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Everything posted by robbiesty175
  1. I like that the numbers are matching, but since I have no idea about Bultacos, do these look right? I wondered about the muffler/pipe too. Understand the former owner stashed away parts to chrome, so hope to get the kick, shift and other levers. A seat would be nice too... Really apprecaite the kind words of encouragement. ANd gentle reminder to keep this cheap! Want a rider bike, and would probably have a big smile bringing this to an event. Thanks all and will keep you posted if/when I pull the trigger. WIll need plenty of advice AFTER I get it!!!
  2. I've been visiting my local bike shop a bit too often now, after spotting this beauty! M-92 model and needing lots of love, as when we pulled the head, not even a piston inside!!! I love vintage trials, and trying to get a bit better as a rider, and very happy with my little yellow bike. But something tells me I should try to rebuild this beast and bring it back to life. Am I crazy? Will it be worth all the effort, tears and getting yelled at by family and friends that I've lost my mind?!?!? But it's soooo pretty! Any and all advice is welcome. ANd I know this bike won't make me a better rider, but I sure will look cool! Thanks!
  3. I found these two 1w1 covers, just in case anyone is looking for one. I have one already for my TY175 and it's all shiny!!!
  4. Any thoughts to swapping out the TY250 flywheel into the TY175? DOes this lighten things up enough?
  5. Thanks for all the advice and great info! I ended up finding this bike a better life and new home with Huffman Restorations! http://huffmanrestorations.com/%C2'> ENJOY!
  6. I sealed up only one side, on the tube, of the smaller holes. Here's a link to a good explaination: http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/25367-improving-standard-ty250-forks/
  7. Took off into the woods this morning and the bike feels AMAZING!!! No twisting or feeling puny up front now. The dampening worked great at most everything I can do. Now I just need to practice and improve my riding skills. This bike is already better than I will ever be!!! Ended up plugging one small hole, using 10wt oil and the springs and preload as was already in it. AWESOME!!!
  8. Anyone have luck making your own bash plate? Need a pattern, or just use paper to form? Just wanting to keep this project cheap and easy (a LOT like me!) so advice is welcome.. You can even tell me how to make my own engine side cover too! And if anyone has some cheap spares, that works too! Thanks to all!!!
  9. These forks are indeed off a TY250A. Read somewhere that filling one of the smaller holes helps. Any other ideas?
  10. Finally got my hands on a very nice set of TY250 forks, to put on my little TY175. Tore into them and other than years of crud, look good. Here's a before and after photo, with a little more polishing to do on these. Other than blocking off one of the smaller holes, any other tips to get these forks up and running again? Getting new seals and just wanted to see if I needed to do anything else before putting them all back together. Thanks for any advice!
  11. That TY on the end sure is funny looking...! SWEET COLLECTION!
  12. Have the entire set now!!! Just rode my TY175 at Luckenbach, got my TY80 back from a BEAUTIFUL paint job and found this TY250 in a barn.
  13. Ourian is a genius!!!!! I spent and whopping $13/US for a new 11-tooth sprocket and waiting by the mailbox for it to arrive. GOt it today, put in on and dropped one link off, plus trimmed the washer, as suggested. The first time around the yard and my bike feels TOTALLY different! It must be in my head, but now full loack turns seem MUCH easier. I will really see tomorrow at a vintage trials event. Thanks so much for the great suggestion!
  14. This is off a YZ125X and fits PERFECT! No mods needed. Happy hunting!
  15. Looking forward to riding a Vintage Trials event on this beauty tomorrow morning!!! And my winter project is to paint the frame. And possibly find some TY250 forks for this. I can dream, right?!?!?
  16. My first trick bit is I found an old YZ clutch cover and spent a few days polishing. Next up? Maybe some TY250 forks to steady it out over bigger rocks! Will keep the TY, and if the Can-Am is cheap enough, will find room in the shop for that too!
  17. Why can I NEVER be happy? Started out riding (or at least TRYING to ride!) trials last year with a TY250. Too heavy, but a beautiful bike, so found a TY175. Love how light and stong it is. Until I spotted a Can-Am 350! My first bike was a Can-Am MX-1 and have a T'nt and MX bike once again. Please stop me and tell me I am an idiot. The TY is so pretty and nice. The Can-Am would look totally different than all the other bikes. And my riding skills are still in the learning/falling process, so maybe I should just have two bikes?!?! Hope my wife never finds this site! Love going slow and glad a friend talked me out of the MX dream and into trials. Have been very happy going S-L-O-W! Thanks for listening. Cheap therapy. r
  18. Here's what the YZ cover looks like on my TY175. SWEET!!! Now just hunting some TY250 forks. Or might just enjoy it as it is for a bit.
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