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Everything posted by ruffrider
  1. don't think they're due to be posted for a few days yet Jake's a reliable guy, don't panic
  2. Just spotted another round showing ... Eurosport 2 12/7 @ 19:00
  3. Hiya Bruce, Managed to get to my Techno over the weekend. Had a quick look and it appears to be wired as per the manual ...... Blue from rectifier (+ve) to thermostat Black/Blue from thermostat to fan Black from fan to rectifier (-ve) Hope this helps.
  4. I'll see what I can do Bruce, but it won't be soon. We've got builders in and the garage is full of 'stuff'
  5. Brucey, sorry to hear you're still having trouble with the Techno. I can't really add anything re the wiring but for the clutch, I did quite a bit to unravel why mine dragged and have virtually cured it. - I cleaned up the plates : most would say put in new plates but I just deglazed them (light rub with fine wet-n-dry - I deburred the 'wings' of the clutch basket : the teeth on the pates cut groves in the basket which stop the plates moving freely. I filed these out a little. Be careful, if you file too much you'll get nose/chatter. - I built it up dry : to check there's movement and that it worked fine without the engine running - I used PJ1 UltraLight Gear oil Now, the clutch drags when I first start the bike .... but .... I let the bike warm up for a minute, I hold the clutch in, knock it into gear (and the bike instantly runs off), I wind it up the gears to top and back down, still with the clutch held in. Usually (after approx 30 secs) the clutch frees off before I get back to bottom. And is fine from there on. Hope this helps.
  6. I'd choose Techno over Cota everytime We've 2 Technos and are really pleased with them They're pretty bullet proof and spares are easy to come by
  7. Thanks, Trials has been quiet on TV recently. And for those that miss it, it looks like it's repeated on Thurs 14/6 at 17:30
  8. You could also try BUMPY between Birstall and Morley, south Leeds ... www.bumpy.org.uk I ride there with my lad .... it's not huge but good for a 'quick' trip out if you can't get a full day elsewhere.
  9. ruffrider

    Beta Techno 250

    Welcome Mally70. There's not really a service manual available for the Techno. I have the owners manual scanned it, PM me your email address and I'll send it to you. As for running rough, that doesn't sound right but I'm not sure what to suggest. Someone else should be able to offer some pointers.
  10. There was mention that Crosser and his Xtreme Circus is booked for a Gala at Sherburn in Elmet on 19/5. We're planning to go over ..... Does anyone know whether it's still on ? What time is the Gala and more importantly, any ideas what time the display(s) are scheduled ? Thanks for any help
  11. Yeah, that's what I was looking at I can see the 3 cleans I mentioned I really want to believe Dan got a clean but want to check before celebrating
  12. Thanks for taking the time out to explain that HL, we really appreciate it. I was just looking at Monday and Tuesday results trying to work that how cumul. scores had gone down. Can anyone confirm, on Tuesday did Dan Thorpe really have a CLEAN round ? along with James and Michael. I need to update my wife ... she works with him and is keen to follow it.
  13. And there's still nothing scheduled before 21/5
  14. Not sure if this helps but I had similar problems on both my Betas. From what I gather there's several possible causes ...... - System needs bleeding .... looks like you're okay on that. - Not sure about clutch plates being warped but certainly if they get too smooth/glazed, then the oil helps to create a vacuum so the plates remain locked together, especially when the oil is cold. People have suggested deglazing them with some fine wet-d-dry, I guess you could try this to prove this is the problembefore putting new plates on. - grooves in the clutch cage 'wings' that the plates get locked into. You could, as I did, file these out but you need to be careful as this could lead to a little clutch chatter. Best bet would be to replace clutch cage if this proves to be a problem - Use lighter gear oil Hope this helps.
  15. ruffrider

    Beta Techno

    Manual says ..... Left Shaft (with socket head screw on top) is for Spring Load Adjustment Qty - 360cc Oil - AGIP OSO 46 Right shaft (knurled screw) is for Extension Adjustment Qty - 360cc Oil - BEL RAY MC10 SAE 5
  16. Just checked and, other than 1/5, there's nothing else scheduled before 14th May.
  17. It's drying up a little, Here's the Eurosport 2 Trials Schedule up until 1/5 .... Tues 1/5 @ 18:30
  18. Does anyone know what the grievance actually is that has triggered this ? Whilst we MUST support Mr Fothersgill, if we could at least understand the problem we could look for a mutually acceptable solution.
  19. ruffrider

    Techno Advice

    Hi Cleg and Welcome. I have a few pages of the owners manual scanned in. If you PM me I'll email them to you. This is a frequent request from Techno owners ..... If I get chance I'll scan the whole manual but that may take me a week or 2.
  20. Here's the Eurosport 2 Trials Schedule up until 15/4 .... Mon 9/4 @ 09:00 (sorry it's just finished) Mon 9/4 @ 13:00 Mon 9/4 @ 18:00 OUTDOOR Nigran Spain Tues 10/4 @ 09:00 Tues 10/4 @ 13:00 Wed 11/4 @ 09:00 Wed 11/4 @ 13:00 Wed 11/4 @ 19:00 Thu 12/4 @ 09:00 Thu 12/4 @ 13:00 Thu 12/4 @ 21:00 Thu 12/4 @ 22:15 Fri 13/4 @ 09:00 Fri 13/4 @ 13:00
  21. Outdoor is usually on Eurosport 2 and I try to keep a thread running with the scheduled dates/times. My small contribution to TC.
  22. Sorry about that Baldilocks, but I guess that's preferable to her wanting to kill you Anyway, I've here's the Eurosport 2 Trials Schedule up until 6/4 .... Mon 26/3 @ 22:15 Tues 27/3 @ 19:00 Fri 30/3 @ 15:00 Sat 31/3 @ 12:30 Sat 31/3 @ 19:00 Tues 3/4 @ 13:00 Thu 5/4 @ 14:00 I can't tell whether these are GMP or BST time so they could be an hour out Enjoy ......
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