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Everything posted by robbiesty175
  1. It's all in the details, right?!?!? Well, once again Larry (lbhbul) comes to the rescue and made this fantastic cap for my kicker. Not only does it keep the rubber in place, it looks trick too! Too hot to ride, but never too hot out to admire this pretty Bultaco Sherpa! THANKS, LARRY!!!
  2. I'm kind of jealous that everyone else is sharing photos riding and such, but it's 100+F here, so too hot to go outside these days!!! But... Without the help of Larry (lbhbul) I would have never tackled this project. The mailman has brough so many packages back and forth, I've lost track! It's almost like an old M*A*S*H episode when Radar ships a Jeep home in pieces... But here's what I did today with my Sherpa: Larry totally (I mean totally) rebuilt this pipe and it fit like a glove! And using the hose meant to fit between the carb and airbox eliminated all the curse words I used while trying to fit other hoses. Larry also rebuilt the carb and added a cool tab to the air screw, for easy adjustment by hand! Also raised the tank up a bit to keep a safe distance between the pipe. Nice touch! Well, it cranked right up, idles like a kitten and pulls like a BEAST! Totally love it, but all my fun was cut short with dealing with family stuff, like sick kids and such... One day I hope to post me aboard this beauty! Thanks so much, Larry!!! This site has provided some great friendships (and challenges too) that are AMAZING! r
  3. Sending Larry more stuff so he can keep working and sharing his great work!!! That pipe looks awesome and will sound even better! Going to try your hand at welding the Miller midbox too?!?!?
  4. My cardiologist is totally supportive of my trials riding and even might join in too!!! Take is easy, rest, recover and then get up on those pegs!!! You've got some bonus years of life, so take advantage of it! And if you want to ride in Texas, let me know and I'll join you at some of our FANTASTIC vintage events here!!! RIDE ON!
  5. First off, congrats on making it through! Good to be on this side, right?!?!? Three years ago I had quad bypass. After recovery I got on my vintage MX bike, but it scared the *&@% out of me. Decided to slow down a bit, so started vintage trials. Great people, good exercise and realistic skills needed by me. You and I share our love of the TY175, light and nimble, right? Well, just stay on your meds, keep at it and enjoy the second chance you have on life. It's ever better than the first loop!
  6. I now split my time between the superlight TY175 and the super grunty Sherpa T350. Two too many? I hope not!
  7. Put a set of Betor rear shocks on my sweet Model 92. Feels better, but I still need a new set of tires for things to be perfect. LOVE how easy this starts up and runs. Just toying with the idea of a smaller front or larger rear sprocket to slow it down just a bit. But it sure loves to pull uphill! And once I find a muffler my neighbors will be happy too!
  8. If there is an afterlife, I want to come back as an old, beaten Bultaco Sherpa and end up in Larry's shop!
  9. Well, I promised Larry (lbhbul) that would would take plenty of rebuilding progess photos... But I got so excited about possibly getting this bike up and running again, I forgot until we made this video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pIHOS9eTU-I Probably needs some carb cleaning and a bit more love, but plenty of spark and easy to start!!! Thanks to all for the help and support!!!
  10. @shipdamite - I cut the back side smooth, as the cage is smaller than the rubber. Smooth like the 525 boot. The flaps are now gone. Sorry, but already installed, or would take a photo!
  11. Read this thread. Bought one used on an auction site for $8/shipped. Spent 15 minutes taking off the old one and installing this, after some crafty cutting. TOTALLY DIFFERENT feel and sound. Seems to want to go up the hill easier now. It might just be me, but this is FANTASTIC and totally cheap upgrade. Thanks to all for the great advice!!!
  12. Larry was not only busy working on my tank today, but also dealing with me calling every few minutes with more and more problems. I am thankful for this great forum and folks willing to help!!! Got back my cylinder, all nice and clean. And the new piston too, but turns out the piston pin would not fit into the new top end bearing, so Larry is crafting me some spacers so I can reuse my old bearing. That's above and beyond helping out, my friends!!! And Tripp pitched in too, sending me a gift of the rubber connection for the pipe! One day this bike will come alive - just not this weekend...
