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  1. Please buy the Can Am. They deserve to be owned and used, and you seem to have the right level of enthusiasm. See Chris Marsh at canned-ham.com for further advice from a reall enthusiast of the marque.
  2. tobster, thanks, that's kind. I'd be most interested in the bottom of the frame, the bash-plate and its mounting points and the shock mounting points. I think my frame is a second iteration of the Yamaha frame development, that had both shock mountings and lower frame/bash plate modified, though I may be wrong. I reached this conclusion from comparing with images I found on line over a number of months. Woody and Charlyxty are the only people to have commented to date, so I remain uncertain.
  3. OK, thanks. I'm glad I got it wrong... Any chance of seeing images of your Majesty? John
  4. Tobster. The tone of your question suggests that you don't think my bike has a genuine early Majesty frame. If I'm right, why are you sceptical? I'd like to have as many opinions as possible. John
  5. Here you are... I've posted images showing the shock mounts and the lower frame/bash plate. Any comments gratefully received (especially if you agree with me.) The bike still has Girling gas shocks, as you can see. It has a 175 engine of standard bore, and the engine and frame numbers don't match, so I've concluded that, if it is a Majesty frame, it was probably bought as a frame kit and was never a 200. Does that make sense to you experts? On one image you'll see the yellow paint showing through - and yes, it's a pale yellow. Subjectively it's more like the RAL1016 that Woody mentioned. I know this is nit-picky stuff, and I apologise to those members who aren't much bothered what shade of yellow was used. It may help restorers, though.
  6. I've recently bought a TY175 that has what I believe to be an (early) Majesty frame, with the frame modifications (upper shock mountings, lower frame/bash plate) found on these. It's been yellow, overpainted silver, so I'm sure that I'll be able to get at enough of the original (?) yellow paint to get a colour match done at a paint specialist. If I do, I'll post the results here. Meanwhile, does anybody know what shade of yellow was used? I've already posted that Paul Cowley, of Shedworks, uses RAL1003, Signal Yellow, for the yellow replica components he makes. And does anyone know who did the original paint finish on the Majesty frames? Thanks. John
  7. jesb

    Works Majesty

    Kevin, thanks, I'll do that. And when I get round to dismantling the bike in question, for re-painting, I'll get a colour sample done and post it here. Incidentally, I recently asked Paul Cowley, of Shedworks, what shade of yellow he uses for the TY replica parts he makes. He told me he uses RAL1003, which is also known as Signal Yellow. John
  8. Greetings to all TY owners/enthusiasts. I've been reading the posts here for six months or so, but didn't dare join until I'd bought and taken apart a TY175E and gained some limited knowledge of the things. I've really appreciated the posts I've read to date, and send my thanks to everyone who's posted here. Even those that don't make sense... Until now I've just been an trials Observer for a local club in Warwickshire (Leamington Victory), to do a favour for a friend, and I enjoyed the spirit of the events, and the enthusiasm and cameraderie of the participants, so much that I went one stage further and got a TY175. Well, two, actually, as I've got the bug, and found a second TY175, this time with what I believe to be a Majesty frame. I'll post on this later, as I'd like to know more about it. Thanks once again, and keep posting. I hope that one day soon I'll have something to contribute as well as questions to ask - though don't hold your breath...
  9. jesb

    Works Majesty

    Thanks so much for the images and observations. They're fascinating, and add to the history of TYs and Majesty. Did you get a colour match for the Majesty yellow before you had the frame blasted? I'd like to have an authentic colour reference as I've just obtained a TY175 with what I believe to be a Majesty frame. Like yours it has yellow under silver, though I haven't yet exposed enough to do a colour match. Any comments gratefully received...
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