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Everything posted by shercosi
  1. deffo sounds like crankshaft mains done mine this weekend all bearings seals gaskets etc from splatshop was £100 ish took me about 4hrs steady away from putting bike ont lift to having her running again
  2. looks very similar to the early sherco ones that were mainly on the 125's could try splatshop
  3. If they do manage it I think it will take a long time to filter down to the normal classes
  4. looks good wonder if they can still make it sound like the yam engine ones
  5. went today thought it was ok deffo more trials stuff than in previous years the osset stand was mega and a good boost and ambassador for our sport showing what a good place to start for kids
  6. you can fit the earlier one I think, they are about £50 from complete from spaltshop they don't break like the ally ones just ask chris if you phone them
  7. Bps engineering do them along with all sorts of other goodies
  8. best man I know is bruce ruston he lives in nelson and unfortunately cannot put my hands on his no. at the mo maybe someone else has it and can pm you with it
  9. my point was it looked BORING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and would not part with my hard earned cash to go and watch it
  10. having just watched the coverage of the American rounds I can honestly say that they have made it positively boring to watch plus I think that some of our top club expert riders could ride some of the sections. was thinking of going to nord view this year but don't I will bother would not want to pay out good money to watch that circus be better watching Jefferies trial at least I wouldn't think I had been robbed
  11. Hi turbo when I am carrying my bike all I do is put her in backwards from the back and strap it to back door using the two rear most fastening points and pull it up to the closed door works a treat and never moves
  12. as the title says really have chance of a ohlins off a 2010 at a mates rates price will this fit my 2003 290
  13. yep thats the one cheers steve
  14. Hi all am lookin for the website of the chap who does modifyed frames and specialist parts for tl 125s in the south of france i think
  15. downloaded entry form just got fill in and send off
  16. shercosi

    Engine Paint

    surely 140 people cannot view my post and not have any suggestions
  17. shercosi

    Engine Paint

    Hi all am after a nice gloss silver heat resistant paint for the engine in my tl 125 can any one reccomend am going to dissasemble the engine completely and bead blast everything as the engine is a bit manky
  18. thanks for pointin out my spelling mistake 250 when i say they looked dodgy it was like the moulding excess had not been trimed back properly so that made me suspucious Maybe from a cost point of view he was buying in bulk because he had about 15 tubed fronts and about the same in tubless rears
  19. Went to rufourth autojumble nr york yesterday and there was one guy selling trials stuff and he had a large stack of michelin trials tyres front and rears which he was knockin out for £45 for front and £65 for rear. now my question is these tyres looked new but doggy some how i.e. they had moulding imperfections not been trimed properly etc, has anyone brought any of these and are they ok
  20. according to a chap from our club they were filming footage for a documentary about the air ambulance and the sort of events they get called out to it it to be shown in march and we are going to get a dvd of the footage shot
  21. it was true they were at our bradford trial today up at deepcliffe should have asked him when it was on
  22. custom colour in barnoldswick are very good the do a lot of race teams and stuff for minisport and i think hope tech just depends where you are in yorkshire
  23. Martin at sandiford off road can get you all the gg parts or you can buy direct i have done this in the past and its dead easy and quick delivery alternatively colin appleyards at keighley sorry about the delay in responding not been on much
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