  13. I did have a free morning, so got buffing my newest parts and swapped out the rear brake lever. Anyone know where the old (less toothy) one came from, or is it homemade? Waiting on more parts... Enjoy your weekend!!!
  14. My falling skills made me think a larger seat might be in order... Found a cheap and nice seat for my "rider" tank! Love this forum, as Larry is helping (to be read: DOING ALL THE WORK!) seal my pretty, red Sherpa tank. Sent off my cylinder to get bore and new piston, so I hope to one day (soonish) post a video of it starting. I only imagine there will be MANY more questions/problems before that post! Thanks!!!
  15. Any photos before/after? DOes this move the top of the carb too close to the pipe? Curious and interested!
  16. I watched several riders go over a larger teeter totter and thought I should give it a try. Well, totally panicked midway and tumbled off the side.
  17. Like these? Got this set with some other TY175 parts. Keeps you nice and centered!
  18. You are right, feetupfun! This needs an insert to be fixed correctly, but I am planning on only getting the motor sorted out and some initial run in time with this tank. A cap off a TY fits, with a bit of plumber's tape, and is vented too! The red tank is just so pretty, I want to seal it before putting fuel in it. And want to make sure the motor, and all other things are taken care of first. Lots to do, but it's coming along! Thanks so much for the offer to help!!!
  19. Got some time today to lay out all the cleaned, polished and painted parts. Just like a kid playing Legos!!! Waiting to hear back about the hone/bore needed and then time to hunt a piston, seat and other missing parts. Thanks for all the advice!!!
  20. Today I got this (looks like) Alpina tank as a rider for the Sherpa. Noticed no threads for the fule cap. Any thoughts, or should I just find a big rubber stopper?!?!? Thanks! Next up is rebuild on the forks, paint the frame and lots more buffing!
  21. Awesome stuff, Bondy! For the moment, I was thinking about just fixing the top end and seeing if this beast runs!!! And to keep polishing so I can get this bike as pretty as yours! And bonus point if anyone can figure out if this is an aftermarket flywheel...
  22. The Bultaco finally escaped from the bike shop and wound up in my shop!!! I am so excited, but lots of work ahead... Discovered when you tear apart a motorcycle, they really don't take up much room, so maybe I can fit a few more in my little work area. But for now, cleaning and making a list of parts to hunt. And spent yesterday with the buffer. This will be a very shiny bike! Getting help for folks in this group has been a great help. Keep the advice coming! I will keep you posted!!!
  23. I really apprecaite all the good words, and even some reality checks too! Going to take a look at it again tomorrow, now armed with some great knowledge. Like REALLY looking at the crank. Thanks for the advice!!! And for today's update: Found the pipe in the back of the shop, along with some small pieces. Still missing stuff, but better than nothing, right?!?!? The cylinder looked like a hone would work, and measured at 83.72. Is that aready bored or close to original? The rod was nice and tight in all directions! And it turns with ease and no noticable sounds. Might be buying a Haynes repair book just to get me going, and hope to find a seat and kicker cheaper than new. But still not (yet) in my shop. Still working on a price! Thanks again for all the great input!!!
  24. Going back through some old photos on my phone, I was thrilled to see the end to the pipe!!! Just hope it's still around the shop, right?!?!? I do enjoy light and nimble, but there are days I wish it had a little more... UMPH!
  25. I guess one question I have is will this bike feel/ride different than my feather-weight TY? The guy at the shop says once I ride this, I'll never look at another bike again. I remember selling my TY250 for the 175 and thought THAT was a world of difference. Of course I will still be pushing myself to get to a 2 line soon... Thanks for all the great comments/feedback! An amazing group!!!
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