Thats right where I'm at. I was surprised at how upright I looked in my video (great tool video isn't it!)
As Sherconoob's great advise says, I also really need to exaggerate everything.
I think your doing great by the way Jimmie, and are an inspiration to my progress
Ive spoken to the really helpful club chairman of my local club, Yeo Vale MCC today. I've got my first ever trial coming up this Sunday 7th! wish me luck!!
what techniques should I work on before then? Also, any tips on bike preparation, stuff worth taking with me etc. to make my day run as smoothly as possible??
Your videos are really great, they have been a MASSIVE help with the techniques. However, my brain had forgotten half of it once I got on the bike!! I need to really get that foot out on the end of the peg and try and get my knees further apart! I guess it will come with time and practice!
Here is another video from today, taken a bit closer as requested.
I'm finding it hard to lean any further as the frame is against my inside boot..?
Thank for the static tips Mags, I've also got the bike in the house!!
Does anyone know if Sandpits Farm is still a place to practice?
The vanishing manuveure took ages to perfect, it has the added bonus of saving you guys the pain of watching me turn round badly after running out of room from over-jumping the ramp!! Lol.
Seriously though, thanks for the tips on leaning the bike more and slipping the clutch, I had been struggling with jerkiness so I'll give that a go.
How do you practice static balancing? I find it really hard getting up onto the pegs from the ground when static, without losing my balance. It's easier when rolling to a stop. Any tips for getting this? I'd like to be able get to a point where balancing is comfortable... If that's possible!
I'm in Dorchester. The yeovale mc looks like its events are not far away, there's even a meet near crewkerne next weekend that'd be good if I can get membership and acu licence in time??
Shame there's no practice areas, might be able to set up a little area on my friends farm..? I'll have to ask...
Hook woods sounds great, but a bit of a trek. Although I've got a three bike trailer so could be fun if I had some company and a couple of people to split the fuel cost with...?
Thanks Glenn for the advise and positive comments.
I've updated my profile to show my location, South Dorset in the UK. It would be great to have a riding buddy or two to practice with and learn from locally. Any willing enthusiasts ?!?
I'm not sure if I'm ready for an event yet.. Am I?
Fair point about the helmet! No excuses, should have had it on, even in the garden.
I've had bikes for many years and regularly MTB,
BUT... None of that has helped prepare me for trials!! Just bought and rebuilt the suspension (forks, swingarm and linkage bearings) so giving it a first outing.
It's quite a unique riding technique isn't it! After watching a few you tube vids, here is my first attempt in the garden! Any comments, tips, criticisms from all you experienced guys welcomed!
The rear brake pedal of my '97 Techno has a fair bit of slop on its bush. The bush is also worn but the biggest problem seems to be the pedal 'twists' when you push it down, before it rotates on the bush.
This seems to be caused by wear on the face of the pedal where it contacts the frame inner face. The pedal wear can be seen on the picture here (kind of 10 O'clock from bush hole)
All this adds up to my pedal travel being excessively long, and adding to the techno rear brake problems!
My questions are...
Has anyone else experienced this, and found a cure.
Is a pedal still available?
Could a rev3 pedal be made or modified to fit, as it has a more substantial bush with roller bearing to prevent twist / slop
Hi everyone. I've had many bikes over the years but never a trial bike, although I've always fancied one. So I've bought a Beta Techno '97.
I'm hoping to do some competition (but lots to learn as I've discovered it's very different to what I'm used to..)
Any suggestions of where to ride / practice obstacles, and a good club to join for help and advise from like minded people?
Cheers, Ben.
Here she is after a complete overhaul..