good and brighten the bike up a bit
i think its the sanem as a caberstany rep but i hope theyve made it better build quality than the 06 bike people i know have had a few problembs with theirs
i have recently bought a new irc tyre and i am very impressed with it it is so grippy but i am not sure why? it seems to flick alot more of the mud off or is it just the compound i have also seen that the walls are stiffer could this help it?
i would look for an '04 model as i am looking to sell my '04 125 for around that money
do you think this is a good price??? as ive never sold a bike and dont really know what my bike would go for
on a trial on sunday i was goin up a hill with a tight corner at the top and there was a tree stump that i didnt see and i bent my gear leaver and i am wondering if its possible to bend it back to its original shape ??
could any one give me any points or ways of doing it , i might heat it up and bend it back in the vice is this a good idea?? any help would be appreciated
im doubt many people on this site would know alot about mini motos but its worth a try. i have a mini moto wich wont start and if it does its just cuts out if i pull the throttle or if i leave it it cuts out do any of you know what the problem could be .
any help would be appreciated