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Everything posted by shercosi
  1. Telecat dont know where you got your info from but bradfords new years day trial is deffinatly on spoke to phil crosby today and he said unless there is a drastic change in the weather it is on!!!!
  2. has anyone heard if the bradford new years day trial is canceled to
  3. got mine from pennine trials sport
  4. Wow me thinks if honda really want to go to extreme weight saving they just need to lose the front wheel bou doesnt really need it judgeing by this video
  5. Went down to show today and l agree that it is deffinatly focused on MX but there was bits and bobs for trials plus plenty of scantilly/lycra clad ladies to appriciate and the live arena display of bmx stunts, pit bike racing and stunt rider combo was
  6. Sorry but am going to agree with the majoirity thought the show was cr*p complete waste of time and money plus the fuel for the 250ish mile round trip plus the 16 quid for me and the wife for what i would class as a glorified 2 day trials meet wont be going back l can tell you
  7. Go on me is curious which former wsb rider are you refering to
  8. I have got one of the seally ones that B40RT shows in his post works really well pops dunlops off for fun
  9. The tank has all ways been flexible but now even more so it has also grown in length and width to the point of being difficult to remove and refit also fuel cap is difficult to get on and off
  10. Hi everyone got a problem with my fuel tank on my 03 290. My bike has been hardly used over the past couple of years and the fuel tank has swelled and gone really flexible i think it has been caused by leaving a small amount of fuel in the tank and the vapours have attacked the nylon type material that forms the tank. Now l know the tank is scrap but has anyone experianced this before and also does anyone know of any trials breakers
  11. Where are you based may be able to help
  12. Welding the bracket back on with mig or tig should not fry your electrics if you disconnect the wires to the stator plate and any earth wires and make sure the chap who does it for you has earth lead off the welder as close to where he is welding as poss You only do damage when you put the earth at one end of the bike and weld at the other hope this helps
  13. AS it turns out chaps the soultion is really quite simple. If you remove the tank and have a dig in about in the wires above the radiator you will find 2 wires about 2" long 1 blue 1 yellow which come out of the harness together with right angled spade conectors on end all you need is a 12v horn ideally from a trials lighting kit as the supply is A.C. I have used one from a montesa kit and this gives a reasonable sound.
  14. Does any one know what wires to connect an electric horn to on the harness of a 03 290 cos my mot man is fussy and wont let me use a battery powerd one I still have the original lighting kit and handlebar switch have looked at shecos wiring diagram and cannot make head nor tail of it
  15. For once mr dabster we actually agree on something bet she could teach us all a thing or too
  16. When I was younger I had a gollner 200 mono and a fantic 200 and never had a problem with my brakes, I can only put this down to regular maintainance I think the shoes that were used was ebc. This will sound like a bit of a ball ache but the day before a trial I would remove both wheels clean out the hubs and wire brush shoes reasemble and adjust up but this would give almost as good as a disks of the time.
  17. welcome newbie just out of interest is your surname hodson if so god help trials central cos that makes 2 of us
  18. I know this is slightly off topic but from a spectator point of view it was a good day out watching doug on an evo was supurb he made the sections look easy shame he didnt win !!!. Ironiclly most of the betas l saw were evos
  19. Hi everyone hope the christmas cheer hasn't affected to many brains but l need help with a problem on my 03 290 sherco which l have owned from new. The offending noise starts at about 1/4 throttle and increases in pitch as the revs rise. Best way l can describe it is like a loose bracket vibrating but sound like it starts in the bottom end and travels up into the top end as the revs increase. Over the last couple of mornings while the wife is having a lie in l have had the bike up on the lift and pulled her down top end off to check every thing in there and all is good. I have also had clutch casing off and clutch in bits only thing found was some side to side movment on the basket to sprocket that it mounts to not sure if there shoud be play checked centre bearing seems tobe perfect. Also been round bike with spanners to check everyting but cannot find any loose fasteners. Having already spent a lot of money on it hopeing to shed some light on the problem Work already done march 08 new engine mains and seals and water pump bearing and seal rebore and replate by stan stevens with genuine pistion kit The bike runs sweet other than this rattle which has only recently started and has been well looked after so do we think let it develop or does any one have any good ideas. Cheers
  20. shercosi


    Any sherco dealer should be able to supply one failing that try MRS who are the importers
  21. Why do you need 200bhp to pull 200kg of bike and kit, notice you dont mention fuel economy mr dabster
  22. Well Mr dabster the question i ask you is why cant you do it in a vivaro i have done similar mileages in my vivaro in one day with no problem and no back ache bet you visited the fuel station more times than i did. 750 miles on one tank no probs plus i get to save
  23. I think there are to many people with to much money if you want a good van that is good to drive etc you cant beat a vauxhall vivaro/renault traffic plenty of room and sensible money. I have driven all the main vans your vitos, tansporters and transits and dont rate them over priced and under speced
  24. Well i'm putting an old tl back together but have no wiring loom does any one have a simple wiring diagram as i dont need ligts etc but a horn may be good if i decide to road reg it at some point for the daylight mot. also does anyone know what happened to ferretflasher i belive he was very clue up on honda electrics
  25. Does anyone remember watching this on grandstand ( I think it was ) I had only been riding a couple of years and had never seen owt like it , remember thinking how the hell do you get up something that big, steep and incredibly slippy. This was my first introduction to world trials and have been hooked ever since its a pitty normal tv doesnt acknolege our sport yet they will pay millions for coverage of moto gp etc, ok moan over.
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