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Everything posted by hulmie
  1. Thanks for that, the sections are great I would recommend your trials to every one. I keep forgetting that this is my first year on a trials bike, all my other riding has been mx or enduro, and I need to get used to the greeves aswell, I had to convert the rear brake to the right as it was just to strange on the left
  2. Thanks for another great event, looking forward to the next one, just need to get those daft dabs down a bit Andy
  3. This is a great technique that I've used loads at work I usually build up a nipple first if it's snapped off then weld the nut to that, also works on headstock races that have no lip to hit against, just hit it with the mig in a couple of places and cool rapidly and they just fall out as it shrinks the race
  4. The sections at the Peak classic trials are set out really well, so if I'm willing to ride my greeves round on the intermediate route I'm sure others would. A lot of riders at the events I've done have said it should be in my front room but as OTF says ''they are for competing on not looking at''
  5. How about one of these Alarm Mines combined with a baby monitor, this would scare the s*** out of an intruder hehe
  6. I wouldn't walk them first as you'll probably forget them, look for other people in your class and watch their lines to give you an idea of the best line, and most of all just enjoy the day don't worry about losing marks we've all been there at some point
  7. Don't know what happened there it's the first time I've sent a file that large before, I just hope Deryk gets them, I've seen on another post that he's after a rider list. I had another great day struggled a bit on a few of the sections but it's all part of the fun Andy
  8. Hi Deryk, I've sent you the photos of the trial my dad took to the above email address, I hope they Will be ok for you, if you need more info about the trial speak to the guys at Peak classic club (i've also sent the pics to you guys )they do a great write up of the trial Andy
  9. My old man's coming with me on Sunday so hopefully he'll get some pics (unless he forgets his camera like last time)
  10. Nice work Gazza, it will be a shame to get it dirty!
  11. I've got the wolf ones and they've been very comfortable, they do go a bit soft when wet don't know if it's because of the bare leather. One thing I would suggest is to try before you buy, I once saw a great deal on some mx boots (for enduro and trail riding) at a show think they were gearne boots and they were to narrow and the next size up were like clown shoes so ended up getting alpinestars which were great and have lasted over 10 yrs Andy
  12. I usually rinse the heavy stuff off with a hose first then use muckoff with a soft brush and hose it down then run it on a stand put it in gear to clear the water from the chain and then spray with wd40, lube the chain check the air filter and put away till next time then every so often I clean and lube all the electrical connections using a dielectric grease, have done this with all the bikes I've had ( mx, enduro and trials) and it's always served me well
  13. Ouch!! what are you building, my greeves was supposed to be a good one, in the end its had full rebuild on the engine, new ignition,carb that doesn't work!!,New rims+stainless spokes, tyres, leavers, grips, pegs, not a lot of change from a grand. its probably best not to add up all your bills
  14. Finally got a couple of decent pics of my greeves after a quick clean up from its first trial
  15. Try the ''Greeves motorcycles Ltd'' site they have an exhaust on there that may be of use to you
  16. Have you seen the one on the off-road mart would that one fit
  17. Thanks Larry, I'll take some extra tools with me next trial, I've just ordered a couple of larger jets so they should get me into a better adjustment range will try those first then have a look at the timing if the jets don't help while I'm there, it only takes 5mins to get at the timing plate
  18. By the look of the spark plug the mixture looks ok if anything slightly rich which is making me think timing as its getting hot really quick
  19. That's what I was thinking i'll have a play with the timing for next time, have you got any ideas about the pilot jet? but other than that it was a blast to ride, it turns so much tighter than my beamish
  20. Thanks liard i'll have look for that, took it to its first trial today and had a play with the air screw and found it would run great with the air screw all the way in, so does this mean I need a bigger pilot jet? I checked the plug after the first lap and it's a nice dark brown colour so mixture seems ok, Now may have found another fault, the first lap it ran great stopping and walking the sections but the rest of the laps it was getting really hot really quickly and was pinking/knocking under load so I'm thinking the timing may be too far advanced.... Any ideas anybody Andy
  21. Thanks for that, had another great day many thanks to the organisers, made even better by my greeves running well all day
  22. Hi there do you have a post code for this round as I've not been to this venue yet Andy
  23. Great vid, I'd like to see more of that event
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