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Everything posted by shercosi
  1. Does anyone know where i can get carbon frame and exhaust gaurds for an 03 have seen them for the later models but not mine
  2. where abouts are you based as i am from clitheroe if i'm near can help you out
  3. think they should let him do the scott on that could set a fast time and after seeing how grimbo rides that on several video's probbably a bloody good score on observation too
  4. shercosi

    Clutch Tool.

    do you have access to a air impact gun i have a small 3/8 drive one that runs off my small compressor removes the nut no probs just hold the centre of the basket with a heavy duty type rigger glove
  5. Came from a lwb vivaro into the T5 and didn't get on with it a all, will say it was more manoverable due to a good steering lock but the driving position and the seats were not for me got it new and got rid after 12 months and got a new traffic instead and would not go back
  6. you may get 3 bikes in a lwb two in forward with the bars turned into the middle and one bike down the midlle rear wheel first this is how i used to do it in an old shape scudo pete I stongly disagree about build quality on the t5's had one from new and did not like it at all my traffic is a lot better put together
  7. not wanting to confuse things but (should not admit to this) l am 275lbs and 6' 4" tall and ride a 03 290 sherco which is completely standard apart from tiping the bars forward to give me more room the suspension is as it came from the factory this l know as l have had the bike since new and it copes very well and when im on it can be very sucessful in the sections and is also happy blasting along between sections and on the trails.
  8. good on yer mate am thinking of a similar swap myself but to a 4t just out of interest what did you get for sherco as am about to sell same bike
  9. according to one of the organizers of shefield that i was chating to today he will be on the ossa
  10. Have picked up some new trials boots this weekend (forma boulder) and went to dig out my trusty dubbin only to find that its nearly empty. I have been using for years a brand known as "active dubbin in a tube" and have found it very good as its a gel type substance whch goes on easy and soaks in a treat now the problem is they have stopped producing it and was wondering has anyone else used a similar product that they can recommend thanks in advance
  11. Am i right when i say 90% riders ride a section no stop anyway as most of us cannnot hop and bounce so what difference does it make which way the rules are if sections are marked to be riden nostop then that must surely benifit 90% of riders am i right or wrong i'm sure someone will put me in my place
  12. Hi guys i have a tl125s which i am starting to gather up parts for the rebuild, when i bought the bike it was in a sorry state mostly all there but missing a wiring harness does anyone have a copy of a simplifed version of a wiring diagram as am not bothered about lights etc would like a supply for a horn as i may put it on the road for a bit of green laneing cheers guys please help
  13. rode the beg/novice trial at manor house farm today run by bradford club havent riden for a while and did enjoy it good to ride a trial that just the right balence of enjoyment and technicality well done to my club for another cracking event
  14. explains why he is the best in the world
  15. would i be right in thinking that sunday starts from grinton too
  16. thats good news looks like the old grey matters functioning well. I still find it entertaining that he gets a top side kick our (best man) dougie and he suddenly has a change of heart on what a proper trial should be I like that it takes an english man to teach a spaniard right and wrong
  17. Is it me or do I remember incorrectly didnt adam slate the 2010 trial saying that they were not proper world type sections etc and now we read on the front page of TC that he loved the 2010 trial so come on chaps am i losing my marbles or wot
  18. Hows this for rotten luck picked up my brand new renault trafic sport van yesterday and been driving her for around 20 mins or so done around 15 miles and whilst sat at some traffic lights a young lady ran into the back of it she said her brakes didnt work gutted is not the word for it I would post a photo but not worked it out
  19. Did a trial on saturday my first time over at bumpy near leeds didnt ride too well but everyone has bad days and was wondering from others experience how long do they usually take to post there results on their website. cheers
  20. go and see martin at sandiford off road near bury look at his web site
  21. I use dewalt safety glasses when doing road trials not to bulky and you can get tints as well see your local screwfix or website
  22. Just becaucse someone has had a bad experiance with a vivaro/traffic does not mean you should not buy one if you find one that you like the choice is yours I had a 06 vivaro that I used and abused everday for thickend of 4 yrs never missed a beat if its well looked after should do ok for you have ordered a new traffic (got a better deal on a renault) have been using a transporter for last 9 months and i just dont get what everone raves about its the biggest pile of sh*t I had the pleasure of using.
  23. Dont think the air filter will cope with all that dust
  24. Dont see why you want heavy duty springs i am near to 20st and dont have a problem on my 03 290 still running std set up have been since new
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