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sherco 125

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Everything posted by sherco 125
  1. sherco 125

    Sherco 07

    neither can i i gotta start saving just want to know if its worth it
  2. sherco 125

    Sherco 07

    does any one have any info on the 07 125 or other 07 sherco modles
  3. sherco 125


    i have them on my 04 sherco about the same price i baught the clamps from the shop
  4. i had the problem with my sherco on the kick start its just the spring
  5. i am a kent youth trials club member but am out of trials at the mo due to road accident and dont know about any trials if you want info try the web site they should have the 2006 dates up now www.kytc.co.uk
  6. it could be a problem with the choke as i had one
  7. he woukd proberly need an old 125 or something and an 80 cc would be pushing it a bit
  8. most new shercos come with fast action throttles and you need to buy a low action
  9. no offence but they look discusting
  10. sherco 125

    Build Quality

    they are good but not very strong
  11. sherco 125

    Sy 250f

    i am impressed by the 4 storke scorpa as its well nice but has any body seen one before
  12. sherco 125

    It's A Minter

    probly kind of reminds me when my dad ( as they do) tried to show off on my first bike 50 cc lem moto cross bike trying to wheelie and went streight through the wall but suprisingly the only thing damaged was his nuckles
  13. sherco 125

    It's A Minter

    i got a better one
  14. graham jarvis has been said to ride a 4t round the ssdt but he is focusing on enduro more now after his good results on the last few enduros
  15. sherco 125


    what tyres go best with sherco im thinkking of gettin and irc tyre but are they worth the extra money?
  16. probly a gas gas 50 or beta minitrial
  17. try the kytc kent youth triasl club www.kytc.co.uk
  18. the new 2006 sherco has the latest paloli shock they are sposed to be springier and more agile
  19. the clutch plates on my sherco get stuck aswell but usually go back to normal within 5 mins of riding
  20. sherco 125

    Fat Bars

    i have fat bars on my 04 sherco and i feel that it rides easyer and it feels more compfy
  21. sherco 125

    Sherco Mods

    i have figgured that im going to be out of riding for a bit andsaw that my tyers were getting round and my sprockets are going. what is the better one to replace as i dont get money that easy
  22. stevens trials bexely,kent
  23. sherco 125

    Kill Switch

    behind the front light there is a plug with a few wires on un plug it and the change kill switch its something like that i dont know the real name for the switch
  24. theres a sticker that says sherco recomends ipone is this true?
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