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Everything posted by power175
  1. power175

    Ty175 Cables.

    Same as my TY175 cables, you can get cables made for the corect lenghth from places however i don't know were. here is a good website for TY parts and diagrams: www.tytrials.co.uk www.yambits.com
  2. Thanks, shame as one on ebay cheap, the one i like is verry costy but the only one ive found on google. I'll keep looking out for one
  3. Thanks for the advise, I will remember that one
  4. power175

    2012 Raga

    If you can get the chance, start it up and listen for any unusual sounds. Make shure all lights (if fitted) work aswell as any other accessories. Check for any rust or damaged items from a closer look and make sure you can easly get parts for it when that time comes. a good thing to remember is to ask for a history of the bike and the owners book for the bike. Hope this Helps you
  5. Hi, Iv'e started restoring a Yamaha ty175 1976, this is my first bike and my first restoration project. I'm trying to restore it to its original looks to then bring to classic motorcycle shows. When starting it in the past it has kicked back at me and smashed the cluch/crankcase cover. I have repainted it and now starting to rebuild it but finding it hard to come across parts in my price range will a Yamaha DT175 kickstart and crankcase cover fit my Yamaha TY175. I will try and post some pictures of it on its way to a compleded TY! thanks,
  6. I had a TY that didnt drive but it only needed the cluch lever loosened so there was some play. if there is no play on the cluch lever try this, On the cluch lever it should have a screw with the cluch wire, loosening it until there is a little play on the cluch lever then tighten up the lock nut so it is secure. Hope this helps!
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